Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Gooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon, evening and or night to you all.

I prepared a little of everything and i cant wait to show you.

to start off i would like to show you how ATF's are doing in a small pot outside.. to me they look fine ^^

Then i promissed you a little difference in the Acapulco Gold Clone… so here we go...(pics in B&W since i did not want to take the light off at that moment).

She is loving the new 10 Liter pot and she is growing great! the H202 seem to have worked for the tiny white fly's. i did spotted some yellow spots on some leafs so i keep my eye on her.

The CBD Euphoria from RQS ive put in the soil while my father was here came above ground! yesterday evening i saw the brench coming up and this morning she just said HI:D

The CBD Euphoria, GG4 and CBD OG Kush will all go in a 10 Liter pot. lets get a freaking brench-fest in there!:cheer::slide::cheer:

a update on the GG4 and CBD OG Kush will be here in a day or two :)

Enjoy the evening you wonderfull peeps!

Is the ATF flowering?
It is not my friend. I am planning on giving them some light flower feed. the light is getting less rapidly so it might do the trick to let them know its time hehe.

The AG clone looks great NS. Aww Euphoria is cute.:)
Thnx Bud, It feels so special to plant it with my dad ^^

Hey NS, looking good on the outdoor ATFs! Hope u have time to finish them with your weather there. They like to go a legit 10-12 weeks.

Thnx Brother, i think it will be fine. our "Winters" mostly kick in very late with mostly no white Christmas. so i aint worried about that. these girls are doing their thing and i wont do much to change that hehe.

Can you see the difference between the two? the girl on the right has been topped by its former owner.
So i went a little crazy this evening... i found there were some sort of spots on the leafs of the AG. After Praying backwards as my father likes to call it, i decided it was time to detatch the veg box from the flower box. it seems that since ive put them together the girls get more bugs way to easy. So off she went and since i aint using her at this moment i can chill a little before putting it back in order again. The veg box will be placed somewhere else in the room.

Before i did all this i transplanted the CBD OGK and the GG4 to a 10 Liter bucket. the AG clone got a pray with some soap in it to clean the wax layer of the bugs. at this stage i am pretty calm again cause i cleaned both boxes completely before putting all the girls back in there.

I had no energy left for a pic update so tomorrow is a new chance for that :p
I hope so to… probably the filters ive put in between the boxes caught to much or something… at this point i see some deform in the leafs and yellow spots with a light brownish transparent thingy? really hard to see with my mag.... ill check her tomorrow to be sure :)

Moving the box was already planned but i never got to it. lets go for a bug free future ^^
All sorted out guys, the veg box is now on the other side of the bedroom. i have to change some things so i can make it function again. it are minor things like closing the bottom gaps and make some on the side ^^

The flower box (currently running veg) is only having two holes on the top that i have to close. next to that she is fine and for now i taped it shut from the inside. the Euphoria is having a blast and the GG4 and CBD OGK are seem to have 0 stress from the transplant to the 10 Liter pots:cheer:

New medium is ordered and i went for a light mix. lets hope that might help a little with the bug issue. also i would like to see how the girls respond to that. I ordered two netpots to see if i can create a mini DWC bucket from what i have laying around :) prepare cause i found a new spark to DIY again :circle-of-love:

The AG Clone is looking good. she made it true the soap spray without any marks and isnt showing new signs of yellowing so far.
Evening peeps:circle-of-love:

I had the time to make some pics of the girls this afternoon. they got sprayed right before the pics so they might look a little wet LoL

The Acapulco Gold had a pretty massive Defoil since she got bushy as …. well lets stick to bushy:battingeyelashes:

As you can see all girls are green and happy. to bad i see some leafs on the AG that i dont like. yellow spots and i believe there might be some bugs... i want to know for sure before i flip her.

Talking about flip... i need to prep the veg box so that i can put some girls back in there. when i hit the flower mode with the AG i cant flower them all yet.

Lots of things to keep myself ocupied hehe

The order i made arrived today and therefore i got some more 10 liter pots, two netpots and some different bio nutes. these nutes just have grow and bloom. ofcourse it can be great to add every nute seperate i find it kinda hard to work with at this time. lets see if this one suprise me :)
What's your new nutes?

Its a bio from Plagron, based on alge :Namaste:

Good morning, NS! I've been pretty busy the last month or two so had to do some catching up on your journal. Your girls are looking great!! I wish you a bug free grow!!

Thank you ms Stank! those bugs really learn me how to freak out in 0.3 seconds:battingeyelashes: tough i get a little better in it. at least if there will be bugs they will have a lot to eat in those 10 Liter pots :bravo::yahoo: its Always lovely to have you over here and we are all busy... it all good:circle-of-love:
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