Natural Spirit's Grafting Journey Of 2019

Haha is it that exiting buddy? I'd like to wait till she is all good to go. Grafting with a almost healty plants isnt the same as healty hehe. Its already harder to graft these two together cause it should be easyer to take two of the same family so "hop" or "hops" thats used in beer is very close to the cannabis, its catergorised in the same family these days.

Hops was used to graft before. The strong roots of the cannabis plant and the "innocent" hops look on top. According to the story the flower would give thc. tbh i'm not sure if it will work, but i have a friend with some of it in its garden so who knows that might be a nice experiment in the garden next spring/summer:high-five:
Oops on the height issue...hope you figure it all out!

Can you get voice recognition software like phones have? Then all you would need to type is the :emojis: !

Are we sure this isn't a spicy story?

Somehow i missed this message....

It probably is possible to do so, but for now the keyboard gives my hands some workout without alot of pain:Namaste:

The willow is doing better then expected... For a plant thats been "attacked" by the showerhead and repotted/cut... she is acting like nothing happend. Would that be a reason why the willow is so strong? it abillity to resist shower heads?:rofl:

Anyway she is doing wat better then expected so it might be time to graft soon!:cheer::circle-of-love::cheer:
Let the show begin!

Calm down pw, keep the fence in one peace will ya? ;) I'll be tagging you at the first graft for all that support:cool:


Now you just have to figure out how to do this under the light instead of above it :).

i'll tag you "below" that message:laugh: nah kidding, i just tought my eyes knew it was ok:hmmmm: Maybe find some seeds so i can plant my own and make it a bonsai?
Gooooood morning :circle-of-love:

Before the exitement start, i'd like to show my grafting scissor. The tool was bought online and it costed around 3 months before it came in. By the time it arrived i wasnt focussed on grafting so it got pushed forward.

The tool came with 2 extra blades so enough to graft some magic tree's:cheer:

I'll check today how the Willow is doing and maybe i can start with a cbd Euphoria brench?:slide:

Ofcourse all the dust and grease will be cleaned off before using.
Hope ya don't mind if I take a peak every now and then..

I've done grafting of cannabis to hops, and hops to cannabis. Hops being the closest in the family tree... Both took. The hops top and cannabis root,, grew hops,, and the hops root grew cannabis tops..

We were wanting to grow camouflaged weed. But we did have success. We even tried with tomatoes with some success.

GL and Keepem Green
That’s sweet, hope it’s a success!

Update is on its way:cheer:
Hope ya don't mind if I take a peak every now and then..

I've done grafting of cannabis to hops, and hops to cannabis. Hops being the closest in the family tree... Both took. The hops top and cannabis root,, grew hops,, and the hops root grew cannabis tops..

We were wanting to grow camouflaged weed. But we did have success. We even tried with tomatoes with some success.

GL and Keepem Green

Nice! I tought the hop and cannabis wouldnt grew mixed.. none of the grafts do normally. They use the base but wont merge with it. Therefore i wanted the willow, tough the not beeing family might become a hard part. We will see where we are in a while and im real happy you joined us for this fun journey:circle-of-love:

I believe Cannabis and Tomatoes are both in the Nightshade family.

tbh i dont think cannabis is a nightshade, but i'm not sure.

The Hemp fam ( Cannabaceae ) contains

Humulus (hop)
Celtis australis
Celtis occidentalis

They should be categorized in Cronquist-System (flowering plants) If you google this system you should find all related ones :)
Grafting Update!

Ok i couldnt wait and it seemed like i wasnt the only one hehe. If the willow looks ready... why not graft?!

So i did! It went fine i think.. little clumsy here and there cause its all new. Besides that the grafting tool is kinda big so it was a challenge not to hurt the CBD Euphoria. First i warmed up some beeswax to put on the grafted parts

Then i had to take out the willow and cbd

Ofcourse i tried with the willow first, 10 more brenches if this one wouldnt work...but it did!

Then it was a matter of putting the cutted cbd in the willow, "glue" it with warm beeswax and bag her.

The cbd got treated to create a quadline... lets give her a day to chill before i'll tie her up ;)

The leafs behind looked at me and asked if they could join the update to...:battingeyelashes:

And last... a neem spray and a nametag... i think i might found one gnat so i washed her with h202 another time to :thumb:

Wow, this is really fascinating! :goodjob:

OK, I'm still struggling to understand "why" we would want to graft. I'm cool with doing it cuz "if you can, you should" but the "why" still eludes me. :hmmmm:
Looks like you nailed it, now we wait.

Woohoooooooooo thnx buddy! The waiting is the hardest right? hehe

Wow, this is really fascinating! :goodjob:

OK, I'm still struggling to understand "why" we would want to graft. I'm cool with doing it cuz "if you can, you should" but the "why" still eludes me. :hmmmm:

I get that. A mother might be a more suitable name. The idea is to graft 10-15 strains to the willow. These genetics wont mix and Therefore you Only need 1 girl but you can take 10 different clones.

Beeing in a country that still has the 5 max tolerance policy Its hard to go beyond that amount. This gives me 1 mother and 4 girls at a time :)
I get that. A mother might be a more suitable name. The idea is to graft 10-15 strains to the willow. These genetics wont mix and Therefore you Only need 1 girl but you can take 10 different clones.

Beeing in a country that still has the 5 max tolerance policy Its hard to go beyond that amount. This gives me 1 mother and 4 girls at a time :)

Ok, I think I understand now. This will be a Medusa-like clone mother. You will only take clippings off her in order to make clones. That makes good sense. Thanks for the explanation. :Namaste:
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