My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Thats a great answer. Really appreicate it. Ill look to do it that way. Ill keep you guys updated as I go. By the way the basement space is 1500 sq ft so I should have plenty of space for mothers (im actually looking to have 6 of those), veg room, and flower room. I also have room over garage for drying. Im so psyched to get this going, just want to plan it correctly.
Just an observation: (for jcshap)

You don't need low temps in a cloner. As a matter of fact, I successfully root my cuttings in an aero (DIY) with water temps up to 76-78. No trouble yet. Lower temps (65-68) are a must for DWC, however, because of O2 solubility. I think maximum O2 dissolved in water would be around 67. Anything close to that should work great. Higher res temps will bring a lot of root trouble. Good thing pointing out the roots touching ice bottles CS :thumb:.

But ya, cloner, in my opinion, doesn't need a chiller. I'm in no way experienced, just reflecting on what I see happening in my own cloner.
Thats a great answer. Really appreicate it. Ill look to do it that way. Ill keep you guys updated as I go. By the way the basement space is 1500 sq ft so I should have plenty of space for mothers (im actually looking to have 6 of those), veg room, and flower room. I also have room over garage for drying. Im so psyched to get this going, just want to plan it correctly.

Why not dry in the basement? Easier to manage one source of odor than 2, no? Sounds like you have plenty of room.

If you have 6 mothers, how will you stay under your 12 plant limit? Taking one clone of each would put you at your limit. I guess you could stagger them. Take a clone every three weeks and just rotate your strains perhaps? Harvest one plant, move one of the vegged porta scrogs into the flowering room, transplant a clone into the veg area to begin getting scrogged. A week later, take a new clone. Assuming a 9 week flowering strain, and 3 weeks veg for the scrog, that would give you exactly 6 "stages".
1. Clone
2. rooted clone/pre-scrog
3. vegged scrog
4. new flower
5. mid flower
6. ripe flower
Plus your 6 mothers makes 12.

The biggest downside I see to this rotation is it's a lot of extra work. You have to do every step for a single plant. No economy of scale! haha

Now that I've thought it through, this sounds pretty cool! I can't do this with my bucket system, but it would work awesome for soil/soilless. If you go this route please make a journal so I can follow along. I'm sure others would be interested too! (Really I just want to see it myself and couldn't give a rat's ass if anyone is interested in the idea. haha) :high-five:
Good points above^

My impatience is creeping onto me again and I'm considering throwing a couple heavy d clones into the buckets (dwc) and doing the Aurora Vs an then well put the winner in dwc again to go toe to toe with the super soil. It'll be easier for keep track of that way and be more detailed
In other news... babies!
My impatience is creeping onto me again and I'm considering throwing a couple heavy d clones into the buckets (dwc) and doing the Aurora Vs an then well put the winner in dwc again to go toe to toe with the super soil. It'll be easier for keep track of that way and be more detailed

It's a grow off! :)

I feel ya on the impatience. I went down to the basement to get something and wanted to just change the light timers right then :p I'm done making them bigger. Cutting clones tonight, and they just had their last 'extra' GLR hour today. I will have another batch coming right behind this one. I think I'm better off getting the new batch in sooner rather then extend this one any longer.
That's the spirit hiker lets do this shit. How many Watts are u running again?

I didn't mean me vs you. I meant your experiment :p

I'm running 3 750W HPS
Aww fine lol. Things are moving well. On our way home to mix up a Fresh batch of SS all the 7seeds have cracked and emerged as seedlings. Clones are rooted for the most part and the jars are still full. Not to mention the sun is shining.

Picked up some 1/2" chicken wire to line my holes for.outdoor, gonna do an od grow with the soil mix I use indoor and see how she turns out.
Gotta get the area ready soon. The plants.that will be.going outside have yet to be decided
Haha. Don't be too jelly bro, I'm limited as to where I can grow outside so they're far from the.most ideal places.
hahah I have to be jelly, if not from your location, from those delicious looking buds :yummy: LOL.. Cheers brotha :grinjoint:

I was on this guy's journal JBC, he's using super soil and they were having a discussion about it. I referred them here, but here's his journal if you wana chime in. I think your video of the mix would help :thumb:

JBC's Super Soil - Fully Organic 4x Blue Mystic + 1x CH9 Jack FEMS
Super soil is mixed seedlings are in dirt and I've got a heavy d in each bubble bucket. Should be getting fun in the next few weeks.

Working on getting the training tutorial together and posted. Bigger things have presented themselves.

Our 15 year old retriever had a series of strokes last night. We believe blood clots broke free and became lodged elsewhere causing blindness and paralysis so we were forced to say goodbye for now.
Sadly we have another not far behind (my personal dog and best friend. Had him since I was 12 and cancer is trying to take him from me)

R.I.P. dusty. You are missed deeply, the world is a darker place now that you are gone.

Ill be around and lurking the next few days, forgive my inactivity while we grieve and heal.
Our 15 year old retriever had a series of strokes last night. We believe blood clots broke free and became lodged elsewhere causing blindness and paralysis so we were forced to say goodbye for now.
Sadly we have another not far behind (my personal dog and best friend. Had him since I was 12 and cancer is trying to take him from me)

That sucks bro :(

I have a Flat Coated Retriever as well. They are the best dogs ever! I lost my old guy a couple months ago. I don't know that you ever stop missing them. Take lots of pictures of them now. That's my only regret. I have lots of pictures of him, but I wish I had taken more.
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