Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Good Sunday gang, I got a little update today. I harvested the Platinum Gorilla yesterday. The chore list is long today. I have 3 open spots in the tents so I'll be flipping the 2 In House Apricot Jelly's and I'll take a peek at the roots on the Neville's Haze x Malawi, that plant kinda scares me a little. She has a wild structure to her and may just have to flip her even if the roots aren't where I'd like them. Ok on to the pics:

Platinum Gorilla Harvest 69 Days

Bubba Hash Day 52

GDPupil Day 33

Thai Chi Day 33

Jamaican Day 21

A5 Haze x Malawi Day 7

I'm not sure what's going on with this leaf but it happened a couple days ago.

Enjoy your Sunday gang. Time to get busy it's the daughter's 29th birthday today too. Lots to do today!
Nice pics Neiko, That GDP and its bright white is a beauty. That Bubba Hash is next on my list for sure.
Good mornin bud! All is lookin proper , as usual! You a lil worried about the A5 X Malawi?? Afraid she will get out of hand some? I'm already worried about these four Sativa's i got goin. I'm gonna blame you...ya know that right?? Haha...just messin bud. Love the look of thew Jamaican BTW...nice lime green color to her...nice!
Enjoy your day and Happy B Day to your daughter too....:theband::theband::theband::cheer:
I did see some color in the sugar leaf coming but it doesn't show up in the pics. It's pretty dark purple showing. I've never really had a mostly purple plant. It's always traces of purple. I think the only purplish plant I've had was the BCP I didn't keep.
Ive had a few that show some nice purple but nothing like the Star Pupil I have going. After Overlord told me not to expect much purple in the GDPupil I was very excited to see as much as I did. Most of the purple coloration I get gets lost in the dry and cure and that is always a bummer. The biggest exception to this were the Dark Devil Autos I ran forever ago. This Star Pupil reminds me a lot of the DDA but I can clone it and keep it going without having to buy and pop new seeds all the time.
Good mornin bud! All is lookin proper , as usual! You a lil worried about the A5 X Malawi?? Afraid she will get out of hand some? I'm already worried about these four Sativa's i got goin. I'm gonna blame you...ya know that right?? Haha...just messin bud. Love the look of thew Jamaican BTW...nice lime green color to her...nice!
Enjoy your day and Happy B Day to your daughter too....:theband::theband::theband::cheer:
Thanks Duggs, the A5 will show me what she's going to do here soon. I see noticeable growth happening now but overall I'm not to concerned about that one. I've seen this structure before and I think it's going to be fine. I flipped the Neville's Haze x Malawi yesterday, now that one I'm not so sure about, we'll see. I also got your Apricot Jelly's flipped so I now have full flowering tents. The Bubba looks like I could take her in a week if I want but we'll see how the Ultra Dog holds out, she's ready to flower too. Have a good one bud.

Ive had a few that show some nice purple but nothing like the Star Pupil I have going. After Overlord told me not to expect much purple in the GDPupil I was very excited to see as much as I did. Most of the purple coloration I get gets lost in the dry and cure and that is always a bummer. The biggest exception to this were the Dark Devil Autos I ran forever ago. This Star Pupil reminds me a lot of the DDA but I can clone it and keep it going without having to buy and pop new seeds all the time.

What are your thoughts on the final product of the GDPupil? I sure like how she's stacking and the frost is quite acceptable at this stage. So far I like this plant better than the pure GDP.

Congrats on the harvest and your other girls are looking great per usual . Have a good day sir.
Hi there Kismet, thanks for stopping by.
I woke up to the Golden Tiger baby :slide:, that makes 5/5 on the seeds. They all had as perfect of a volcano as I could ask for, lets hope it worked and I have 5 new females!

That strain did well in the kit for me! I grew the fem version, but Doc agreed--the taste and smell was killer. Lost my plant when a friend's dog *literally* ate the last clone I was keeping, on the one week a year I like to give my 'keeper' genetics some sun-time outside. Real bummer.

Looking forward to seeing you grow her. She went a good 11 weeks for me.
What are your thoughts on the final product of the GDPupil? I sure like how she's stacking and the frost is quite acceptable at this stage. So far I like this plant better than the pure GDP.

I cannot say I have smoked it. I will say my wife really liked it. She could not describe the taste to me as anything other than "good weed" but really who that smokes does not enjoy the taste of good weed. She was excited about it and that is always a plus. It weighed out well for me and made some pretty nugs. She does not have the same level of frost as the punch crosses I have going on but it seems to be a more old school bud.
That strain did well in the kit for me! I grew the fem version, but Doc agreed--the taste and smell was killer. Lost my plant when a friend's dog *literally* ate the last clone I was keeping, on the one week a year I like to give my 'keeper' genetics some sun-time outside. Real bummer.

Looking forward to seeing you grow her. She went a good 11 weeks for me.
Hey Stoney, thanks for stopping by. I've never grown out GT. I've given plenty of seeds away but never ran it myself. This is the 3rd version from their R&D section, it's supposed to have more Thai in it. All those babies are strong plants already, just hoping they're girls now.

Great looking buds there Neiko. I can almost smell em here!
Thanks Van, I'm pretty happy so far with all these flowering plants.

I cannot say I have smoked it. I will say my wife really liked it. She could not describe the taste to me as anything other than "good weed" but really who that smokes does not enjoy the taste of good weed. She was excited about it and that is always a plus. It weighed out well for me and made some pretty nugs. She does not have the same level of frost as the punch crosses I have going on but it seems to be a more old school bud.

The level of frost on these new strains is crazy but I gotta say this one has a pretty good layer of frost. I have mixed feelings about growing and smoking just crazy potent weed. I think it makes it tough to enjoy some of the classics that have unique highs but not 30% THC. Pretty soon one hit of flower will be like doing a dab. I like good potency but most important for me is flavor. I don't mind if I have to take an extra hit or 3 when it tastes good.
Good morning Morglie , Neiko , Yeti and friends. Yes, agreed with ya's on the flavor thing. So very important to me as well. As Neiko said , i would rather have great flavor and taste,...and have to take a couple more hits....than have 30% THC , get blasted and not taste ,..i mean really taste the weed. Cheers gang! Enjoy the day...goin fishin later with my youngest.....ahhh, i can feel the serenity already...!
Good morning Morglie , Neiko , Yeti and friends. Yes, agreed with ya's on the flavor thing. So very important to me as well. As Neiko said , i would rather have great flavor and taste,...and have to take a couple more hits....than have 30% THC , get blasted and not taste ,..i mean really taste the weed. Cheers gang! Enjoy the day...goin fishin later with my youngest.....ahhh, i can feel the serenity already...!
Nice. Those days are the ones a nice pure sativa hits the spot. Sitting out and enjoying nature....:)
Hey Stoney, thanks for stopping by. I've never grown out GT. I've given plenty of seeds away but never ran it myself. This is the 3rd version from their R&D section, it's supposed to have more Thai in it. All those babies are strong plants already, just hoping they're girls now.

Thanks Van, I'm pretty happy so far with all these flowering plants.

The level of frost on these new strains is crazy but I gotta say this one has a pretty good layer of frost. I have mixed feelings about growing and smoking just crazy potent weed. I think it makes it tough to enjoy some of the classics that have unique highs but not 30% THC. Pretty soon one hit of flower will be like doing a dab. I like good potency but most important for me is flavor. I don't mind if I have to take an extra hit or 3 when it tastes good.
Honestly with the potency of most things at this point I cannot even take a hit lol. I have no clue what anything I grow would throw down for numbers but I know most are more potent than I need to partake in. My wife loves it but she can smoke most people I know under the table lol. The good thing, at least with the Punch crosses, is that the flavor is there as well as the frost. My GDPupil was nice and frosty in flower. Frostier than I expected, but still not on the same level as the others in that regard. Right now I am trying to keep a balance in my garden between new hype strains and some more traditional crosses. I have a Huckleberry Kush from Dynasty going along with the 9# Hammer and some Killing Fields. All of which have been around for a while, and while there was large demand for the Hammer for a while, I would not consider any of them hype strains.
Good morning Yeti and friends. Well, no luck fishing yesterday, except for a couple little rock bass or sun fish! Too many people around where we were...paddle boats too wtf!! We got outta there and went for breakfast..lmao!
Too bad on the slow fishing. I never have luck really. When I go fishing it is usually with the understanding that I probably wont catch anything. At least you guys got breakfast together and had each others company!
Too bad on the slow fishing. I never have luck really. When I go fishing it is usually with the understanding that I probably wont catch anything. At least you guys got breakfast together and had each others company!
Yes...your right Yeti...tbh , i really didn't give a hoot about no fish! I just wanted to be around my son is all!
Honestly with the potency of most things at this point I cannot even take a hit lol. I have no clue what anything I grow would throw down for numbers but I know most are more potent than I need to partake in. My wife loves it but she can smoke most people I know under the table lol. The good thing, at least with the Punch crosses, is that the flavor is there as well as the frost. My GDPupil was nice and frosty in flower. Frostier than I expected, but still not on the same level as the others in that regard. Right now I am trying to keep a balance in my garden between new hype strains and some more traditional crosses. I have a Huckleberry Kush from Dynasty going along with the 9# Hammer and some Killing Fields. All of which have been around for a while, and while there was large demand for the Hammer for a while, I would not consider any of them hype strains.

I sometimes laugh at the potency numbers coming out now. I mean really, what is the difference after a certain point. I have some Durban poison that is listed as up to 14%, and it fucks me up if I take more than 3 hits. I have some other stuff listed in the 20+% range that I could smoke all day and not hardly feel anything. Plus the high wore off in like 30 minutes. Do I really need 33% THC?

I get it that the growers out there that produce for concentrates are more concerned with THC % than those of us that just smoke. But really, I have had some amazing strains that were well below 20%. I am far more concerned with the smoothness, flavor and effects, not just the THC%.
I think there is a balance you hit with the natural stuff. When you hit it, it don't matter if its 14% or 28% you get up close and personal with the underside of table. I will take natural and flavor all day everyday.
Yes...your right Yeti...tbh , i really didn't give a hoot about no fish! I just wanted to be around my son is all!
Good on you bud! that is what it is all about. I really dont get out to fish all that much. As I said I am a lousy angler. I would rather spend time outside hunting but that is in the fall for the most part.

I sometimes laugh at the potency numbers coming out now. I mean really, what is the difference after a certain point. I have some Durban poison that is listed as up to 14%, and it fucks me up if I take more than 3 hits. I have some other stuff listed in the 20+% range that I could smoke all day and not hardly feel anything. Plus the high wore off in like 30 minutes. Do I really need 33% THC?

I get it that the growers out there that produce for concentrates are more concerned with THC % than those of us that just smoke. But really, I have had some amazing strains that were well below 20%. I am far more concerned with the smoothness, flavor and effects, not just the THC%.
Yeah I tend not to believe breeders numbers for THC at this point any more. Different labs will give you different results, some have been accused of doctoring numbers. Either because they got asked to, or because they feel more people will test with them if they inflate their results. Also they could have a strain that tests out at 7% THC most of the time and get 20% once (made up example) and guess which one they are going to post. A lot of breeders tend to pad their descriptions and their potency numbers as a marketing tool to draw more customers in. With the trade being a gray area, if not completely illegal, all around the globe, there is not much people could do other than spread the word of less than stellar results. Also there is a lot more that shapes the high than just thc percentages. Terpenes play a larger role than most anyone would have guessed until recently and the other cannabinoids will help shape it as well. I tend to agree that 30%+ thc may be more than needed. I have to laugh at the fact that 20% and less is now considered mids or worse. I grew up smoking commercial weed and brick weed for the most part. Granted most of it was not kilo press mexican brick weed and was better than most, but by todays standards it was garbage. It still did the job and at probably 5-8% thc most of the time. Getting Beasters was a treat and they would have probably tested between 9-15%. Blueberry, one of the staples of the last 3 decades for smoking and breeding is supposed to top out around 18%. If I smoked more I would prefer Blueberry over GG4 any day.
Good conversation here guys. I don't test as much anymore, unless I think they're special and then I'm more interested in the Terps. I agree about the entourage effect. Terps are what gives the character of the high. I too have smoked the dispensary 30% thc cookie cross and it wasn't anything special. When I looked up the test results online it only had like .28% Terps. Then I've had a 13% thc permafrost that was really good, nice high great flavor and that had like 1.3% Terps. More people will start to figure it out as legalization progresses.
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