Natural Spirit's Grafting Journey Of 2019

Morning peeps, I made some shots yesterday with the bag off, she looks sad but still alive... lets hope she will pull true:adore:

EDIT if you look close you might see a tiny brench starting to grow in a pit... but its hard to see on the pic. I just hope its a new one and it means the girls are connecting :D
Man i would go crazy if this first one is a succes. If not we just keep trying :D when summer kicks in i might find some fruit tree's in my garden that like to be grafted:p or just graft around the neighbourhood :rofl:
I have researched grafting between different strains of weed.
It is quite interesting.
This going to be something awesome.
Need to find a name for the plant and for the method...
Spirit's Mother Willow!
Congrats NS -- because I'm confident you will be successful! :high-five:
They're going to name the technique after you when it works!

"Spirit's willows wonders"? :rofl:

I have researched grafting between different strains of weed.
It is quite interesting.
This going to be something awesome.
Need to find a name for the plant and for the method...

Ok the plant name i already ahd in my tbh... i call her "White Willow" Now i just need to make sure i graft a WW to it aswell haha. The tought is that this should be a lady willow, the stem is more green as to male willows(brown). So the White in the willows name tells you its a girl! haha

Spirit's Mother Willow!
Congrats NS -- because I'm confident you will be successful! :high-five:

Thank you for the confidence, i'm not totally sure this graft will make it, tough i am sure ill graft my budd off this year :D

Maybe the process should have that name or so?
Ok jumping subjects here... Ive been reading about two headed creatures that actually lived among normal-ish- species. You might think what that has to do with Cannabis? Well... i'm not sure it does.. but i like to take a longshot here.

We all have our genetic misfits every now and then and wonder how they become mutants. Ofcourse the background of the parents is important as are humidity, medium and temperature. The last one is something i'd like to focus on a bit.

The animals with "double" heads were mostly created in area's where the temps are higher then normal for that species. Could temperature affect so many things in a embrio stage of growth? and could that affect the plants in a same way? We all know the seeds like to have it at comfy temps, but could we lower mutants with just 1 or 2 celcius difference?

I'd like to find out by research, asking you and maybe find out? That last one is kinda tricky as i need my meds to and my max amount of plants is 5. That doesnt leave alot space to experiment.

Anyway this kept me busy this morning and i wonder what you think:battingeyelashes:
The animals with "double" heads were mostly created in area's where the temps are higher then normal for that species. Could temperature affect so many things in a embrio stage of growth?
I'm sure the internal temperature of the mother didn't change so the embryos weren't subjected to a change in heat, but the mother would have been stressed by the higher temps which might produce more cortisol. Maybe that's what created the mutants?

And we know that heat stress creates all sorts of issues with cannabis, like early flowering of autos and hermies.
Thnx PW!

And Yeah there are alot of issues due to temps and alot of other Things Hehe. I Did found the particulair name for the bastards causing that, but stoner as I am I would have to look it Up :p
:cheer:Growth update!:cheer:

Ok dont get to exited... there is alot of growth... however it isnt in the graft yet:rofl:

This happend in like 3 days? it makes me a little scared.. what if i cant keep it small enough? well... there is a plan B growing on me..

Yes indeed! a Avocado baby:circle-of-love: Not related? well not yet... it might become a avocado mom? lets see what kind of freakshow we can make of this journal, in the end i proudly wear the scissorhand title:rofl::rofl:

The graft looks the same-ish... some leafs look dry, and they are cause i forgot to put the bag back on yesterday. The true challenge of the medication is remembering what we were doing LoL. Well she is ok, the stem is still green and looking at the growth explosion, the willow will do fine! now its waiting for the graft to show some growth:Namaste:

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