Natural Spirit's Grafting Journey Of 2019

Great thread. One thing that I can't stop contemplating is that when we want to dry out our weed we hang them upside down. The nature of the willow is to well... "weep". As I think I brought up to you in another thread; could a vertically grafted cannabis cutting have a better chance if it were grafted directly onto the stump of willow rootstock? Food for thought for another time.
Good luck. Hope it works out.
Great thread. One thing that I can't stop contemplating is that when we want to dry out our weed we hang them upside down. The nature of the willow is to well... "weep". As I think I brought up to you in another thread; could a vertically grafted cannabis cutting have a better chance if it were grafted directly onto the stump of willow rootstock? Food for thought for another time.
Good luck. Hope it works out.

Welcome Lizard and thanks for putting in toughts right away:goodjob:

You absolutely have a point! more then one maybe... grafting horizontally is something i havent tought about. Putting the brench upside down makes the weight lean on the graft so maybe its even better?:hmmmm:

Most of the things happening are a result of me thinking of doing that on the spot. The willow was bought after me thinking about it and 0 research. Somehow that makes it more fun to me. LEts see where it takes us.

Beeing in here i have been doing a little research and found several family related plants i might be able to use. The most interested one to me? Hop, not just the kind to make beer from, the one with the cbd found in it. The official name Humulus yunnanensis and then a phenotype from it.

Will i ever find those genetics? i have no clue... but i keep searching till i do ^^ Also a small avocado will be grown indoors to see if i can graft some on there..

All are just rattle's going in my head and mostly it comes out in a random order. i love that:yahoo:
Wow what an interesting thread. Just brilliant fun but with so much potential. I read that Japanese Maple has a slow growing root system and are often graft to willow root systems enabling faster production of market size trees. Really hope this works for you. I’m definitely following this.
Wow what an interesting thread. Just brilliant fun but with so much potential. I read that Japanese Maple has a slow growing root system and are often graft to willow root systems enabling faster production of market size trees. Really hope this works for you. I’m definitely following this.
Welcome LD, and i’m Happy to spark another creative brain with This journal. I made pics 30 mins ago, the stem is still green so I have hope :) the Japanese maple would become a bonsai for me. Not Sure If I can tough like the avocado. If they want to grow, they grow Hehe.

If you have any questions or hints, Please do Share... it was created by a weird brain rattle, not a study ;)
So the graft looks sad but the main brench is still green. Should I Remove the brown part? I am kinda carefull with touching her...

Also the pic with the circle might show new growth? Or almost new growth? We Will see :)
It ain't over 'til it's over, and it doesn't look like it's over yet. :D
Hey man, definitely an interesting thread.

One idea - no clue if these will work - may make sense and have an impact:

How about turning the clone vertical immediately after the graft so the leaves are facing the light? Or put a few small T5’s on something elevated on the ground facing upward so the clone tries to grow (down) into it. It’s possible light, or lack thereof could play a significant role. If you’re already doing this, disregard, but Green Lizards comment got me thinking and just wanted to throw this out.

Cool thread nonetheless, hope it’s successful!
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