My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Looks sweet... lots of work. The ganja widow (my wife) will side with your wife all day long :cheesygrinsmiley:

Mine too
she gets pissed when i ask her to pick up nutes, which are 10 feet down the road from her job.:rofl::rofl:
Haha. I feel ur pain. Mines actually pretty lenient as she smokes it too. She just hates how much it cost so I make her buy an ounce once a year to keep reality in check for her..

The day I decided I would marry her was the day (coincidence) we bought an ounce that was MAYBE B grade for 220 bucks and she said something like "damn so, it cost the same for 6 new bulbs as it does for an ounce?".. "at a half gpw that's still 600g and ud have 3 spare bulbs." She went home and ordered me the 4x4 tent the magnum Hood and the lumatek with an eye hort bulb .
Hey there CS

I posted some pics of my BK's on my journal just for you! :Namaste:

One has a problem, so maybe you have an idea?
Looking sexy! Lol. Love me some kush. Posted in ur journal as well
Looks sweet... lots of work. The ganja widow (my wife) will side with your wife all day long :cheesygrinsmiley:

Mine too
she gets pissed when i ask her to pick up nutes, which are 10 feet down the road from her job.:rofl::rofl:

Huh? :hmmmm:

I musta missed something, but I didn't see it when I scrolled back. Oh well. Back to watching the show. :popcorn:
Lol. I was just mentioning that I have half a foot in divorce court as it were so the garden is as it will be for some time. Any expense beyond upkeep may induce "flying object syndrome " lol. The wife may go off the handle completely.

All that's left is to find someone willing to trade one of my ballast for a 2" t5 setup and the garden will be where I wanted it to be. Thinking a trade is the only way to do it while keeping limbs intact Haha. Maybe they'll trade the wife for it.

"I got this truck for my wife, best trade ever" Haha.
Reminds me of on of my favorite bumper stickers
"I still miss my ex, but my aim is improving"
Lol. I was just mentioning that I have half a foot in divorce court as it were so the garden is as it will be for some time. Any expense beyond upkeep may induce "flying object syndrome " lol. The wife may go off the handle completely.

All that's left is to find someone willing to trade one of my ballast for a 2" t5 setup and the garden will be where I wanted it to be. Thinking a trade is the only way to do it while keeping limbs intact Haha. Maybe they'll trade the wife for it.

"I got this truck for my wife, best trade ever" Haha.
Reminds me of on of my favorite bumper stickers
"I still miss my ex, but my aim is improving"

I did see that post, just didn't link to two together. Maybe I'm following too many journals now :winkyface:

I always liked the old saying/country song. My wife left me in my truck. I'm gonna miss that truck. :)

I am truly blessed that Mrs Hiker is/was onboard with all the spending I've had to do building this basement. I originally thought I could get started for ~$2-3k. :rofl: :rofl:

Now it's $6-7k later... The budget for this project is gone (and the budget to repair the deck, install a water softner for the house, etc). We have a monthly allowance for home improvement that is now being used to cover the expenses for the basement. I've been pretty much going over that too! Luckily, my wife is still supporting the idea that we need to spend what needs to be spent to ensure we get a good harvest. Once the room starts producing, this issue will go away.

The only remaining equipment I want/need to purchase is an intake fan and thermostat controller for it, but I'm dragging my feet on that purchase. Eventually I want a nice environmental controller, so I'm reluctant to buy the fan thermostat if it's just gonna get replaced later. It might be awhile though, so I should probably just order one. There's no huge hurry though. My temps are great right now. The main thing it would do for me is improve odor control during lights out (exhaust fan is off). I want to get the veg area built out before I start making more changes to the flowering room anyway. In the next couple of harvests, I'll probably switch to a sealed room, so that would make the intake fan obsolete anyway.
I love the sealed room. As will you hiker.

I too know the feeling of the wife and the ways we try to make them understand what we need for our gardens. Like hiker said 2-3k for a room build is not totally out of the question but to do it quickly is extremely difficult. I would say if I had to buy one more thing my wife would pop a vessel and it would probably be mine. hahaha!

On a side note made a trip up to the mountains yesterday took the wife and kiddo to get her in the snow young.
suprising there was still some snow. wifey happy.

peace canna

awaiting arrival. not sure of the number you sent. think I deleted it.
I did see that post, just didn't link to two together. Maybe I'm following too many journals now :winkyface:

I always liked the old saying/country song. My wife left me in my truck. I'm gonna miss that truck. :)

I am truly blessed that Mrs Hiker is/was onboard with all the spending I've had to do building this basement. I originally thought I could get started for ~$2-3k. :rofl: :rofl:

Now it's $6-7k later... The budget for this project is gone (and the budget to repair the deck, install a water softner for the house, etc). We have a monthly allowance for home improvement that is now being used to cover the expenses for the basement. I've been pretty much going over that too! Luckily, my wife is still supporting the idea that we need to spend what needs to be spent to ensure we get a good harvest. Once the room starts producing, this issue will go away.

The only remaining equipment I want/need to purchase is an intake fan and thermostat controller for it, but I'm dragging my feet on that purchase. Eventually I want a nice environmental controller, so I'm reluctant to buy the fan thermostat if it's just gonna get replaced later. It might be awhile though, so I should probably just order one. There's no huge hurry though. My temps are great right now. The main thing it would do for me is improve odor control during lights out (exhaust fan is off). I want to get the veg area built out before I start making more changes to the flowering room anyway. In the next couple of harvests, I'll probably switch to a sealed room, so that would make the intake fan obsolete anyway.
Haha that's a good one too. We are definetly lucky men.

Hi canna, This grow is fn nice. I noticed on your training it
sorta favors nugbucket's main-lining. Yours seems to have more than his.
+reps and subbed. I can't get over the way your phone
takes better photos than my Fuji cam. Great journal
Keep up the great work.
WB! Stoked u made it over finally lol. I owe u some reps been waiting to cross ur path.

I have always trained in this manner it wasn't til recently that nugbuckets put a name on it.

My structure depends on the strain. Those that show apical dominance (Bubba for example) I will directly embody nugbuckets style "center out" however these mendawg have very strong sidebranching as such I see MUCH larger yields allowing them to bush selectively. I'd be cutting them back 100s of times while waiting for the less branchy phenols to take shape
Happy to have ya along mate!

The phone cam blows my mind as well. Its a Samsung galaxy s2 skyrocket. I got it cause at the time it was one of the few offering panoramic shots. But it turns out its a great cam and lens all around. Adjustable zoom, macro, ISO, grain, exposure, etc are all adjustable. I never knew what it was all for before lol. Still learning but I suspect I can start pulling some respectable shots soon enough. Wish I had shutter speed lol
Thanks for the kind words, I like this training tech.
If this dumb state ever wises up thats all i will ever do.
You should do a faq on main-lining cause your doing it great.
Ive read your journal from start to finish. I learned a lot
on these 30 pages. I read a lot of grows on here
and everyone I read i give reps and thanks.
Thanks man. I've been working on a tutorial ever since recruiting nugbuckets failed lol. I just recently learned how to use my camera so I'm straying from scratch with Bubba kush and proper pics.

It means a lot that u learned something from the journal, that and my own record keeping is the only intent I have. With this journal. I'm glad its hitting home. Thank u again for the kind words :Namaste:
Well the facts and realities of life are weighing me down today.
Dog isn't doing great (although not horrible), STILL can't find a job (thanks Barry), and just heard word from the patient that they will be doing surgery tomorrow. Its a positive step that should leave him cancer free but we were trying all we could to avoid anything too invasive if possible.

Long story short I meed a blunt and a... scratch that got the blunt... someone make me laugh damnit lol.
Picked up the little unit that could. no problems whatsoever. now I wait until lights on to go and tinker around in the room and setup the rest of the stuff.
Buddy I am sorry to hear about the stresses you got going on.
good for a laugh!
someone make me laugh damnit lol.

A hippie was walking down the street one day when a pixie pounced on him. “Today is your lucky day!” said the pixie. “I’m gonna give you two wishes. What will the first one be?” The hippie thinks for a moment and then says, “I want a never-ending joint.” So the pixie snaps his fingers and there is this king-sized joint. The hippie jacks it up and starts puffing. After five hits the joint is still the same length. Next the pixie says, “…And number two?” The hippie replies, “This is so cool man! Gimme another one!”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There ya go buddy :)
Hahaha thanks guys. That jerky boys shit is epic! Idk how I didn't know about it before.
And who doesn't love a hippy joke? :) :blunt:

U guys ever heard of Stephen Lynch, Bo Burnham, tripod, or flight of the concords?
I'm familiar with the first and last of that list.

I can't believe you never heard the jerky boys. I remember they were big in the 90s during my previous growing period of life.
That whole list is epic man. Bo Burnham cracks my shit up.

I can't either honestly, I've always enjoyed the more humorous music. Idc what genre as long as its dark twisted and/or funny. I was raised on bob and tom
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