My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Haha. I had one of those days a bit ago. Ur welcome to vent here lol. I'm a big fan of DIY (Jew.. frugal even by Jew standards) and it helps me better understand all the aspects. The downside I suppose is the learning curve and fixing the problems incurred. Let us know what u decide
Well if the Mrs gets off work in time I'm gonna make a run to the hydro store. A very expensive run lol. Getting all the crap hoods and old bulbs out of the picture.. I have about 600 to play with so we will see what other surprises may find my cart :D
Well no luck on her getting home in time. Good of it is I have another 24 hours to nail down a list. So far its
(2) yield masters.
Light bulbs
All the makings for another round of super soil
6" duct clamps
More drainage trays
And some more smart pots

Any suggestions? Lol
Not one? I should have a little left over after the necessities. Anyone got any cool ideas or side by sides they'd like to see? Or maybe a.product you swear by or would like to see reviewed? Speak soon cause tonight we shop lol
Got everything ill need. But will have some extra change and am always looking for something new so I figured I would turn to the good folk here for input and ideas
I've got a few netpot bucket lids I've considered throwing a plant or two into a dwc setup again. I miss the growth rates but I don't have the means to maintain water temps. I will likely throw a couple of the extra clones I'd normally kill into them and see how they do. But i have all I need for that so it doesn't count Haha.

The cost of a tank and.regulartor are likely to exceed budget.
That aside, I can not even fathom the task of sealing that room off in Amy efficient manner. I intend to run c02 again someday however it will have to be in a different space. This room would be more work than its worth. Love where ur heads at.. keep spitballing
Damn guys. Only a few hundred extra to play with lol.

Dirt vs hydro isn't a comparison man. Growth rates in dwc are so much higher than soil it'd be a runaway race. Idk what ur system is comprised.of but I did a side by side a few years back.of dwc. I prefer the taste of organic soil personally but I finshed 32 days faster in Dwc and yielded a half ounce (17%) more. But on a double blind with friends and.patients the soil was far preferred.

I can't do anything with c02 where I'm at currently. I simply do not have the funds it would require to seal and outfit the room to my liking (ill do c02 again someday but I found it a huge pain in the ass and wasn't worth the effort to dial in. But again I'm happy with my yields and could end up in illegal quantity territory if I get much more per crop)
Hey CS, what about something subtle to test? What if you did a side by side with some different soil/soilless blends? Do as similar as possible clone in various mixes? for example even split coco, verm, and perl or a mix without one of them or varied ratios.

I can't really think of what else I would like to see, but I'm sure I'll follow along with the experiment :)
I may run a side by side with Aurora's soul synthetics and advanceds sensi line. In deep water culture buckets.
Hi there Cannasensei Nice pics and setup you have. I read your making a new batch of soil soon. would you share ingredients and ways on it? If you have aleady sorry I did try and reads through your stuff. But I have been ammending and reuseing mine. Are you growing with fresh mix every grow?
Threads getting big. Had to dig way back for this one lol.

Ok. Took all day but one of the vids uploaded. Soil mix.

The portions and ratios are open to dictation still as I'm still experimenting so its just a vague list of amendments and the soil I use. I am making a repeat batch this time with 1 1/2 cups humic acid added otherwise the same. If things go well I will post the specifics for any that may be interested.

Subcools super soil mix is a great starting point for those interested in amending their own soil.
Take the time to understand what it takes to create a healthy beneficial ecosystem and provide accordingly. The source is up to you. I've used banana peels I've used potash. They understand how long each takes to breakdown into chelated goodness and build accordingly. Its go wrong with organics.

I will.fully document this next mixing and post
Ok. Took a second and found the last mix I used. Thought I'd take a second to share it. U will see its largely the same as subcools mix. (If it ain't broke.. ya know?) I will list my additives last. These are by no means necessary they are simply a few tweaks I felt would help bridge the gap so to speak. Super soil was great I just felt it was lacking a bit in minerals and acids as well the nitrogen tends to run dry a. Week sooner than I'd like. Anyways here it is. Enjoy

6-8 bags of base soil (I use happy frog ocean forest and mendo mix bag for bag. Any good organic potting soil will suffice)
25-50lbs worm castings. I generally use 25
5lbs steamed fish bone meal
5lbs bat guano (bloom)
5lbs blood meal.
1 cup Epsom salt (I use 1/4 cup more as I seem to see mg deficiency early with the chemdawg hybrids)
1cup dolomite lime
1/2 cup azomite
2tbsp humic acid
My amendments made:
2.5lbs rock phosphate
1lb crushed eggshell
1.5 lb used coffee grounds
1/4 packet azos (by extreme gardening)
7oz mykos (extreme gardening)
2 lbs kelp meal
2tbsp herpivite
3/4 cup alfalfa meal (be easy too much will delay flower and impact yield)

I mix them in a cement mixer then put into a storage tote (55 gallon) and add 3 gallons of water with 2tbsp. Molasses per gallon of water. Close and let sit for 30-45 days before use. Gets better with age.

Hope this helps somebody. No drastic changes really just a little more rounded out and a lot more nitrogen.

I prefer to use 6 bags over 8. The stronger mix allows me to use less. Once a week until week 3 I will feed with a homebrew tea and I use only water and molasses until cut. (I sneak in a feed here and there wih veg nutes til week 6 to keep the yellow at bay but I don't believe this will be an issue with this mix. They went 13 weeks last round and were green and happy til cut.
LED vs. HID is a grow I want to see.... I am not even close to sold on LED.
This one will go down. I am hoping to be able to afford a 600w panel next round and I will be on it like a pig in shit buddy u have my word. I am not sold either so I intend to take the plunge. But I only run 600s in Hps and I want a fair side by side. Expensive to say the least.

I am researching vigorously and plan to make an educated buy shortly
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