Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Yep! I’ll be doing testers for ya in no time!

you would be the first by then we start a 420 grow or something. my Phone screen went to heaven so you cant reach me direct at the moment. i guess my wild life standards arent matching my phone:rofl:

Hope that dream comes true!

my gosh that would be my biggest dream i can think of, life changing actually. lets start with these girls first ;)

@imtoasted would say: Calm down Jerome :battingeyelashes:

have a great evening everyone:thanks:
morning guys and girls,

since my Phone passed last night uploading pics will become a little more of a challenge. ofcourse i have my camera so pics will be taken.

end of the flower my father will come over to help me take some decent pics. he has been in photography for a while and i cant wait to share this with him. he is so exited and proud. also i hope there will be a good one for the pic of the month since the bar is so damn high with al the good pics.

have a great day everyone:Namaste:
Hey NS! Congrats on the seeds brother! It fun....except for harvesting the seeds! That gets old real quick when you have a lot.

the seed process of you came across my mind first when i have seen all the seeds in the make...:hmmmm: lets say a buddy of me is staying here temporary since he sold his house. he has to help if he want a smoke ;)
glad to hear you are liking it! Its a great strain brother! Ms Stank and I were talking......we both want to grow another ATF. But I still have a full jar of the bud to so no need to start looking yet.
glad to hear you are liking it! Its a great strain brother! Ms Stank and I were talking......we both want to grow another ATF. But I still have a full jar of the bud to so no need to start looking yet.

what if you cant find the jar? or you drop it? there might be a fly eating true glass… there is Always a (absurt) reason to grow a atf:slide:

did you try a Chocolate Mint OG ? i think you will be suprised by that indica power ^^
No I haven't tried it yet. Need more room and a higher plant limit. I have seeds for it and can't wait to run it, just not sure when that will be.

i know the problem buddy. when my brother picks up one atf i actually have one to much… so ill ride this out and then ill stick to the limit. its so freaking hard not to create a freaking forrest :eek:o_O
Hoii Just passing through to wish you a wonderful day!

heya sis, since when do you speak dutch?? i slept for a long time today but that long?!? :p

Had my first Calyx check today and i found a tiny seed :slide: this was the not pollinated part of the plant so seeds will be there :cheer:
Gooooooooooooooooood day to you all!

:slide:Picture time :slide:

Somehow i cant see the pics anymore, but the tekst under them should make sense lol. the girls are doing good, seeds are slow but there for sure and it all is just to long to wait for hehe. not every pic is sharp but better a bad one then none at all.

Does anyone see alarming yellow in the Acapulco?

top of the afternoon mr.Spirit and how does this day find you, knee deep in green stuff hopefully....haha. Your girls are looking amazing and the oil 2 pages back just looks yum....

Please say hi to ms.Spirit for me please.....

Thnx smeeg, i had a busy day tbh so i will chill it out this evening hehe. me and ms spirit arent me and ms spirit anymore… so its me and the girls now. oh and ofcourse the animals.

Looking on point, your BSA looks a lot like mine in flower structure. The Acapulco looks like it could use a shot of nitrogen, is the PH ok?

I tought that to about the bsa, only you made a beast out of it lol. i need to upgrade my auto skills. i ought the ph was allright but then i didnt ph anymore and now my ph runned out of battery.. so i have to do it on touch for now and find some new battery's soon.

Looks great bro! Can’t wait to see that atf bounce right back:)

Thnx :D well i used a plastic wire to "lock" it. that way she will stay down. if i didnt do that i am afraid that tiny crack goes bigger
Plants are looking good buddy.. got some frosty buds already! I agree the a gold needs something.. still looks nice though.:thumb:

well it took me some time to figure this one out... ofcourse the medium is quite new so that was the last to check... but when i did i read that the feeding is for 4 or 5 weeks. that means they all run out of feeding soon.

so went to the kitchen and my biobizz department and now i have to wait an hour before i can check on the girls. the lights are still off lol.

the frosty buds is all about the light i think? so far anything i put in there became frosty so i wont complain ^^ that under the skirt pic was pure for frost to show hehe.

the Calyx test was also positive. grabbed a random calyx from the BSA and it was a tiny seed indeed.

next to all the feedings i pollinated two different pollen on her and also did cs treatment... no wonder she was the first to go true all the feedings ;)
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