My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

I'm so sorry CS :( My deepest sympathies brother.

You take your time man. You just had me go squeeze hug my buddy. :(
Thank you man. Today is much better already.
That sucks bro :(

I have a Flat Coated Retriever as well. They are the best dogs ever! I lost my old guy a couple months ago. I don't know that you ever stop missing them. Take lots of pictures of them now. That's my only regret. I have lots of pictures of him, but I wish I had taken more.
Couldn't agree more man. I take at least 2 a day of Petey. Sucks to know he's not long for the world either. He's.been with me since I was "yeigh high". I may fall apart for a while then. I just create memories and cherish every moment we have left. Started him on rso cycles yesterday. He's like a.puppy again.
Sending my condolences to you as well Cannasensei. I know that when the day comes for me to say goodbye to my two brother sister german shep/yellow lab mix I will be beside myself. see you sometime soon brotha
its a tough thing to deal with. But its a promise you return out of respect. They are loyal and faithful their whole lives. We owe it to them to be the same when they are in their final hours. It sucks to see them go but the thought of me not being there and him not having me at his side tears me apart in unimaginable ways. If I were in his shoes all I'd want is him at my side we owe them the same.

Thank you guys for your condolences. Today is a much better day, we took him to his favorite place on the property and laid him to rest this morning. Seeing his face at peace made a lot of difference. He hadn't looked that way in years and it became apparent how much he lived and hid his pain for us. It was really therapeutic seeing him so relieved.

Thank you all again for your sympathies, they've helped a lot :Namaste:
Hopefully you can get a new friend soon. glad your doing better.

I apologize for asking dumb questions. but have you posted your soil mix here I wanted to take a look see!
the only stupid question is the one not asked. I have there's a video and a hand written note containing the exact ratios a page or two back. Ill look for it and quote it up top

shit man,im really sorry to hear that Sensei, I have 2 myself, I cant imagine what your going through bro. a mans best friend is an understatement.positive vibes coming atcha from Canada:peace:
Canada? That's not even a real country is it?! Haha Jp man.
Thanks Jon. Its hard but sadly it is only practice. Idk what I'll do when we have to put Petey down. We'll definetly be giving another dog marked for death a forever home soon as we feel ready. (We always adopt those whom have been red tagged then rehab) thanks for the condolences again everyone. The tutorials ate a work in progress but should be up by Monday for all who may be interested.
Rescue dogs are the best! It feels good knowing you saved them, but I think they have even more love to give. They sit in their little concrete jails with nobody to love, so when you adopt them, they shower you with all the pent up love and affection.

My dog that passed in December was adopted as a 4-5 year old from the humane society. The Flat Coated Retriever was a stray that a friend of my sister-in-law found wandering the streets of Phoenix (Mesa). My wife happened to be down there visiting at the time and fell in love with him. So glad she brought him home as he is the best dog ever! (aren't they all? lol) The youngest, "little bitch", was bought at a charity auction, but she was also from the Humane Society.

I'm gonna go give the pups some lovin' now :)
Hey My green fingerd friend I relly do sympathise it hurts so bad when you loose a lovrd one . Some people might think well it is only a dog but they so quickly become like a member of the family , well thats exactly what they become . If it is any kind of help I can tell you there is such a thing as reincarnation and for the animals they will only go on to recieve a better body say Human Dolphin . It is only in this human birth that we are given a differnt higher conciousness wich means that we could go down some species then if we lead a good life you will get another human birth the idea being to becom so concious that we will go back to the supreme conciousness Hence my name is Jagamohan Dasa I was initiated into Gaudiya vaishnava school (math) I was very fotunate I got my name in 2008 by Srila Bhakti Vaibava Puri Goswami Maharaj Omvisnupad Nityalila in the holy town of Jaganatha Puri Orissa India . An guess what although prohibition is wide spread over india this querky little town is allowed to sell ganja & bhang (Bang) strange but they also tolirate Opium , but if you are gaught with Hash or oil then they will bust you its such a friendly place an each year when they celibrate Lord Shiva,s day nearly all the people and more kids as well take bang an stay up all night I have never felt such a wonderful vibe every person even those in resturants were stoned and there is no trouble. Hope I didnt ratle on to much My love an blessings to your companion Peace & Jai Jaganatha

Sorry I have not been over hear lately as I just got done dealing with my issues and the closet and tent are set back up and ready for the girls to come home tonight. I am so saddened by the loss of you dog. Hope all is well brother. Look forward to being able to keep up on here again.
Thanks for everything guys. Its a new week and were starting fresh. I hate to procrastinate further but it looks like I wont have the tut up today. I am working on a small update tho. More on that in a few hours.. the ladies are 9 days in and almost level with the hoops. Soon as the reach it the bushmasters goes in and the buds comes out. I'm so sad to report this is the last disease of it I have on hand. :( knew I should've bought more when I heard they were pulling it.
While ago. They were selling a product containing pgr's without the proper labeling. U can still get an off brand I thinks its simply called "bush" but not certain. It contains the same pgrs but is labeled for ornamentals (hence why it can be sold)
Hey I am so sorry for babaling on about all that I was just finnishing some lovely medication an I think that I got on one an couldnt stop myself sorry
Jai Jaganatha

That's the last thing u should ever apologize for lol. Don't even worry man ur post was a welcome sight. It was on point enough trichs carry sentiments but sporadic enough to avoid bringing up that empty feeling. Thank u brother. You need not apologize for doing a good deed. It is appreciated :Namaste:
Alright. Sorry about the delay guys life's kinda been in chaos mode with more personal struggles than I anticipated dealing with. Thank God I tend to hit the ground running. Anyway on with life.

The ladies are doing awesome. I've got a small deficiency on two due to my ignorance, but they're on the mend and doing well. Gave them a.small feed of molasses, bat guano, humic acid and a kiss of bloodmeal and azomax. First branch passed its hoop overnight so the bush masters comes out next water. Pistils are popping up everywhere and their shapes are beginning to become more apparent. Its day 11 I believe. Ill treat with reverse today when the lights come on. Then treat again after 10 days (that'd be day 21, so I will defoliate then treat with reverse as less leaves means less product I have to use lol)


The Vega is doing well. All are happy and growing fast. About to train and defoliate for the 2nd time in a weeks. Cant complain there. Seedlings are all doing great. They'll be a while tho as they're three cycles out. They may end up going outdoors instead


Enjoy guys.
oh and the dwc buckets lol. Temps 67.8 in both
Ph in an bucket 5.8 Ph in Aurora 5.7
Ppm 300 in both. No roots poking out yet but we will see. I'm nervousness about this one as its getting warm quick out here idk how practical maintaining the temp will be as I work seasonal construction meaning u can be here to do so. Bt I will keep this going regardless lol
Thanks brother! Back at ya. Not my best update but its a wild week. Ill get em out of the Hps soon and get some real pics.
Just popping by to see how you're doing canna. :Namaste:
Thanks brother. To summarize this last week ill again look to Dr Thompson for summary "it takes a special person to handle the sight of their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife between her teeth. But, noone should be asked to deal with this" my weeks is what " the whole world would be doing on a Saturday night had the nazis won the war" definetly ready for some change but I'm staying damn chipper in the mean time. Life wont drag me down anymore. :) if u can't tell I'm not the depressed type.

I got weed in the jars plants in the garden a dog that loves me and I woke up today. Cloud 9'in it

"Diamonds on my ear, prada on my zipper, Gucci be the slippers, man I'm feeling gipper " hahaha
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