My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

I'm leaning towards P. Have you started feeding them for flowering? You just flipped like a week or so ago, right?
Right. I'm leaning toward calcium toxicity locking out p. But I'm not sure how to combat it being the calcium is amended
The luxuries of playing with super soil lol.
Jon- come on man what do u think I am? ;) Lol. Yeah all is well in Ph (I amended plenty of dolomite ) 6.4 going in 6.5 coming out after a 15 minute soak.
Ya I'm a noob myself so I can't speak from experience, but looking at one of those deficiency charts, it looks like textbook P deficiency no? I think you're spot on with excess Ca locking it out. Subcool was talking about how he's encountering some strains that hate excess Ca during veg / early bloom. Maybe that's what you got there.
lol...sorry bro had to ask, it could easily be a ph issue Ive had them when my meter was out of wack and the leaves looked alot like that.
Haha I know man just flipping ya some shit ;) I actually really appreciate post like that as I'm FAMOUS for getting so carried away with advanced methodology etc that I too often forget the common sense simple solutions lol. I preach Ph tho as its the single largest factor to quality yields (IMO) so I always Ph my feed and Ph the runoff once a month. I flushed her out pretty good so hopefully that'll help

Ya I'm a noob myself so I can't speak from experience, but looking at one of those deficiency charts, it looks like textbook P deficiency no? I think you're spot on with excess Ca locking it out. Subcool was talking about how he's encountering some strains that hate excess Ca during veg / early bloom. Maybe that's what you got there.
I am there with ya. I'm fairly convinced I overdid it as I had a small calcium deficiency a little earlier than I like last round I added "just a pinch" extra and now here we are lol. There's finally a drawback to super soil, what's there is there if its too much its either transplant or ride the storm out... hope they brought their ponchos :lot-o-toke: :thanks:
Ya I'm a noob myself so I can't speak from experience, but looking at one of those deficiency charts, it looks like textbook P deficiency no? I think you're spot on with excess Ca locking it out. Subcool was talking about how he's encountering some strains that hate excess Ca during veg / early bloom. Maybe that's what you got there.

I can attest to that. I have very hard tap water (400ppm from tap). I didn't get an RO system until I had already started my grow. I had a few seeds that were just never doing great. Even in the buckets, they suffered a little. Then I added calimagic and they perked up within 24 hours. Now that I'm using RO, those sensitive plants look as good, maybe better, than the others. My problem was exactly what you said. Too much Ca was locking out the other nutrients.

Hoz, what is the proper ph for soiless? I started putting some clones into a soiless mix (coco, verm, perl) and realized I cannot recall much about what I did when I grew this way before. All I know is hydro LOL
I just mixed up a nice low strength batch of nutes per GH's seed/clone recommendations. The ph was right around 6. I thought that was good so I used it. I only gave each plant 1/2c, so there was no runoff to test, so I gave one of them a full cup and collected some run off. The runoff was ~7ph. Is that too high? My veg area is still a work in progress, as I have no way to catch run off right now. Coco is new to me at well. It's my understanding that it's very neutral, like vermiculite or perlite. I expect that I will be learning a lot about how to grow in this mix, as I'm planning to use if for mothers as well. Any tips or advice? I also need to figure out a cheap way to make something to catch the runoff. I wonder how much a pond liner is? I thought about using panda plastic, but I think it would get a hole to easy since my veg area is all rough concrete.

Anyway, keep up the good work Hoz.
Taking forever to upload today but I'm working toward an update.
In other news we officially have roots in Res in the soul synthetics bucket. Looking like a runaway race unless the other pushes some roots out fast. That said an bucket looks perkier
Alright. Pulled the lady's out and hit em with reverse yesterday and took the chance to snap a few pics.

Up first jtr

Heavy d

Mendo dom


Heavy d in the Aurora bucket pushing some roots. Yay lol.

Veg tent

Seedlings... can u spot the males? Lol

Also transplanted clones.
Everything is looking great. Keep up the great work!
Got 2 holes partially dug for the outdoor grow. Still gotta line em with wire and put a few blinds up to keep eyes away. Ill get some pics soon enough. I still have a few months lol

I didn't even notice how well this picture illustrates my training method.
Thanks guys. Flushed the jtr the other day and foliar fed rock phosphate and vitamin b as well as plucked the few affected leaves. Haven't seen any new yellowing since so maybe I'm in the clear but well see how she does. The other four are doing well either way say it should still ne a.decent cycle for sure. Time will tell I suppose lol.

:thanks: for dropping in guys!
Spent all this time getting a tea ready my airpump doesn't work. Bummed out lol.
Did a 1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup bat guano
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup steamed fish bone meal
2tbsp molasses
1tsp azomite
1tsp humic acid
Into 5 gallons of Ph water (6.5) gives me a.ppm of 6-700
Spent all this time getting a tea ready my airpump doesn't work. Bummed out lol.
Did a 1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup bat guano
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup steamed fish bone meal
2tbsp molasses
1tsp azomite
1tsp humic acid
Into 5 gallons of Ph water (6.5) gives me a.ppm of 6-700

Is this a tea you normally brew? Just asking since I will be brewing teas quite a bit more. + reps too if I can your garden looks great;)
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