Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Ahhh - thank you! That makes sense. I was seeing short flowering times everywhere and getting a bit confused, and then mistrusted the info (because of the many possible variations as you say). So this is awesome news. I have a garden spot in the enclosure that is super tall and crying out for a sativa but I can’t do a long flowering one cause of the season here (I’m just a little too far south). Maui wowie could be the one :)

I’ve decided I’m never going to do that. I don’t need huge plants. I planted really late last season and got plants that were quite big enough to handle on harvest day!

I’ve read a lot about it and just decided it wasn’t for me. I’ll keep the indoor outdoor separate and keep the plants unconfused. The only time I might move one is at the back end of the outdoor season, if I have something in a pot having trouble finishing ... I might move it into the tent then, just to finish. Apart from that, ne’er the twain shall meet ;)

Thanks for the info on the Afghani in the mix :thumb:
You're welcome. Maui Waui is one that confused me for a bit as well while I was researching seeds. It's thought of as a landrace from Hawaii, which would mean a pure sativa, but in truth, it's a hybrid that was created and grown there.

I'd be wary of moving any plants from outdoors to indoors. It's an easy way to bring in pests.

Taking them outside, you want to consider the light cycle length. I'm getting better at it, but this is the second year I've had a plant start to flower on me early in the season and not stop. Normally it's only a real issue with clones, as they are as sexually mature as the original cut, so they are ready to go. A seedling, will not be mature enough to flower until after the light cycle outside has gotten long enough to keep it from flowering.
Hey gang, time for the weekly update. I flipped the Ultra Dog today so that gives me 8 flowering plants again. My perpetual go a little out of wack waiting for the testers. I unintentionally gave the Jamaican 3 CAT drenches in a row. So far she hasn't complained. The Thai Chi is starting to fade and I'm seeing some nice deep purples and reds. I fed this one at 1 ml/gallon of soil all the way through and I got a pretty good post CAT fade. She had plenty of transplant in veg too. On to the pics.

GDPupil Day 47

Apricot Jelly 1 and 2 Day 14

Thai Chi Day 47

Jamaican Day 35

A5 x NMK Day 23

Neville's x NMK Day 15

Looking Nice and WAXY, Great Job

Been away to long needed to read 10 or so pages ? I am not in favor of the email notification system
I only got back here because I was looking at my WATCH THREAD LIST and noticed I had not gotten any
notices again or simply missed one ?
Thanks bud, how's the GDPupil looking? On par with yours? How many days does she usually go?
You have it her looking amazing! What @TheGreenYeti said. 65-70 days is best. I took her at 60 once, and a few extra days is def better.
Hey gang, time for the weekly update. I flipped the Ultra Dog today so that gives me 8 flowering plants again. My perpetual go a little out of wack waiting for the testers. I unintentionally gave the Jamaican 3 CAT drenches in a row. So far she hasn't complained. The Thai Chi is starting to fade and I'm seeing some nice deep purples and reds. I fed this one at 1 ml/gallon of soil all the way through and I got a pretty good post CAT fade. She had plenty of transplant in veg too. On to the pics.

GDPupil Day 47

Apricot Jelly 1 and 2 Day 14

Thai Chi Day 47

Jamaican Day 35

A5 x NMK Day 23

Neville's x NMK Day 15

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