My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

I needed the laugh I got re reading that. Lol. I feel like I've been off and grumpy online today. I'm not grumpy but a few of my post today came off kinda dickish when I looked back at em. I've been logged on almost constantly since about 4 am. Maybe I should bong out and strum the guitar for a bit. Find my crunchy chewy nougaty center
I have the same proble:blunt::allgood::circle-of-love:m with this iPhone
Its a Korean conspiracy! The Asians are coming the Asians are coming!

That sounded insanely racist looking back. I'm like 1/56 Asian so its cool ;)
I have a friend who's girlfriends dad is Asian and he concurred.
My aunts dog is a Chinese breed.. so.. yeah.
Nice scrotum! :rofl:
Alright. Its looking like I may take on another patient. As a result mixed spectrum is out and serious lights are in. So I moved the 400 mh to veg to join the 250 and moved the 600hp from veg to the bloombox so now were running 3x 600 Hps in bloom and a 400 & 250 mh in veg. Break out the sunglasses and join the fun.

The jtr is on the far part of the tent (or back depending on pic angle) the middle 4 are the heavy d pheno. The far right (little guys) are my ice ibl project, ill make a thread on breeding one day I promise) and in the middle of them is a mendo dom mom. U will notice the absence of the pure chem pheno. She has been killed off due to hermie issues that just wont quit. She was top shelf smoke and produced very well but she would herm EVERYTIME and I got tired of dealing with her. I can't have her tainting my other projects with stray pollen. She will be missed

Anyway enough BS eh? You'll notice I went to town with the panda film in bloom this time. Got tired of people suggesting I paint the interior so I figured I'd do something about it ;) Haha.. onto the pics. The first will still have the mh in them but the last half do not. I will drag them out and introduce them on an individual basis tomorrow. Enjoy!

Aww schucks :thanks: lol
My patient dubbed it the "endtable ass of canopies " "I could play with my hotwheels on the canopy while I prune" Haha. He's in his 40s for the record lol. But once.u get his humor he's a riot. Can't fathom how someone can be some damn chipper all the time when they're dealing with something of such magnitude. Seems like it would be all consuming. But you wouldn't ever know it... maybe its the weed lol :morenutes:
Thanks man. I do my best to keep em green. NM the calcium and nitrogen deficiencies on the last 5 little guys they spent about 3 weeks too long in solo cups lol
CS, how are you training these plants? You're obviously keeping the low and wide. On some of them I think I see you topped them, but I don't see you tieing any of them down. Are only topping to keep them short and wide?
Oh sorry brother lol. I use top and lst to keep em low. I have pipecleaner fed through the smartpot to hold the branches out. I kill off the scragglers and allow only the most robust 4-8 branches (depends on strain how many nodes before I top and train.) I tie these to the edges of the pots. Once they've reach the edge and grown 2 inches beyond it I top each giving me. 8-16 mains around the perimeter. I allow the best 3-5 on the interior to remain and fill out the center abit as well. Gives a nice full look. Tho u get better penetration with a clean center.
They'll grow to about the halfway mark on the hoops above them then ill flip em once the tops reach the cage they will be soft tied to the cages so the don't topple when the weight comes on. The goal here is to emulate last rounds yield but without the popcorn. Ideally it will just be 48-60 fat kholas... I fkin hate trimming lol.

I am compiling pics at the moment to make a tutorial on my training practices. It'll be a week or two before it is to a postable from there ill update as it progresses and should tie right into where the journal is at
Oh sorry brother lol. I use top and lst to keep em low. I have pipecleaner fed through the smartpot to hold the branches out. I kill off the scragglers and allow only the most robust 4-8 branches (depends on strain how many nodes before I top and train.) I tie these to the edges of the pots. Once they've reach the edge and grown 2 inches beyond it I top each giving me. 8-16 mains around the perimeter. I allow the best 3-5 on the interior to remain and fill out the center abit as well. Gives a nice full look. Tho u get better penetration with a clean center.
They'll grow to about the halfway mark on the hoops above them then ill flip em once the tops reach the cage they will be soft tied to the cages so the don't topple when the weight comes on. The goal here is to emulate last rounds yield but without the popcorn. Ideally it will just be 48-60 fat kholas... I fkin hate trimming lol.

I am compiling pics at the moment to make a tutorial on my training practices. It'll be a week or two before it is to a postable from there ill update as it progresses and should tie right into where the journal is at

I will definate ly be subin for the trim lst tutorial. I got 11 days till trim and bondage day at the farm.
My goal is a 1 plant,400w, harvest per month and believe this is the way to achieve.

Keep up the awesomeness :Namaste::peace:
I swear by it. U veg longer and thus that (can) mean less harvest per year but what's it matter when u get plenty? Lol. I'm not aiming to improve yields just emulate last runs. If I could pull that each crop I'd only need 3 harvest a year. Factor in the outdoor ill be doing this yearand I can process all the outdoor into hash rso and other extracts to donate to low income and cancer patients. It cost nothing to grow outdoors in m situation so ideally ill get enough indoor backstock to keep te patient over endowed (lol) it will allow me to do indoor in winter (saves me ALOT on the air conditioner lol) and outdoor in the summer. All the summer would be excess I have no need for (I love growing it especially outdoors. Idc about the yield I just love to see it thrive) so it can go to a higher cause.

Question. U mean 1 plant per 400? Confused how you'd Harvest monthly with just 1 plant? I'm likely misreading and over thinking it. I've been sitting in my "bubble lounge" all day chiefin. (Banana chair with speakers plugs into the Xbox and I jam out to Pandora smoke hash and watch the garden grow on the security camera.. best therapy u can buy)
ooo I need a camera and an app on my iphone :)
Beautiful job sensi! +Reps
Wellnow that the video is somewhat obsolete it finally uploaded lol. Everything is the same just moved the lights as mentioned and panda filmed the flowerbox.
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