Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Oooooh there's a lot of early santa presents going around lately...What is your lovely new addition to build?

Ive been having these visions of my new flower box... that means i might build a new one next spring. Then i can use the old flower bos as germ box and tadaa more space. Maybe it's better to wait and see what my new house be like... Who knows i build a custom fit box:cool:

Prototype 2.0 will be Multiplex treaten so it wont absorb. 18mm. And bigger wheels. I need to vacuum under that thing and it sucks less dust in the box...
I'll be dialing it down to about 250 watts or thereabouts. It shares a circuit breaker with a lot of other stuff including an electrically heated hot tub!

Just dont drop it in the tub;)
Cant wait when you complete it:Namaste: in any case Its a real decent weekend plan!
Gooooood morning everyone!

All is good in Spirits hood;) Flower box looks happy and the CBD euphoria looks like her first night of 12/12 did her good.

The clones are really clones are really close to boosting some roots out... and even my Avocado seed seems to be having a blast.

Just cant wait for the Brooky to break soil:Namaste:

Is everyone having a decent weekend celebration?
Hey NS! Congrats on MOTM nomination!

Thank you so much bud, The same goes for you ofcourse. Looking at the nominations i can only feel humble that i stand together with wonderfull and well respected members. Any place in that top 5 is a win for me. :welldone:

Same to you Dutchie! You guys are both killing it around here.

You are just so kind Preston! Its kinda weird not knowing who sended the message. On the other side its so exiting someone takes the time to "promote" you... just insanely sweet:circle-of-love:

Last week i had so much negative news while i am doing so good on other fronts. This just made me realis, Its time to accept people might appreciate me:battingeyelashes:
(NOT my strongest part)

Ahh thanks P! Means a lot my man! Can’t wait to expand my knowledge further and have a blast while doing it with all you amazing folks!

I appreciate you NS and I’m sure many others do to!

Getting ready for the party early eh! Hahaha

Thank you, I know people do... but feeling it is hard sometimes. I do have the feelings towards others. Its a long battle of learning how to take care of myself. Body and mind.

We'll get there in the end. And if not, grow some more:yummy:
I'll be dialing it down to about 250 watts or thereabouts. It shares a circuit breaker with a lot of other stuff including an electrically heated hot tub!
What is your fuse 20 amp you are running it on have you checked to make sure your not overloading it ?
Gooooood morning everyone!

All is good in Spirits hood;) Flower box looks happy and the CBD euphoria looks like her first night of 12/12 did her good.

The clones are really clones are really close to boosting some roots out... and even my Avocado seed seems to be having a blast.

Just cant wait for the Brooky to break soil:Namaste:

Is everyone having a decent weekend celebration?
I was til I lost my cool on way home form
Date night with the wife some dude or girl person behind us was ridin wife ass she was flipping out I told her to relax let him hit her. Following to close . His fault .

Then she lost it on me was like really ?

Then he passed and she starts to lay on the pedal and say let’s see how he likes it?

I said no stop Erin forget about it this road rage she has is going to get her in an accident one day .

As a truckr by trade and I spend lots of time on the road we have to learn to move on from bad drivers . Hey I’ve done what she has done but worse . Long story. Let’s say I ate my steer long shell on tow truck due llde big big boy. Scared maybe a bit dumb enough to prove my point yup me.

He jammed breaks after cutting me off smirking at me and literally instigating me for no reason I swear .

I was like fuck this dude and as going around on on ramp to busy 401 hwy series in Canada google it. Nightmare .
I always say you don’t live it you survive it driving on it that is.

Anyways he slams breaks I hit my face off steering wheel and lunch box flys . Should have saw it coming but I was so pissed off ready to get out kick his knee out or but shot this gym head dick.

So we merge on to hwy and I catch up to him he is in right lane I had to get last thing in grabbed a full water bottle rolled pass window down his window driver side down .

I called him a ducking goof and said to pull over big tough guy.

He smirked at me and I whipped as hard as I could and watched it it him . Then I turned and left .

This guy got the better of me . But if you were there you guys probably would have killed this idiot .

Anyways long story but point is over the years I’ve realized it ain’t worth it .

Someone pisses you off just try to shake it off as best as you can and think of something positive. Hard not easy thing to do trust me still trying to perfect it .

So yeah now I haven’t talked to wife since Thursday night came home and threw a temper tantrum one would say . Problem
Is my anger gets to a certain point and I hate feeling those feeling I get even more mad and bang black out it was bad here .

Now I got to go to a party tonight where townold co workers o can’t stand are going to be there but I want to see my bosses baby girl. So taking it for the team.

So good weekend meh.

Maybe it gets better

Oh I did sit at the water that night I fought had few brews too and wanted to drive my car into the lake ice lock Doors , the end .

Nope instead I drank a beer and tried to find the leaf game .

Only had the one beer in car still shouldn’t have but anger and rad buzzed already from previous beers that night .

I hate anger , I hate sadness .

Okay I need to a coffee wife just told me last night my dog Mya are half a bag of pastcheios the nuts well this morning I come down stairs and two running poops with full shells and all she sat by the gate in kitchen so she was tellling me she tried .

I want mad at her just disappointed as try to teach her no eat of living room table.

Well she leaned her lesson now I bet.

Going to take her for a walk as that helps her stool movements and see if I can get her to get rid of anything else .

Okay joe shut up let someone else talk.
Hey buddy,

I'm so sorry to hear that things aint really rolling smoothly over there. What i read true the story is that you got mad at yourself for letting it get to you. Its so hard when that happens to step back and look at it objectively. Easyer said then done. One thing i need to point out is if you ever have those lake feelings again, call me. My number will be in you message box. You are such a worthy soul and like many other great humans you have not even the slightest idea of how great i think of you. Thats not a blame buddy, taking care of yourself and beeing kind is a day to day struggle for me to.

Whatever happens, your wife has your back i am sure and you have her's in the end. Dont let a negative evening come between that strong relationship you have build over the years.

I love you like my brother Joe, And keep your head up, you are worth it:hug::circle-of-love::hug:
@Kingjoe83 i used to be like that, road rage is real. So many idiots out there, at the end of the day all we really have is the ones we love. Just take care of your home life and let the idiots do what they do. Karma is a real MF'r and will deal with the idiots.
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