Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

EDS as in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? If so you’re the fifth person I’ve met who has that.

Wait .. What? Yes i have Ehlers Danlos, the Hypermobile kind. Also Dysautonomy, IBS, and a list of alot more. Its like i was the example for what could combine with eds. I cant believe you know so many people. it took me from my 12th year to last april to find out what was wrong with me
I had never heard of it until about three or four years ago. I know a family group of a mother and two daughters who have it, another female friend miles away, and a guy with it as well.

As I understand it, it’s a diagnosis of exclusion, not something you can really test for and say for sure that’s what’s going on. More “well, it’s not these 12 other things, so it must be EDS.”

And because it effects a relatively small population there aren’t many doctors who know about it or how to diagnose it.

I feel ya. My issue is just a f#cked up spine and joints, but it was easily diagnosed.
I had never heard of it until about three or four years ago. I know a family group of a mother and two daughters who have it, another female friend miles away, and a guy with it as well.

As I understand it, it’s a diagnosis of exclusion, not something you can really test for and say for sure that’s what’s going on. More “well, it’s not these 12 other things, so it must be EDS.”

And because it effects a relatively small population there aren’t many doctors who know about it or how to diagnose it.

I feel ya. My issue is just a f#cked up spine and joints, but it was easily diagnosed.

Well your issues are serious tough as i have them to. Its crazy to hear people know others who have this. It indeed is kinda rare and among doctors is almost a myth in stead of routine. Ehlers Danlos has a 50% of inherating(not sure about the spelling) and has 12 or 13 sub types. The hEDS or Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos is the only one out of those that doesnt show up in the DNA test. Its tested due to several tests and has so many complications and combines illness that its mostly not recognized by doctors. since its a chronic pain at first, its easy to get diagnosed as hypochonder, people who like to have things. The biggest fight is the mental part where even family have doubts at moments.

We all have our fight and i'm so thankfull we dont judge around here:adore:

Chocolate update

Yes thats right, the chocolates were finished yesterday. it took me a few staged before i got the end product but here they are

did you know its like impossible to spread the chocolate even? First i tought i screwed up the dark chocolate. It got to warm to fast and i ended up with a chocolate caramel fudge kind of thing. Thinking i screwed up these little fella's ... it happend to be even better then the original plan! i covered it with white chocolate. then i tought to make fancy stripes with a fork... didnt work either o_O so out of the box i went again. i completed the dark "stamp"of chocolate with a plastic stirring thingy for icetea. all layers are infused with the mixed oil i made.

They turned out to be not that heavy, kinda smoothing and comfy you. The next round of chocolate wont be in layers i can tell you.

here are a few more close ups

These little hearts made me think outside of the box so much... ive put them back in it in the end hehe.
Acapulco Gold Update

So the Acapulco gold clone is a happy girl. The pics were made two days ago to show you how she is doing. She was flipped 27 days on the pic, today 29.

This seems to become my best harvest yet:cheer:

Also i found a few funky leafs on the GG4 i think... im a little medicated so i double check later lol.

Oh man...Im hungry now!:p
Hi NS! Ive bumped into you here and there,I'll just jump in and get caught up on my own time on your journal. Cheers!:Namaste:

Heya Archi, Good to have you here:hug: Take your time catching up.. its a few pages hehe.

Those clawed leaves look like classic nitrogen excess. Were they leftover from veg? Plant look great!

Hmm i have to check to be sure if this was the gg4, but i tought it was from the main top. she is pretty close to light and i tought that was heatstress. so i might overfeed them... its funny that yesterday i gave them water in between. ill go check in a minute to see how she looks now...
Chocolate update

Yes thats right, the chocolates were finished yesterday. it took me a few staged before i got the end product but here they are

did you know its like impossible to spread the chocolate even? First i tought i screwed up the dark chocolate. It got to warm to fast and i ended up with a chocolate caramel fudge kind of thing. Thinking i screwed up these little fella's ... it happend to be even better then the original plan! i covered it with white chocolate. then i tought to make fancy stripes with a fork... didnt work either o_O so out of the box i went again. i completed the dark "stamp"of chocolate with a plastic stirring thingy for icetea. all layers are infused with the mixed oil i made.

They turned out to be not that heavy, kinda smoothing and comfy you. The next round of chocolate wont be in layers i can tell you.

here are a few more close ups

These little hearts made me think outside of the box so much... ive put them back in it in the end hehe.

Those chocolates look delicious NS. :welldone:

Acapulco Gold Update

So the Acapulco gold clone is a happy girl. The pics were made two days ago to show you how she is doing. She was flipped 27 days on the pic, today 29.

This seems to become my best harvest yet:cheer:

Also i found a few funky leafs on the GG4 i think... im a little medicated so i double check later lol.

Great structure on your AG friend, she is quite the happy lady and looks like she will keep showing you the love too. :high-five:

I'm counting 11 there. And i agree with Intheshed about the Nitrogen toxicity, I've seen that on all 3 of the DDA that i have sewn and grown.

Cheers my friend, all the best to you this coming week. :thumb:
It's all good Van. I never thought LA had a chance given our shaky pitching. Congrats on the BoSox!
:thumb::cheer::slide::passitleft: (but the bong hit will need to wait another hour or so. Gotta go pick up Ms Stank and I don't ever puff and drive. )
Those chocolates look delicious NS. :welldone:

Great structure on your AG friend, she is quite the happy lady and looks like she will keep showing you the love too. :high-five:

I'm counting 11 there. And i agree with Intheshed about the Nitrogen toxicity, I've seen that on all 3 of the DDA that i have sewn and grown.

Cheers my friend, all the best to you this coming week. :thumb:

Thnx bud, i havent counted the tops actually. she got a nice defoil after these pics and i now realise i forgot to take after pics.

The leafs did come from the top of the gg4 almost. is it normal to show up in the top?
:thumb::cheer::slide::passitleft: (but the bong hit will need to wait another hour or so. Gotta go pick up Ms Stank and I don't ever puff and drive. )

Im happy to see you are responable brother. big hugs for you both:hug::hug:

I cant comment on the sports as there is no knowledge at all in that head of mine when it comes to that LOL
Those chocolates look yum!! Great job:)

My GG4 was very sassy about her nutrients. Those leaves have so many fingers!! Lovely:)

Thnx for seeing that to. i was so happy to shoot all those fingers, and all the guys just come up with the nute problems hahaha:rofl: nah i need that to big time!

the chocolates were completely different from what i had in mind... so its perfect:high-five: If they get more solid i would send some... but its really not the right product for it hehe.
I do believe in the power of our herb, but smoking alot for 60 years isnt cleared in a month so i try to be realistic. Thnx for helping out and try to help him bud:Namaste:

It will heal for sure and no it will take longer and it takes work. I quit smoking in 2013. Took me a little while to get it back but I'm there now and even better than I was even before I started smoking.

I can swim 4K meters without stopping now... I could never do that even when I was young.

Congrats on the ATF harvest!

maybe next year its better to plant them direct into soil... #treestyle:p

Bigger pots bigger plants... plant direct into the ground the sky is the limit. :thumb:

i traveled a hour back in time hehe

Only lasts a hour tho... with a bong hit maybe an hour and a half! Well it might seem like it anyway.:D

I love vaping so it was worth the price for me.

Me too .. I use several, the one I like right now is the xmax starry - its $89 US and for the price it's hard to beat. I just bought another one. Small enough for on the go and removable rechargeable batteries. A little pouch with no stink sack inside and an extra battery, I'm off to see the wizard.

NS - had to google "Ehlers Danlos " shit bro, that ain't good and there's other versions that are a lot worse. Genetics at play looks like?

Keep an eye out what they are doing with genetics and humans. It's changing all the time as they look deeper and deeper into it. One day Ehlers Danlos syndrom will be on the table in the lab and they will figure it out.
Thnx for seeing that to. i was so happy to shoot all those fingers, and all the guys just come up with the nute problems hahaha:rofl: nah i need that to big time!

the chocolates were completely different from what i had in mind... so its perfect:high-five: If they get more solid i would send some... but its really not the right product for it hehe.
I've been eating my fudge cubes mixed in with a bowl of ice cream!
3 scoops of cookie dough ice cream and about 6-ish fudge cubes.
Best bedtime snack, ever! LoL

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