My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Its too bad I'm not the depressed type really. I could have a smash hit country album overnight Haha.
One of my dogs died (another on the way), my car got impounded (my fault lol), the wife's been unfaithful (that's kinda what's been up. Just found out a few days ago), my mom go.get surgery (fairly high risk) my uncle.just started chemotherapy? My grandpa has to be put in a home.cause the situation at hand and.his.stubbornness wont allow him to live on his.own anymore. My grandma can not get out of bed anymore and my baby sister (17) is pregnant (not by me Haha)... solid ass album right there lol.

I just keep Joe Walsh strumming in the back of my head and appreciate the small things. Truly "life's been good to me so far" no need to fret over other peoples choices or harbor ill will for someone else's flaws. The reality is you can only do you, as long as u can go to he'd at the end of the day secure in who you are none of the other shit matters. Always someone worse off and bitching never did make life better
Its too bad I'm not the depressed type really. I could have a smash hit country album overnight Haha.
One of my dogs died (another on the way), my car got impounded (my fault lol), the wife's been unfaithful (that's kinda what's been up. Just found out a few days ago), my mom go.get surgery (fairly high risk) my uncle.just started chemotherapy? My grandpa has to be put in a home.cause the situation at hand and.his.stubbornness wont allow him to live on his.own anymore. My grandma can not get out of bed anymore and my baby sister (17) is pregnant (not by me Haha)... solid ass album right there lol.

I just keep Joe Walsh strumming in the back of my head and appreciate the small things. Truly "life's been good to me so far" no need to fret over other peoples choices or harbor ill will for someone else's flaws. The reality is you can only do you, as long as u can go to he'd at the end of the day secure in who you are none of the other shit matters. Always someone worse off and bitching never did make life better

Damn canna....sorry to hear about all of that. However, I applaud your outlook and I also happen to agree with you. You can only do you and it's all about finding a way to be happy. My Wife and I talk about it all the time. Regardless of possessions, if you aren't happy, you have nothing.

I'm sending positive energy your way from The Blue Planet.

I hope all turns around for you canna. You deserve happiness with an attitude like that. Like you said its easy to start feeling down about things until you see someone that is much worse off than yourself.

I always look at the cup half full never half empty. peace and many blessings braddah!
Thanks guys. I'm pretty modest so its kinda awkward airing shit out like this knowing people will critique. And the modesty makes it kinda weird in reading all this support and compliments, so forgive me if my social report isn't sufficient in gratitude, but I am grateful for this board and all the folks whom comprise it. With friends like this who needs a bitch? Haha. Thanks again guys I appreciate it more than I can describe... but hey lets not dwell we got weed to grow and blunts to smoke hash to toke.
#brushthatcollarpimpin haha
I love how you go from fear and loathing, to real life problems, to keepin it pimpin all in one session. Keep that hand strong :) with an attitude like that I'm not even worried about you getting "depressed".. Let's keep it growin brotha..
"When I was young one of my Teachers asked me: 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' I responded: 'Happy'. My Teacher told me 'You don't understand the question'. I told my Teacher 'You don't understand life.' " ~ John Lennon

Such a great quote I had to reply with quote. "QUOTE"

All joking aside. we got your back canna. Thanks for keeping it real.
Possibly the best quote of a generation and one of the most profound in my life. Reps for that fied
"We are not here for a long time, but a good one"- Colin mcreigh
Gotta spread the lovea bit if u haven't gotten rep'd by me yet u are one of hose who fits this bill. Know it IS coming. I thought it had been a while since prepping ismokes or 420fied but no luck lol
haha I had opened up all my subscriptions before you posted your update!

Looks nice in there.

Aren't those veg plants gonna be monsters before that flower room is empty? :)
Lol. Sorry to sneak it in on ya man. U were doing ur update as I did mine. Right as I clicked post I got an email notification from ur thread lol.

They'll be thick but ill implement training topping and root pruning to keep them sizeable but manageable if it comes to that point. They're on what I call idle feed ATM. Chelated chem nutes only when needed and nothing otherwise. They're alive andwell but I'm not allowing them to thrive yet. Only seeing about 3 inches a week growth ATM (a days worthnormally) week 7 of flower ill metal the pedal in veg and get em ship shape. They're just in recycled ffof except the middle on she's in an SS blend. I will fill he bottom half of pot with super soil on their last root pruning give em a week and flip em as the new roots hit the super soil.
Looking great bro. I am sure you will have everything under control.:)
For sure. Not too worried about things but I'm kinda care free too so who knows Haha.
That leaf I posted in the update is what's been going on. Does it scream anything to anyone? Kinda an interesting situation I'm thinking Its something catalytic or micro related causing it. Not sure tho It seems very random. No pattern to it at all. Just the occasional leaf (only on the jtrs) not really starting anywhere in particular. Sometimes new growth sometimes bottom of the plant sometimes somewhere between. Doesn't start at the tips or base or middle with any consistency. Just kinda whatever wherever. I'd assume just leaf splash but I bottom feed so water doesn't even have a chance to hit the leaves. P?
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