My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Ok no guessers eh?? Lol. Total take was 48 5/8 oz 2.3g and 13.9 g of hash. For this reason and many others iincluding breeding ability I will not be going perpetual. I know this means less action in here and less bud porn for all to enjoy but there was also no way I was hitting 48oz every 6 plants when I was perpetual. Pics later today
Ok guys. Dry weight is in.
For the legal protection of the forum and all involved I will be unable to do the quess my yield giveaway. But if anyone wants to take a last minute guess I'm all for it. (Hint: it was over .8 GPW)

25 ounces :)
25 ounces :)

Psssh. Maybe per light Foo. Lol Jp. I run 1600 Watts mixed spectrum in bloom. 1363.8g divided by 1600 is around .852gpw right?
Psssh. Maybe per light Foo. Lol Jp. I run 1600 Watts mixed spectrum in bloom. 1363.8g divided by 1600 is around .852gpw right?

I came up with the # based on the lighting in your first post and "(Hint: it was over .8 GPW)"
I just realized I looked at the wattage for veg period. oops

My new guess is 48 ounces :)

.8 GPW is ~45 oz. .9 GPW is ~51 oz., so I guess somewhere in the middle hehe

Nice harvest CS :bravo:

I know the next 9 weeks will fly by in hindsight, but it sure looks a long way off with foresight. I was planning to flip by this weekend, but I'm pushing it back one week to better schedule with some RL stuff. My 'local' hydro store is almost 2 hours away. I'm not heading down there for a couple more weeks. I want to take clones before I flip. I have the stuff to take the clones, but I don't have anything to put them in after the rapid rooters. I have some large growdan cubes, but I'm not sure I want to use them and I don't have enough to handle 2 clones from each plant. I'm tempted to take one clone of each plant now just to sex them. Would make this a lot easier to know which are males. hmmmm....
Haha thanks man. 2 hours is a hell of a drive for sure.
I've had relative success with placing a cut in a glass of water and.putting it on a 12/12 cycle to show sex. U might give it a try. It sounds like will be flipping the switch at the same time I was also going to do it this weekend but I just gave me another round of training and defoliation and they didnt look as big as I'd like so I'm giving em another week from Saturday
Haha thanks man. 2 hours is a hell of a drive for sure.
I've had relative success with placing a cut in a glass of water and.putting it on a 12/12 cycle to show sex. U might give it a try. It sounds like will be flipping the switch at the same time I was also going to do it this weekend but I just gave me another round of training and defoliation and they didnt look as big as I'd like so I'm giving em another week from Saturday

That's a big part of adjusting my schedule too. I know I'll be culling some males, so I think my bushes can get a little bigger without overcrowding the room. Hence why I am thinking about sexing a cutting. In fact, I think I will do that tonight. Since I don't have anyplace with 12/12 light, I can use the area I intend for the clones. This might work better to sex them now. Once I take the clones, I really won't be able to have a separate area to run a 12/12 schedule. Right now, I only have my 3 HPS lights in the grow room, and some old shop lights with grow bulbs in them (fine for clones and mothers). I suppose I could put one shop light in a corner or something, but this should work. I'm on GLR already, so the cuttings should show within a week. Once they show sex, I can just throw them away and the space will be ready for the "real" clones. LOL sorry to clutter your thread while I talk myself through this.

We could go also into town earlier, but there is a valid reason to postpone that trip one week, so that reason combined with wanting bigger bushes was enough to make me change the schedule. Now that I'm going to sex some cuttings, the delay is even more beneficial.

How many rounds of lst/defol do you do in veg? I have done 2 large 'waves' so far, but I also do a little bending and leaf removal everytime I'm in there.
Not a problem at all man. Make urself at home pics and randomness welcomed.and.encouraged here Haha.
That should work out great really. I use my clone area for moms males and sexing. Ill post a pic of it in a bit or tomorrow. As well as my training / defoliation techniques. Its not unlike nugbuckets "modular scrog" article in hightimes. I highly suggest everyone Google "mainlining " or "modular scrog "

Like yourself I am in there all the time and constantly bending and snipping where I see fit, it takes a bit longer to get a big enough plant this way but Rome wasn't built in a day. So I agree give em more time. Mine should be hitting the SS at the bottom of the pot as we speak so I expect and explosion of growth here over the next 10 days. The canopy is so nice and even right now I can't stop staring at it lol. Kills me to know that some will stretch more than others but that's the benefit of 3 lights
Not a problem at all man. Make urself at home pics and randomness welcomed.and.encouraged here Haha.
That should work out great really. I use my clone area for moms males and sexing. Ill post a pic of it in a bit or tomorrow. As well as my training / defoliation techniques. Its not unlike nugbuckets "modular scrog" article in hightimes. I highly suggest everyone Google "mainlining " or "modular scrog "

Like yourself I am in there all the time and constantly bending and snipping where I see fit, it takes a bit longer to get a big enough plant this way but Rome wasn't built in a day. So I agree give em more time. Mine should be hitting the SS at the bottom of the pot as we speak so I expect and explosion of growth here over the next 10 days. The canopy is so nice and even right now I can't stop staring at it lol. Kills me to know that some will stretch more than others but that's the benefit of 3 lights

I hear ya. My canopy is so nice and even right now. I'm spending lot of time training them now in hopes I can just let them go once I flip. With 9 different strains and 23 plants, all from seed, I know there will a lot of height variation. Luckily, I have 3 lights as well, and I can move the plants around to at least group the tall bitches together!
First time, I think, I have stopped in. I can see why you have a solid group behind you :cheesygrinsmiley: Beautiful plants and some real sweet photography too... plus reps
It is. I'm honored you stopped in man. As for the compliments... wow. I literally don't know what to say. After seeing the caliber of photos ur putting out(not to mention bud lol) I almost feel embarrassed posting my pics Haha. So to have u compliment them is mindblowing Haha.

Thank u again man. Glad you made it in :Namaste:
You are welcome, the compliments are well deserved and if I got out and about more would have come sooner :cheesygrinsmiley:... yeah about that, I suck at following journals :cheesygrinsmiley: sorry in advance
Well thank u man.

I feel ur pain I'm spread a little thin here (I honestly expected to be doing more helping than looking when I joined. I didn't anticipate the forum being inundated with amazing growers) between u Jon tg cultivator hiker and etc I find myself struggling to even update mine lol. I try and send a few likes everyone's way at least every few days . But if u guys have a problem or a journal in progress just know that I may not comment but I AM watching. I promise. If I have an answer to the problems or see something I have to mention you'll here my praises or advice otherwise I am just trying to stay up to date lol
Thank man! Happy to have ya on board. Gonna be a slow few weeks as they veg up for the next 9 days before I even flip the switch. Ill try and fresh in here with veg pics and tutorials and the like til they finish the stretch. But my wifi provider is having "technical difficulties " until furher notice so I can't upload any pics til they decide t fix it.

Ill probably get 26 days of service this month.. bet they still charge me for all 30. Assholes. Lol
Haha. Thanks man. Yours as well, I've been skimming over ur sig links the last week or so. Ill say hi.once.I'm all up to dateline promise. Happy u made it over here actually. I forgot how to spell ur name so I couldn't find you to get back to the "beginning to understand her" thread. Had to search for a minute, now I got it on my journal. Can't wait to crack open ur breeding adventures club, u have too many threads sir :) :peace:
Ok so at this juncture I'd like to stop and state the obvious... I get smartphowned and auto corrected a lot. As well, I seem to always hit the period instead of space bar.and don't.seem to notice until I'm like too many words in to fix it. If anyone uses this site on a galaxys2 they know what a horrible mistake it is to try and go back a line or two. You tap, and the screen jumps to some random spot on the page, you don't know where ur cursor is, so u have to scroll down find ur place adjust ur zoom again, fix said error then... do u hit post? No

You still have shit to type, as u just read, but you don't dare try and put that cursor at the bottom of the box, oh no. Such a move would be a rookie mistake. So u hit select all then cut and paste that bitch. Yeah... u still can't see the cursor cause the page jump but you know that its there. At the bottom where its most comfortable. Where it belongs. So u blindly type until u hit the next line praying. Just praying u didn't fuck up again

That next line brings such clarity. U can see again. If u screwed up... lol. So because of this I will kindly ask u disregard comments like dateline and scrotum. (My phone auto corrects scrog to scrotum) Haha.

I hope that venture is as entertaining to read as it was to type.. bubble time
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