Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

absolutely not so i cancelled all my plans and went for the free day. it feels way better now i decides to stop worrie about it.:ganjamon:

Besides that my morning is fine. i finally got the time to chill and read up on some journals. somehow i need more screens and a separate 420 mag room in my home to update and follow you guys. if and when i move to my hometown i am planning to have a small desk with the laptop on it standard.

one of the happy moments this morning... all the light green tips in the girls... they showed there first hairs yesterday.. second day since flip... i guess the acapulco gold really was ready for it hehe.

How is you day so far bud?
Woke up to find my 7 year old had stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. Waited for us to fall asleep and began the binge. I caught him at 4 am when I woke up. Little turd!

So... instead of working today, I'll be chilling at home with him all day. No way I was sending him to school with 0 sleep.

Evening fellow cloud members

I had a "Meh" day... so it was time to bake it off:cheer:

No better way to focus on happyness is trying new recipe's and enjoying when it works out:circle-of-love:

So today i made bio spelt dough today... not really knowing if i wanted to make cookies or bread... turned out to be something in between:hmmmm:

In fact it was really good in taste as it was more a cookie with more air in it..

Before baking...

After baking ...

The only non bio in this were the topping stuff...

Ofcourse i made some "small"portions...

In total there was 47 grams of my mixed leaf oil and about 25 grams of mixed bud oil...

The taste was suprisingly good and it good me pretty medicated... :thumb:

If anyone likes to try it just let me know.

It could be time to make a seperate baking journal.... what do you guys think?

Looks like some yummy edibles ! Send some my way haha !:rofl::popcorn:
Forgot the most important part! Probably cause I’m well medicated right now ! Did a lovely rosin press !

This is some super tasty OG Kush that was squeezed yesterday !
Woke up to find my 7 year old had stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. Waited for us to fall asleep and began the binge. I caught him at 4 am when I woke up. Little turd!

So... instead of working today, I'll be chilling at home with him all day. No way I was sending him to school with 0 sleep.

No password for their devices? LOL Might want to consider it!!
Woke up to find my 7 year old had stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. Waited for us to fall asleep and began the binge. I caught him at 4 am when I woke up. Little turd!

So... instead of working today, I'll be chilling at home with him all day. No way I was sending him to school with 0 sleep.

If that repeats, be sure he discovered a lifehack here ;)
Watching youtube all night and no school the next day.. man, doesn't take a genius.. lol
Woke up to find my 7 year old had stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. Waited for us to fall asleep and began the binge. I caught him at 4 am when I woke up. Little turd!

So... instead of working today, I'll be chilling at home with him all day. No way I was sending him to school with 0 sleep.


Sometimes they learn it young eh? be happy you didnt wake up with him taking ppm and ph in your water:rofl:

No password for their devices? LOL Might want to consider it!!

Those timers.... it might work hehe

If that repeats, be sure he discovered a lifehack here ;)
Watching youtube all night and no school the next day.. man, doesn't take a genius.. lol

haha i wish i had youtube in my time... tough i might have been distracted enough already LoL
So i have a different question for the oil peeps among us...

Today is not my day... so i decided to be nice to my Acapulco and defoil her a little... ofcourse those leafs were staring at me and i took all the leafs i had to make a new batch of oil:circle-of-love:

Now i tought to be mr smartypants and warmed up the oil and ovenbowl... putting the leafs and buds in there was ok... then i poured the oil in and everything started bubbling and making shshshshsh sounds... did anyone ever try to fry-infuse his oil?:hmmmm: the temp meter obviously was ready to put in, in stead of in there... so this batch will be a gamble... who knows its a great way to rapid decarb.....

i found out that putting my mobile on airplane mode is a really nice way to get a little calm to... so many bleeps, buzzerz and phonecalls.. everyone can handle today without me i figured... and its been a good choice so far. i even tought about tossing my mobile and go back to the old normal wired phone.... maybe a cave to go around it... haha never mind guys its just one of those days;):p
i forgot to mention this is my most mixed up oil so far... buds,sugarleafs,fanleafs and brenches... what strain? Acapulco gold, Royal AK, CBD OG Kush, GG4... and i am sure i missed one lol. collecting leafs for oil really is fun!
Yeah....may have been a bit too warm. I use water in my oil infusions so they don’t go over 100c/212F.

They are in the oven for 4 hours now and they smell amazing... it might not have been as hot as it looked... do you mean a pan in a pan of water? i did use this method, but putting it in the oven seem to be working more consistent for me. normally i wont pre heat things and it was a clear sign my head was all over the place.

I plan on some high dose caps with this oil. really stuff them capsules up and see how i feel.

Days like these make me realise i still think to much about others in stead of myself. ofcourse its good to watch over those you love but it seems to be story of my life that i help out others till i drop... but when it comes to self-care... man have i much to learn...

tomorrow is a brand new day:roorrip:
i know the theory buddy... i used to be fine all the time..or well kinda hehe. its a learning day every day.... and i turned a really bad day in a pretty ok day cause of the oil making.. the knowledge that this batch will help me for such a long time helps alot with that :)
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