My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

I love leds,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but they cost way to much for the moment.
for a good trust worthy one I payed 120 for a veg I needed 4 to cover 4x4
my set up now would require almost $3000 and $ 15/m on power billl, or $ 1300 hps cooling fans , ducting and $25 extra on power
If I was tryin to make some money I would go led but I am aiming for 3/4 -1oz a week or a pound every 4 months (the wife and I use and share with a friend or 2.
I think I might buy a veg led but it will be over sized to the space so edge lighting is not required
JMHO :peace:
Ok. Took a second and found the last mix I used. Thought I'd take a second to share it. U will see its largely the same as subcools mix. (If it ain't broke.. ya know?) I will list my additives last. These are by no means necessary they are simply a few tweaks I felt would help bridge the gap so to speak. Super soil was great I just felt it was lacking a bit in minerals and acids as well the nitrogen tends to run dry a. Week sooner than I'd like. Anyways here it is. Enjoy

6-8 bags of base soil (I use happy frog ocean forest and mendo mix bag for bag. Any good organic potting soil will suffice)
25-50lbs worm castings. I generally use 25
5lbs steamed fish bone meal
5lbs bat guano (bloom)
5lbs blood meal.
1 cup Epsom salt (I use 1/4 cup more as I seem to see mg deficiency early with the chemdawg hybrids)
1cup dolomite lime
1/2 cup azomite
2tbsp humic acid
My amendments made:
2.5lbs rock phosphate
1lb crushed eggshell
1.5 lb used coffee grounds
1/4 packet azos (by extreme gardening)
7oz mykos (extreme gardening)
2 lbs kelp meal
2tbsp herpivite
3/4 cup alfalfa meal (be easy too much will delay flower and impact yield)

I mix them in a cement mixer then put into a storage tote (55 gallon) and add 3 gallons of water with 2tbsp. Molasses per gallon of water. Close and let sit for 30-45 days before use. Gets better with age.

Hope this helps somebody. No drastic changes really just a little more rounded out and a lot more nitrogen.

I prefer to use 6 bags over 8. The stronger mix allows me to use less. Once a week until week 3 I will feed with a homebrew tea and I use only water and molasses until cut. (I sneak in a feed here and there wih veg nutes til week 6 to keep the yellow at bay but I don't believe this will be an issue with this mix. They went 13 weeks last round and were green and happy til cut.

Thanks for digging this up man! The organic soil taste and strength works best for me. Im still at the bot of the totem pole over here with exp n stuf and $ too. Can it be as effective doing this mix with a used base soil? I have foxfarm ocean and promix for my base that I lost count on grows maybe 4 or 5. Im still learning and think my grows are running out of nutes and maybe soil energy a little to soon.Just wondering if ur ammendments and other ing would load my reused base properly.
U could use (use hygrozyme to be safe) it would be much like using coco coir in that u may have to top dress at week 6-7 to keep em from running out of steam (meaning ull use slightly more but who cares long as it works) but you could certainly re use ur soil. +reps for a good?
Well we got a late start and as such I wasn't able to make it to both shops just the one so no supersoil mix yet but I knocked out the entire list otherwise. Even the stuff I was just "hoping" to get "someday" lol. Soon as the uploads finish ill have some pics for ya..

On a positive note between the magnum xxl and the 2 yield masters I will NEVER have to mess with the footprint in the bloom box again.
So what's the deal with supersoil? Is it meant to provide nutrients all the way thru? or is it just a hot healthy soil but you still have to feed 5-6 weeks in? I think subcool overhypes it.

Congrats on the reflectors sensei
Thanks man.

This is actually the one thing he doesn't overhype IMO he should be pushing it harder lol. The idea is a broad range of nutrients and the like gives the plant more to pick from ensuring overall health. When done properly (obviously each strain has different ratio preferences) it truly is a just add water mix. If done with coco or reused soil yes u will likely have to top dress 6 weeks in but if u run a strong base instead of coco water is all u will need. This mix comes second to only smartpots in terms of what I recommend most. I love the science behind feeding the right nutes at the right tike and all but this mix truly eliminates the need. For such things and puts nature back in charge.

That said I am guilty of feeding them until they reach the super soil (I like to push em hard.. not recommended for the less experienced things can go bad fast.)

Keep in mind he has nothing to gain for sharing his mix. It is free to anyone who wants to read it. He simply pushes it because it truly is "all that and a bag of weed "

Again knowing ur strain is when this sill benefit most. Chemdawg for example loves the mix but needs more magnesium. So I added more Epsom salt than the recipe calls for (3/4 cup. I use 1 cup) so no its not perfect for every strain but its so close to it that only minuscule changes need be made here and there. It was an amazing mix as is I'm just never satisfied so I am looking to fill the gaps I felt were there and find low cost alternatives for substitution.
I see. You really have to know your strain and exact mix ingredients to get it right. That's pretty cool but I still think having them in a DWC or soil-less completely void of nutes is easier (or safer I guess would be a better word). Feeding them what they need and when they need it.

Both you and subcool show amazing results with supersoil tho so no doubt it's excellent. :)

Cheers :grinjoint:
To each their own for sure. Its not for everyone. But I wanna point out ur argument is invalid.
In dwc u provide what the bottle provides and hope it's what the plant needs and when.
With super soils it removes all the guesswork. The plant has a MASSIVE buffet to pick from. And all the bioactivity that takes place is extremely beneficial to plant growth. Once she hits the SS growth rates achieved are VERY comparable to deep water culture.

I see ur point this. Like I said I love the science of understanding what and when the plant will be in need. But if u can grow great that way u should have no problem making a custom blend. This is much the same however u have to compensate for chelation rates and the like. It takes a better understanding of how nutrients are broken down and made available and interact to benefit (or not) eachother and the plant. But the education in learning it will also apply universally and not only help u push even dwc to the next level. But you will know EXACTLY why it is doing so and what did it.

Different stroke for different folks.. I've seen ur grows u don't need to change shit if ur happy lol. I wouldn't with ur results man. What's most important is YOUA ARE HAPPY with you results and enjoy the process involved in production. The rest is all preference and semantics. Stick to what works best in ur garden. But I do encourage all to give it a whirl and form their own opinion. "Ull never know if u don't try"

If anyone's local I'm always happy to kick down a few gallons of dirt so u can try a side by side and decide whether its for u or not before spending the 170 bucks on a full batch.
Ok. 2 part update coming.

Stopped at the store and cleaned up on some deals last night.

SS notes

Ok. Took all the cheap ass unsealed hoods out of my room. Done with them forever (anyone want a good deal on crap Hood? Lol)
As u can see above I picked up two new yieldmaster 2 in 6 inch. I put the newer redesigned model in veg with the 400mh in it. And it sits next to the 250mh now.

Then took the second Hood (scored for 70 bones cause it was the display model. They redesigned them with hinged glass and the like so he wanted to put the new version up. 9 Buck below cost bitch! Lol) and the magnum 6 and put them in flower (the other Hood in flower is the older yieldmaster. I used the "new" old model in here so they matched cause I'm anal :))
so wattage is the same (3x 600hps in flower and 400&250mh veg) just finally got my footprint right. No more crowded plants or wasted light. Stoked.

Enjoy folks. Up next ill finally show my messy clone area and introduce ya to the t-t-t-twins (Nirvana ice)
Ok. Quick info. My "clone room" is simply two "undercabinet grow lights" from wall mart tape/stapled to the underside of a 10 dollar wall mart coffee table. Above it sits the direct TV box (I used cardboard to direct its exhaust into the chamber and help heat it) and the Tv used for Xbox and surveillance. Very simple and straightforward. Allows room for 6 moms and 2 clone trays when full. Which is kinda never lol.


Ok then the twins. These are Nirvana ice. A friend cracked it and two plants. A male and female sprouted. I plant to create an ibl that produces twins on a regular basis. Well see not the most practical venture of mine lol. But I do intend to use her on my heavy d 4th gems to add some frost more on that in another thread another day.

Speaking of 4th Gen. Heavy DS babies elected themselves for the Aurora vs sensi dwc group.

That's all for now. Busy bee today lol
I completely agree man. My point was that supersoil is better suited for the more experienced and will definitely deliver better. In the hands of somebody like me or most other growers who don't know the exact needs of the strain, the chemical interaction between the additives, and so much more.. it's a safer bet to count tsp/gals. I wasn't implying it's better, but I definitely believe that supersoil is much better suited for the experienced growers. :blushsmile:
One scenario (out of tens others to consider - You obviously know): If my strain doesn't use most of the nitrogen I have in there by 60% of flowering, then I'm not happy, and flushing (?) to fix it, because too much N during flowering will hold the plant back from flowering to full potential. I just don't trust myself with making a proper mix :laughtwo: It's noob insecurities I guess.. I'll have to give your mix a shot for sure, I keep my mothers in soil so I'm definitely interested in a healthier medium.

BTW, you can go with over 10 additives (over the 3-base nutes) with soilless too :), not comparable to supersoil, but still a mini buffet.

Your plants are looking great bro. Keep up the awesome work!

AHA touche' good sir lol. I knew what ya meant. Sorry if I implied one is better than the other. The only one.who knows what's best is you.

Thank you for the compliments brother its much appreciated.

If u use it on ur mothers go light (15% of the pot) compared to half or ull he cutting her back every couple days. Just top dress when she's getting light in color.

As for the nitrogen question. True too much can impact flowering however until I went to super soil I used veg nutrients til week 6 of flower because I've yet to find a single nutrient for "bloom" that provides enough nitrogen to sustain them. My n ratio was double that of my p. Pulled 4 a plant al donkey dicks. So yes it can.and will if.not done.properly however I pushed them ALOT of nitrogen all the way through and never saw anything that said stop. Was still my larger yielding crop ever.

As for flushing... the soil is 100% organic. There is zero need.for flush. I simply dump water on em every 3-4 days (as needed of course... u wanna keepnorganics a bit more.moist than u would normally keep ur medium. Don't wanna dry out in organics it impedes on the microherd.)

Don't be so nervous ur growing one of the most highly evolved and rapidly evolving plants in the world. U put it down there she will when she needs it. Of she doesn't she wont. They can adapt amazingly well. Hydro makes me 1000x more nervous honestly. No "buffer" lol
Got one seedling above ground already. 5 others close behind. The 6th seed i had a gut feeling about not popping so I put in seven. My gut seems to be accurate no taproot yet but its only been 24 hours since they went into the paper towels. So well see but with the other 6 in plugs and pushing the soil up as we speak she better hurry or shell be too far behind to bother with.

So I think ill be doing a side by side by side by side lol. Ill do a side by side of super soil and dwc and soul synthetics vs AN in dwc and am considering doing age old vs and ffof vs super soil.

Whew idk if I can manage all that lol
I love your journal CS!

Very informative indeed. i have been contemplating doing a batch of supersoil for a few months.
I am going to sub and keep following this to learn. Right now I am using sunshine#4 and amending with some WC and forest humus
and adding great white.

Just started a new journal so I will be on more frequent. stop by and say hi.

peace and keep em green
Nice purchases. :)
So I think ill be doing a side by side by side by side lol. Ill do a side by side of super soil and dwc and soul synthetics vs AN in dwc and am considering doing age old vs and ffof vs super soil.

Whew idk if I can manage all that lol

That would be awesome. I really want to see supersoil against AN's line in dwc :)
Loving it!
Thanks guys. Not sure why my dealio isn't telling me people posted anymore. Ill have to check my subscription I guess.

I appreciate the kind words, I am excited as well, my only concern is water temps. I have no chiller or means to regulate its temp and.I anticipate high water temps to become an issue as spring springs.

Thanks jc happy to have u on board.
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