Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Gooooood day to all of you.

Yesterday i had a suprise visit from friends and they took me out to chill at there place. really nice of them and the benefit of this visit was that this is the friend i gave two atf seeds…. yes i smoked the FIRST ATF smoke yesterday. Really smooth and nice high, tough the buds were young.. 5-6 weeks. he had to cut it down before they went on holiday.

i did get a little baggy from him and he will try to save some for when my atf is finished. really really early harvest vs fully grown with seeds… i wonder what will be the nicer smoke :p

When they dropped me off back at home i just had one mission. give them the two ATF clones i had. one to give to my brother and one for them. the good thing is that i am making seeds so i have plenty to give to friends soon. seeds are legal here ^^

Have a great weekend everyone and have fun at the folkfestival all my Canadian friends
Me neither :battingeyelashes:

I gave away the atf baby.s because i had 7. now i can start one seed i promissed to start and 4 atf line seeds ^^

If they look a little to what i smoked last night its golden! oh wait thats the ag x atf LOL:yahoo:
Keep those seeds, let the others produce their own! :Namaste:

well if i get alot, and the chance is big considering all plants are pollinated completely, then i will give them to some friends here. its easyer to test them at several locations and conditions. this is all in the Netherlands so no probs there :)
Heya guys,

The girls seem to keep getting yellow. This evening i decided to give them a decent feed. nothing crazy, just a good feed they might need :) if they dont look better by tomorrow ill get some mineral water from a brand i know is around 6ph.

Lets hope the feed does them well :)

The supercrop was a good choice for the atf. Since the FIM went wrong( FimF? LoL) the top was way to tall. i bend her like i wanted and now a few days later you can see the buds facing the light exactly as planned ^^

The brooklyn is about one week away from harves, we will see
What a lovely weekend you had. Maybe the yellowing is normal fade? They should be close right?
Did you pop the special seed yet? :D

The special seed will be popped when one of the girls get wacked. finally got to the max of 5 so need to behave myself and not go over it :D

pics are almost here ^^
Finally some update pics :) let me hear what you guys think ^^

Looking great! I think your brookie might be done:D

Yeah she is, i could see some amber there this morning while taking pics… just want to let her mature a little for the seeds and then ill cut her. time to sprout some special seed soon :circle-of-love:
Wooop is there seeds in all her buds?
well... yeah XD wasnt the plan, but i might harvest all but the brench i pollinated… let that one develop the seeds and the rest can get jarred so i have a smoke soon...

i dont know how you do it, but you just made my day again by giving this idea! :high-five:
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