My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Took some random shots playing around, gotta get back on the horse and start watching photography how to's again.

Since I took the pic all 8 of the Bubba kush have shed their husks and most have opened up. Jacked on that to say the least.

Then took a bunch of pics for notm and after posting I feel like I should have taken better ones lol. But I got a.plan for next month.. heavy d will win damnit lol

Anyways, pics..
I know a fair amount about photography Canna, so I'll be happy to answer questions if I can. My D80 and the whole kit was lost somewhere between leaving Flagstaff, hiking the PCT, and relocating to WA. While I've mostly resigned to the idea it's gone, part of me is still holding on to the hope it will turn up. I sure wish I had that camera as I head into week 4 of flowering!
Thanks man. Soon as I understand enough to have questions and the ability to verse them in a way that is proper u can bet ill have too many to answer Haha.

The drawback is that for example if I set to a matrix metering my phone wont allow me to adjust the contrast. If I use custom contrast I can't adjust the white balance etc. So I'm limited on what I can do... and I've still yet to find an "ISO for idiots" so Im like a monkey fuckin a football playing with that option haha
Took some random shots playing around, gotta get back on the horse and start watching photography how to's again.

Since I took the pic all 8 of the Bubba kush have shed their husks and most have opened up. Jacked on that to say the least.

Then took a bunch of pics for notm and after posting I feel like I should have taken better ones lol. But I got a.plan for next month.. heavy d will win damnit lol

Anyways, pics..

Figure ill quote this over so no ones gotta backtrack to stay up to date. Hate the updates being the last post of the page.
I wish I had shutter speed. Change ur shutter speed to 3 seconds and take a picture of. Road as traffic passes. U will be in love.

Lurch! Glad to see u come out of the shadows brother! And thanks for the kind words.
Been posting for two months hoping one of em would drag you outta that shell ;)

Thanks guys!
I just Lurch around in the back ground,:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I think you need to stop rolling you buds in diamond dust before you take close ups,:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I love watching soil grows.
I do not know much about soil
In my neck of the woods , the few times I tried indoor soil grows bugs or mold finished them for me.
A sealed enviro is a must for my next soil attempt. Unfortunately that wont be until next year
For some reason I picked up hydro fast , only lost 1 grow , and that had nada to do with grow room mishaps. Uncle sam came for a visit and took it all then charged me $500.
Driving by. Thanks for the tip on placement of the sensor canna.

Will be trying to get that up and secured this evening. I am excited to see your 8 bubba.

Not sure if it is the same ones but it will be cool to see what you do with them?

I almost forgot how to baby seedlings and not feed them. I am good now I hope.

+reps is what the dr ordered following a gooey hash rip. cheers
yep I have no idea what im doing with this cam yet either bro, Im not even sure what iso is yet lmfao...or what the best shutter speed ect ect this thing is way beyond me atm so I just leave it on exr and it choose for me thank god or it would be an expensive paperweight..

shorter shutter speed, wider f-stop. longer shutter, smaller f-stop.
f-stop, or aperture, refers to how much you "open up" the lens to allow more, or less, light in. The higher the number, ie f22, the smaller the opening and the smaller the amount of light. You use these smaller aperture, higher f-stop, when you want to large depth of field. Typically you would use this in a landscape type shot.

For a bud photo, you will probably prefer a shallower depth of field to make the bud you're focusing on pop out of the picture. Here is how to understand depth of field. You're taking a photo. The photo is 2D, right? So imagine there is a plane that is parallel to the surface of the lens. This represents what will be in focus within your photo. Depth of field can be thought of as the thickness of that plane. If you use a real small aperture, like f22, the depth of field will be at it's largest. With most lenses, at f22, you have infinite focus, hence why it's used for landscape photography. When you open up the aperture, small f-stop like f4.5, you have a much thinner depth of field. You will also use a much shorter shutter speed. That's why when you look at a picture of something moving, only that object is in focus. In order to freeze the subject, you need a short shutter time. In order to get enough light to the sensor in that short time, you need to open up the aperture. Hence, the shallow depth of field.

Sorry for that. I'll stop before I go on trying to explain more concepts. There are much better resources out there than me, but I'm happy to answer questions. I have put a LOT of time into studying photography over the years. I just have no camera at this time. :(
shorter shutter speed, wider f-stop. longer shutter, smaller f-stop.
f-stop, or aperture, refers to how much you "open up" the lens to allow more, or less, light in. The higher the number, ie f22, the smaller the opening and the smaller the amount of light. You use these smaller aperture, higher f-stop, when you want to large depth of field. Typically you would use this in a landscape type shot.

For a bud photo, you will probably prefer a shallower depth of field to make the bud you're focusing on pop out of the picture. Here is how to understand depth of field. You're taking a photo. The photo is 2D, right? So imagine there is a plane that is parallel to the surface of the lens. This represents what will be in focus within your photo. Depth of field can be thought of as the thickness of that plane. If you use a real small aperture, like f22, the depth of field will be at it's largest. With most lenses, at f22, you have infinite focus, hence why it's used for landscape photography. When you open up the aperture, small f-stop like f4.5, you have a much thinner depth of field. You will also use a much shorter shutter speed. That's why when you look at a picture of something moving, only that object is in focus. In order to freeze the subject, you need a short shutter time. In order to get enough light to the sensor in that short time, you need to open up the aperture. Hence, the shallow depth of field.

Sorry for that. I'll stop before I go on trying to explain more concepts. There are much better resources out there than me, but I'm happy to answer questions. I have put a LOT of time into studying photography over the years. I just have no camera at this time. :(

:blunt: don't stop on my account dude, beat the varnish off THAT soapbox brother I'm all ears.

nice pics canna, great job:bravo:
Ronnie! I think I owe you some Rep if I remember right.. here, take it lol.

Thanks for the kind words brother!
Driving by. Thanks for the tip on placement of the sensor canna.

Will be trying to get that up and secured this evening. I am excited to see your 8 bubba.

Not sure if it is the same ones but it will be cool to see what you do with them?

I almost forgot how to baby seedlings and not feed them. I am good now I hope.

+reps is what the dr ordered following a gooey hash rip. cheers
I'm good with just the hash :) lol. But I'm taking the Rep too and u can't have it back! ;) Haha.

No problem bro. I hope it does well for you man. I hardly got to try it myself :/ aha.
I'm beyond jacked about the bubbas thank you. If I can find the pheno I used to have or a desirable male it will be used to further my bubbaxmendo project I had to abandon after momma got taken in a bad split with aonce friend (do ever do it.. don't live with work with or fuck your friends it will never end well)

I may be kicking the breeding program back into overdrive here in the next few months. Just gotta find a few more worth.the effort

I just Lurch around in the back ground,:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I think you need to stop rolling you buds in diamond dust before you take close ups,:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I love watching soil grows.
I do not know much about soil
In my neck of the woods , the few times I tried indoor soil grows bugs or mold finished them for me.
A sealed enviro is a must for my next soil attempt. Unfortunately that wont be until next year
For some reason I picked up hydro fast , only lost 1 grow , and that had nada to do with grow room mishaps. Uncle sam came for a visit and took it all then charged me $500.
:rofl: well I'm glad u spoke up finally.
A sealed room is a hard feat without gas IMO. And will do little to mitigate and possible issues. Cleanliness is the name of the game sir. Cleanliness and a.healthy ecosystem condusive to symbiosis. These with a daily weekly AND monthly cleaning regime will prevent most problems.

When u took that Jeep out wheeling and were enjoying it, u know hand out the window cruising, spinning em up a hill flinging dirt everywhere, maybe get out tome a bowl take a piss see the view, whatever. Then u came back home and popped in to see if the ladies were standing upright still? Lol. Everytime you step outside many things become stuck to you. Mold spores mildew spores mites etc. This is where most people encounter trouble.

Now I'm not saying have a.clean room before ur grow room to delouce in lol. Just you know, wash your hands change ur clothes and NO SOCKS OR SHOES ALLOWED! Haha. (I have it basically plastered on the growroom door cause I kept forgetting.)

Hydro is a great route to go. I always advocate sticking to what works. But to grow in all organic soil as I do, successfully a certain level of obsessive compulsive is necessary, there's so many living things to keep happy this way but if u put in the effort and eliminate as many variables as possible it takes care of itself just add light and water.

Obviously, all areas should be cleaned daily weekly and monthly but your far less likelyto "get away with it" in organic soil (ime)
I live 5 miles from a water shed and lots of bugs , humidity,and dust from mid may and only bugs Sept till October. and to top it off my shack is a 40 year old trailer that had mold issues . I fried 2 dehums and a carbon filter (attempt to clean air as it entered house) last summer , but kept house at 75 without ac, that was in the flower room,:rofl:
I have been looking at ozone generators, suppose to help with molds and bugs but dangerous to small animals . can"t find to many journals using them.
Sorry for rambling
have to go kill 2 males from the rack
Shit ramble on man I wont stop ya.
That's a lot of odds stacked against you. I'd run a sealed co2 setup in ur case with a fuzzy logic controller or the like that will let you increase the ppm.drastically, then if a problem occurs you can boost the saturation for a bottle and kill off almost anything in the room. Kinda high overhead but coupled with dwc would set shit offff!
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