My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Hey guys. I'm working on a dictionary of sorts to help out the new members. Specifically those new to forums and growing. It will contain a large portion of the terminology we use to keep confusion to a minimum just general knowledge stuff for a forum og. Top f.I.m. dwc etc.

So if you guys have anything you'd like added to the list. If u can recall someone saying something and u thinking "wtf does that mean" high brix for example. Please feel free to suggest it and/or even explain it and I will ensure it is included and proper credit is given for the contribution, any help is appreciated, look forward to hearing suggestions.

I've been at it maybe 5 minutes so there's plenty to go. ATM I have top fim hydro dwc and nft.
Hey shotta. Snuck in on me there lol. Thanks man. Thinking I got the Bubba babies on the right track now. Time will tell
My largest yield to date has been using an sensi. Of course the name on the bottle hardly matters. It was enough to get me curious. I've done a few side by sides. None have beat out sensi yet but I do agree. Aurora seems to stand the best chance by far.
Hey canna,

Perhaps when you're making that dictionary, you can provide links to discussions on the topic.
Off the top of my head, here are some terms that might be useful:
DWC, RDWC, NFT, defol, F&D (flood & drain vs ebb&flo ebb&gro), LST, supercrop, sog, scrog, AN, LED, HPS, MH
oh ya and the one I see asked about most... WIW :)
the only way I will leave AN (for hydro any way) is if the other stuff increases quality .
which will be hard to do
The test I want to see is AN vs brix
I have no doubt that the brix will destroy An but still want to do it if someone don't do it first.:peace:
It will be next winter likely but I'm planning on running super soil vs brix vs my take on the super soil vs an. I have way too many things I wanna do.
Hey canna,

Perhaps when you're making that dictionary, you can provide links to discussions on the topic.
Off the top of my head, here are some terms that might be useful:
DWC, RDWC, NFT, defol, F&D (flood & drain vs ebb&flo ebb&gro), LST, supercrop, sog, scrog, AN, LED, HPS, MH
oh ya and the one I see asked about most... WIW :)
way ahead of ya mate. Gonna include links to tutorials where they apply (after a loose interpretation of f.I.m. for example, ill find an existing tutorial on fimming here. If there isn't one ill get to work making it) its gonna be something that evolves obviously but I wanna get a good amount in on the first post so minimal editing is needed then I can open it up to others to include theires as well. Hopefully get admin to add them to the first post so its an easy to reference layout.

Thanks mate a couple in there I wouldn't have thought of! !

nice photographs! subscribed now.
I been seeing ya liking the thread one post at a time. I'm humbled to see you take the time to read through it all. Welcome have a seat and hit this :blunt:
Quickie bud porn. Kinda low quality sorry, busy busy bee lol
My largest yield to date has been using an sensi. Of course the name on the bottle hardly matters. It was enough to get me curious. I've done a few side by sides. None have beat out sensi yet but I do agree. Aurora seems to stand the best chance by far.

you should check out heavy 16 they have a whole line now and prices dropped, i'm liking it better than AN and what other nute companies are there where the phd would designed the line will give his cell number and tell you to text him if you have any questions?
the winerys here in so cal are even using it
Ill look into it. I don't see it in my catalogand I am trying to move away from lineups but if I come across it and have the money ill be giving it a go. Really wanna give bpn a run first. But wanna run docs kit before that lol. I need a clone of me and more space
you should check out heavy 16 they have a whole line now and prices dropped, i'm liking it better than AN and what other nute companies are there where the phd would designed the line will give his cell number and tell you to text him if you have any questions?
the winerys here in so cal are even using it

The guys at my shop are almost all using Heavy 16 now too. The owner of the shop wanted me to try it, but I wanted to stick with GH Flora since that's all I ever used in the past. In hindsight, I should have considered other nutes since I haven't really remembered any specifics about the GH line. :winkyface:

Ill look into it. I don't see it in my catalogand I am trying to move away from lineups but if I come across it and have the money ill be giving it a go. Really wanna give bpn a run first. But wanna run docs kit before that lol. I need a clone of me and more space

I want to try BPN too, but I have enough GH Flora to last a few more rounds. I'm interested in High Brix plants' increased resistances to disease. At least I read that they are more resistant to PM I think. Are they more resistant to pests too?
The guys at my shop are almost all using Heavy 16 now too. The owner of the shop wanted me to try it, but I wanted to stick with GH Flora since that's all I ever used in the past. In hindsight, I should have considered other nutes since I haven't really remembered any specifics about the GH line. :winkyface:
Have you ever thought of using chlorella / spirulina it is very cheap to buy in the uk it works out at £12;50 for a little pot of this wonder green powder it has just about everything that your girls will need in there development you just hafe to work out the amount to give them for a humman it is 9grams in a cup of water once daily so for my girls I was letting them have about 1 1/8th of a teaspoon an it seems to work very well for them I also use citracidel with each water an feed this keeps away any fungal problems 4drops in the water (citricidel also purifies water 1drop per gallon I think)

I want to try BPN too, but I have enough GH Flora to last a few more rounds. I'm interested in High Brix plants' increased resistances to disease. At least I read that they are more resistant to PM I think. Are they more resistant to pests too?
Wlell folks spring has sprung and temps are climbing toward the high 80s lights on. Between this and the excess yellowing from my admittedly poor soil mix. (Threw that recipe away, turns out the tried and true way is the best route. Excellent results and fair price. I tried cheaping out and the crop, or half of it rather are suffering) the yellowing got under control only to end up locking out p, now one in particular looks HAGGARD. Lol.

On a positive note 3 are doing pretty well. I like em green so I'm not satisfied but they aren't dying either lol.
Swapped tents up and lighting. Moved the 6 flowering girls to the 4x4 tent under the dual 600w setup then moved the veggers and moms to the 8x4 veggers under a 600 and the moms and rooted clones under the 400 and took the chance to get everything cleaned as I would between crops so were extra sparkly today. I probably wont get
a chance to post pics til Monday sorry guys. But ill try and make it a whole shitload to make up for the delay lol

Stay well, be high my friends.
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