My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

looking awesome sensei.. even tho you have been having issues.. they are still looking delectable :cheesygrinsmiley:

have any of you guys tried the 'home and garden' or 'bloom' range of nutrients?? they are both australian lines... i have been wanting to try home and garden but now i see bloom on the shelves here it looks so damned comprehensive and im stuck. im using the flairform range at present and have found it really good.. my only issue with home and garden range is its price.. 300$ for the starter kit- and i'll in all likelihood need a few more items than the starter kit has in it. ive heard excellent feedback with it though from a few respectable local growers...
I've never heard of em mate. I kinda stopped looking into new nutes once I found what worked for me. I need to start looking more.

On another note, I like many others. Am considering this as possibly being my last journal here. I have some issues with the way certain things are done so alas I may just take my knowledge elsewhere. Well see How I feel in the morning but as of the moment I wanna yell at people and delete my account so I figure ill sleep on it. :blunt:
I've never heard of em mate. I kinda stopped looking into new nutes once I found what worked for me. I need to start looking more.

On another note, I like many others. Am considering this as possibly being my last journal here. I have some issues with the way certain things are done so alas I may just take my knowledge elsewhere. Well see How I feel in the morning but as of the moment I wanna yell at people and delete my account so I figure ill sleep on it. :blunt:

no worries brother, i forgot to mention how much a like your phrase in your signature :] i always lived by the ole 'loose lips sink ships' but i like that one more :cheesygrinsmiley:

im sorry to hear about your feelings about 420mag- it will be a lose for 420 to lose your experience and contributions brother... but i have to admit, im kinda feeling ya
no worries brother, i forgot to mention how much a like your phrase in your signature :] i always lived by the ole 'loose lips sink ships' but i like that one more :cheesygrinsmiley:

im sorry to hear about your feelings about 420mag- it will be a lose for 420 to lose your experience and contributions brother... but i have to admit, im kinda feeling ya
Thanks mate lol I saw it on one of those "Confucius say" things and fell in love
I second the need to find a new chill spot.
I an tired of post being deleted for showing people (NUBIES) the error of there methods or that there info is FUBAR.
I will finish my journals but I am leavin at the end.
Sorry to hear it man. The issue is that this website has one of the best atmospheres and by far the best people on it. And some of the rules I disagree with are a double edged sword. As they are somewhat responsible for the atmosphere that's maintained here. At the same time It seems that I can post any information or suggestion without it being deleted cause it somehow violated guidelines.
Dont leave sensi ji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha worry nit Jaga its still in the air, I'm a bit conflicted ATM and in talks with admin. They don't wanna see me go and i dont wanna go so it seems we may be able to reach an understanding of some sort. But they have a job to do as well.
ok, swapped tents so the flower laides are now in a 4x4 under 2x 600w hps in yieldmaster II supreme's aircooled by a 6' c.a.p. inline fan, temps in the bloom box were climbing so i moved them to the 4x4 as its closer to the air intake in the room, temps are now able to plummit to 59 if i wanted so im happy with the move,

the veg ladies were moved to the 8x4 box, transplanted the two known to be females out of the seeds i cracked before the bubba seeds (more mendawg :cheesygrinsmiley:) into 7 gallong pots with super soil, i have decided to give 7g a go, 5 always gave me the best medium of cost vs yield so i stuck with it but im gonna give 7's a go next to the 5's so i can decide whats best for me once and for all. i also re trained and defoliated the two i transplanted , there should be a few before and afters in this post but not sure. i put the next round and the an vs aurora setup under 600w hps and small moms and clones under the 400 mh, the 800w less light has allowed temps in there to follow suit... looking like may i can grow indoors all year this time. i can only hope. anyway enough bs eh? pics


its almost scary bright in the 4x4, so intense with 1200 watts. love it!

an vs aurora and random pics below


enjoy folks! high hopes for the next round, even higher hopes of being able to share it with this forum :blunt:
As some of u know I'm big on promoting those with superior knowledge and experience as well as up and comers. X hiker cult shottafire Jon Buck and (r.I.p) Tony sussan as well as countless others. Its take a whole page to list em all. Fied doc mcloadie omm. I didn't forget about ya ;) too many to list
So with that I'd like to introduce alkemist. Serious up and comer. Lets give him all the support we can to ensure yet another great blesses these pages with gusto knowledge and enthusiasm, Hydroponic - Gigabud - Pineapple Express - OG Kush - Kandy Kush

Hope you'll all join the ride. I see nothing but potential for greatness Tom they guys and while his start was perhaps a bit rough here I think many could end up finding him as a vauluable asset. If nothing else he's just good people so join on
whoa.... im honored sensei! i feel a little silly now loL im not used to being put under the spotlight like that :goof: :p but yeah, ive learned a HEAP since ive been here and just enjoy meeting ppl like yourself sensei and putting up better n better journals, so great to look back on and see the different stages.. and ive found looking at other growers 'grow journals' inspire me to improve myself and my growing- its pretty cooL stuff.

thanks for the kind words brother! :Namaste::green_heart:
Thanks for the shout out my friend :Namaste:

Nice update. Plants look awesome, and those are the finest root shots I've ever seen. Pay attention boys and girls, the sensei is showing you how it's done! :)
whoa.... im honored sensei! i feel a little silly now loL im not used to being put under the spotlight like that :goof: :p but yeah, ive learned a HEAP since ive been here and just enjoy meeting ppl like yourself sensei and putting up better n better journals, so great to look back on and see the different stages.. and ive found looking at other growers 'grow journals' inspire me to improve myself and my growing- its pretty cooL stuff.

thanks for the kind words brother! :Namaste::green_heart:
don't fret the spotlight mate. Just keep doing you and updating that journal and itll be worth the price of admission. the rest will fall in place "build it and they will come "

Thanks for the shout out my friend :Namaste:

Nice update. Plants look awesome, and those are the finest root shots I've ever seen. Pay attention boys and girls, the sensei is showing you how it's done! :)
Aww shucks hiker. *blush* .lol. thanks mate! :Namaste:
I may not grow but I read the journals daily,
just in case the idiots pass the laws here so I
can grow. To be quite honest this is the only forum
I would even do a journal on. Cause of all the great people here.
Canni nice update and Alkemist I will read your journal to learn
a lil more also.
That's kinda how I feel. I'm not too stoked on the prospect of uprooting again. But it is my thread. If someone ask a question about anything. Be that growing related or how to sex their reptile or a damn storage crate home. If I have the answer I will post it as is my goal here. I shouldn't have to worry that ill get a warning or have my post deleted, that doesn't sit well with me in the least bit. That's where the issue lies.
That's kinda how I feel. I'm not too stoked on the prospect of uprooting again. But it is my thread. If someone ask a question about anything. Be that growing related or how to sex their reptile or a damn storage crate home. If I have the answer I will post it as is my goal here. I shouldn't have to worry that ill get a warning or have my post deleted, that doesn't sit well with me in the least bit. That's where the issue lies.

I was wondering where that talk of leaving was coming from. I've only had a single post deleted so far, and it was due to being video game related. I totally agree with the reasoning behind it. We don't want kids on this site because they Googled Call of Duty. :winkyface: That's my only experience so far with 'management'. They are trying to walk a fine line. While I may not always like the actions they take, I have to admit, I really like the result. The best MJ community around :)
dam man sweet thread love all the picture in ur thread plz dont leave us!!! i dont even know u that well but i know u will be missed keep growing u have a great greeen thumb stay hi and plz concerning staying for ppl like us here
dam man sweet thread love all the picture in ur thread plz dont leave us!!! i dont even know u that well but i know u will be missed keep growing u have a great greeen thumb stay hi and plz concerning staying for ppl like us here
Thanks mate. Glad to have ya along. I appreciate the kind words more than any emoticon can express but :cheesygrinsmiley: :thanks: its definetly not a certainty yet
I was wondering where that talk of leaving was coming from. I've only had a single post deleted so far, and it was due to being video game related. I totally agree with the reasoning behind it. We don't want kids on this site because they Googled Call of Duty. :winkyface: That's my only experience so far with 'management'. They are trying to walk a fine line. While I may not always like the actions they take, I have to admit, I really like the result. The best MJ community around :)
And now u see my catch 22 lol. Its kinda a more personal issue than site issue I suppose. I get that we don't want someone Googling mw3 and ending up here at 12 years old. But if its pertinent to the conversation at hand and has no links and no promotion of any non sponsor I don't see the issue in posting it. Ther flipside as u said its part of what makes this place what it is. The best. But the level of frustration over one post in particular is enough that I'd almost rather deal with the "rollies " at my old stomping ground. I'm still very undecided quite honestly. Its a kinda juvenile thing to be upset about. But the American in me HATES to be censored or edited in any matter. However the Brit in me is just happy to have some like mind blokes to shoot the shit with.
And now u see my catch 22 lol. Its kinda a more personal issue than site issue I suppose. I get that we don't want someone Googling mw3 and ending up here at 12 years old. But if its pertinent to the conversation at hand and has no links and no promotion of any non sponsor I don't see the issue in posting it. Ther flipside as u said its part of what makes this place what it is. The best. But the level of frustration over one post in particular is enough that I'd almost rather deal with the "rollies " at my old stomping ground. I'm still very undecided quite honestly. Its a kinda juvenile thing to be upset about. But the American in me HATES to be censored or edited in any matter. However the Brit in me is just happy to have some like mind blokes to shoot the shit with.

I feel your pain. I was back there recently checking up and was completely turned off again. I didn't even finish 'catching up'. I feel confident you aren't going anywhere. It's kinda like the that Seinfeld episode, "The Soup Nazi". He had the worst customer service ever, but the soup was soooo good you couldn't stay away. The people here are his soup! :Namaste:

P.S. I still can't get over those roots. I've never seen such perfectly formed, pure white, and clean roots. That's a DIY DWC system, right? I can't recall which nutes you use. (too many journals lol) :confused:
I feel your pain. I was back there recently checking up and was completely turned off again. I didn't even finish 'catching up'. I feel confident you aren't going anywhere. It's kinda like the that Seinfeld episode, "The Soup Nazi". He had the worst customer service ever, but the soup was soooo good you couldn't stay away. The people here are his soup! :Namaste:

P.S. I still can't get over those roots. I've never seen such perfectly formed, pure white, and clean roots. That's a DIY DWC system, right? I can't recall which nutes you use. (too many journals lol) :confused:

Not sure i know whats going on with everything. Probably dont need to know. Hope everything is good with you canna and everyone else.
Pulled a little hiatus for the past few days needed a break.

Thank you hiker my seinfeld box set will be pulled out now. The humor in seinfeld is too good.
Not sure i know whats going on with everything. Probably dont need to know. Hope everything is good with you canna and everyone else.
Pulled a little hiatus for the past few days needed a break.

Thank you hiker my seinfeld box set will be pulled out now. The humor in seinfeld is too good.

I hear ya on the break. I'm trying to catch up a couple times a week, but just can't stay updated everyday anymore. Too many threads LOL

Enjoy the Seinfeld. Maybe I'll watch some tonight too :)
I feel your pain. I was back there recently checking up and was completely turned off again. I didn't even finish 'catching up'. I feel confident you aren't going anywhere. It's kinda like the that Seinfeld episode, "The Soup Nazi". He had the worst customer service ever, but the soup was soooo good you couldn't stay away. The people here are his soup! :Namaste:

P.S. I still can't get over those roots. I've never seen such perfectly formed, pure white, and clean roots. That's a DIY DWC system, right? I can't recall which nutes you use. (too many journals lol) :confused:
Haha. NO SOUP FOR YOU. Second that on dusting off the boxset.

They're just in 5 gallon buckets with 6" netpot lids and about 3 gallons solution airstone. Using a dual outlet airpump for a 55 gallon tank from petco. They are both receiving micro gold .otherwise just air and base nutes. Both claim to be sufficient as stand alone nutes so that's how the test will go down. Advanced is looking great up top but Aurora seems tighter and her roots speak for themselves. I'm bless with great water from the spring 6.9 out of the tap and ends up at 6.4 with most nutes.its gonna be a good contest I think. Ill flip em soon as the 4x4 is cleared out. Still another 3-5 weeks before they're all down.
Not sure i know whats going on with everything. Probably dont need to know. Hope everything is good with you canna and everyone else.
Pulled a little hiatus for the past few days needed a break.

Thank you hiker my seinfeld box set will be pulled out now. The humor in seinfeld is too good.
Been missing ya around here mate! Glad to see ya back and about. The situation is kinda a dumb one as I've admitted, I will bite my lip for the greater good. I still love it here, so I will get over it and move on. Hope all is well with you and yours man. Update yo shit lol
I hear ya on the break. I'm trying to catch up a couple times a week, but just can't stay updated everyday anymore. Too many threads LOL

Enjoy the Seinfeld. Maybe I'll watch some tonight too :)

X3. Had 83 subscriptions with new post after a 3 day break. Took like 2 days to get up to date... "hi my name is cannasensei and I am a :420:aholic" I need therapy lol

Off to bed for me ill try getting in an update sometime tomorrow

:Namaste: guys thanks for popping in.
I'm bless with great water from the spring 6.9 out of the tap and ends up at 6.4 with most nutes.

What's the ppm of the water? I'm wondering what is in there that is buffering the ph so much. A change of .5 is not a lot. What is your typical bloom ppm after mixing nutes?

My RO is ~7.0, but my GH Flora, and my other menagerie of ingredients, make it come out ~5.5-5.6ph. That's perfect for me since I like to let ph drift from 5.4 to 6.2. The current tank was adjusted down once already, but now has been sitting stable at 5.9ph for 5(?) days. I'm pretty happy with my GH stuff right now. Granted it's all I've ever known, but this will give me something to compare to later. :)

So are we having meetings now? 4MAA :)420: Addicts Anonymous) :rofl:
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