My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

"I don't always grow weed, but when I do I prefer donkey dick" lol
Thanks man. Knowledge is invaluable but experience is what makes the dough rise at the end of the day. Keep at it and you'll be growing walrus dicks by 2014.
lol...ill be growing "walrus Dicks" next round if I get my lights in time.the only reason mine are smaller is the movers bro i cant wait to get rid of them.I originally designed that room around 4 1000w hps which work fine with movers i find the leds work much better stationary.Im still figuring everything out bro and by the time I do it will be time to move everything to the new space and start figuring it out all over again:lot-o-toke:
Thanks for the compliments. You definitely are a great grower.
Diddo brother. Thank you. U guys sure know how to make it hard for a man to enjoy a slice of humble pie lol.
Made a few videos going into the setup and my soil mix a little more but the wifi wont let me upload so ill post tomorrow after my data resets lol.

In other news, the garden is officially harvested. The last two came down today so we should have dry weights up in the next 7-10 day.
I couldn't be happier with the results considering how little work went into this grow. Put barely any work into the plants. Topped a few bent a branch here and there nothing big. Never went over 1/2 strength on the nutes tho I could have. It was really a pretty effortless and UN eventful grow and I couldn't be happier lol. Now let the perpetual motion begin!

P.c.p. (pure chemdawg pheno)below. She's. A lot heavier than I anticipated, what a weird pheno she doesn't lose her white pistils. Some brown off and the calyx will swell like a preachers d...I better not go there.. they swell lol. But she constantly pushes put new pistils I finally took her at 13 weeks.

From the left the first four are the tops from heavy d number two. She may be a 6-8 oz plant.

The two together. These were the last to be cut

The biggest of the bunch from heavy d 2. (Go ahead. Be jelly of those kicking ass pajamas lol.)

And some random shots just for the hell of it.

Two jtr hit the tent today. All theirs for three weeks then the next round etc. Excited to be harvesting monthly instead. I'm already tired of trimming and I got 4 plants to go and they will all need their final manicures too. (I trim in 3-4 stages)

Was hoping for a pound out of this grow and feel fairly confident that was done lol. Enjoy guys
I wanna do a guess my yield contest for :420:
Ill check with the mods first. But if its allowed maybe the prize will be 20 seeds from my random bag of seeds? 90% are plants I've bred personally. Likely chemdawg strawberry kush or jtr hybrids and he rest are unlabeled freebies I got from different orders. All mixed in a bag lol. I like doing it that way (I'm a big fan of surprises)
I wanna do a guess my yield contest for :420:
Ill check with the mods first. But if its allowed maybe the prize will be 20 seeds from my random bag of seeds? 90% are plants I've bred personally. Likely chemdawg strawberry kush or jtr hybrids and he rest are unlabeled freebies I got from different orders. All mixed in a bag lol. I like doing it that way (I'm a big fan of surprises)

Neat idea! I'll guess when you start your contest, but I don't want anymore seeds. I got a little over excited when I placed my orders for the new room. I have enough to last me many years. :thumb:
Neat idea! I'll guess when you start your contest, but I don't want anymore seeds. I got a little over excited when I placed my orders for the new room. I have enough to last me many years. :thumb:

i know how u feel lol, my last job was at a place where many breeders frequent, being the one teaching the classes they always seemed to want my opinion which translated into a mini fridge half full of random seed stock that i will never be able to get through, plus i dont want a bunch of randoms surprising me and tainting my breeding project or the like (i should have a breeding chamber come summer)

that works man all will be welcome to take a guess, if the winner doesnt want the prize i will simply elect the runner up or perhaps a member of the winners choosing.
i know how u feel lol, my last job was at a place where many breeders frequent, being the one teaching the classes they always seemed to want my opinion which translated into a mini fridge half full of random seed stock that i will never be able to get through, plus i dont want a bunch of randoms surprising me and tainting my breeding project or the like (i should have a breeding chamber come summer)

that works man all will be welcome to take a guess, if the winner doesnt want the prize i will simply elect the runner up or perhaps a member of the winners choosing.

I just reread that. I hope it didn't come across as unappreciative! In a couple years I will probably change my mind. I bought 6 strains, 10 seeds each, plus all the freebies. It will take awhile until I'm bored with the variety I have. I haven't even picked mothers yet!

I'm interested in doing a little breeding too in the future. I think I have the space for it, but I need the production facilities running well before I think about any breeding program. I'm considering letting my males flower out to collect some pollen, but I'm not sure yet. I've never made seeds, but I think I've read that the pollen will stay viable for years if stored properly. I would have to use CFLs (good enough to get pollen), and it would be a pain to keep them in a 12/12 photoperiod while there is still construction trying to happen down there. I need to get to know the strains I have before I delve into breeding though. Of the 10 strains I have now, I've only grown one before. We will see. I can always pop a few more seeds to get males when I decide to start breeding.
No man not at all. I know where ur coming from lol.

Sounds like a solid plan for breeding. +Rep for realizing the realities and all the aspects needing considered before diving into breeding. Do exactly as stated above and ull be a top notch breeder in a matter of a dew short years.
Well. The in laws stopped by and her mom was complaining that it smells like a skunk really bad "about 100ft before we got to the driveway we must've hit a skunk." She's adorably clueless lol.

Anyone else notice they've become desensitized to the smell of their own green? I never feel like mine smells right or like I'm curing wrong. Then i get on a bus or the like and everyone kinda turns and eyefucks me lol. Anyway I was kinda stoked to hear it smells so gnar.
Its only after cut. Smells like I expect it to then after cut the smell changes (obviously) I never feel like it smells "chronic " ya know?
Matt risecis a f-in genius I swear lol. Spent the last few hours making some bubble hash. Little greener than I'd have liked but its looking like full melt. Pics in the am sometime
How do you dry your bubble hash cannasensei? I'm working on a freeze dry method to try and get the hash proper dry. Did Matt ever reveal his secret lol? Last video I saw kept the drying method as "secrets of the trade" << which is what matters most, no? Everybody can extract, but his hash is so dry and tempting.
Sorry guys pictures tomorrow I swear lol.

I scrape it from the bubble bags onto a coffee filter, fold the filter over the mass then wrap that in 2-3. Paper towels the thicker the better. The in smash the paper towel in my hand then set it on a plate for 24-36 hours flipping it over every 6 or so hours. At least once a day. After 24-36 hours (once its formed a hard shell) I use a lemon zester to break it up.
I place that in the jar with the lid off for a day then close it for twelve hours then open of for twelve hours etc. Until its where I like it then I press the 25 and 125(?) The 73 gives me the full melt.
That read kinda confusing sorry. After smashing the hash in a paper towel I remove it THEN let set lol. Hate to be the reason someone molded up their bubble
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