My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Is this a tea you normally brew? Just asking since I will be brewing teas quite a bit more. + reps too if I can your garden looks great;)
I typically play it by ear but in a nutshell yes thus is the base I use for my tea. Ratios very by strain and stage of growth and every now and then well throw in dom rock phosphate and or Epsom. Whatever the plant says it needs.
Everything looks great. You seem to have a handle on everything ;-) I like your tea too. Teas are awesome for pest control and nutrient. Did I mention teas are awesome? ;-)
Thanks for stopping in man. I love em as well. Looking to get my own mix nailed down here soon to share with all interested
im interested bro look at the donkeys you produce! Im still undecided on my outdoor mix this round, I want something that is water only, no teas no sprays no nothing lol...I dont care how much work it is mixing it I just want it to be easy once the girls are in it. Its a bit of a treck to get to my spots so im planning on setting up rain barrels at each site I would prefer not to have to lug nutes or sprayers around in the bush.
Super soil man. Fill half ur hole with it. Top it off with ur normal base soil and plant. Water when needed thenTop dress Sept 1st with fresh super soil and watch em swell. (Make sure you secure the plants using a fence or chicken wire... ull have a fucking wildlife refuge using your top dress as a buffet if u don't... trust me lol
Ive been looking at subcool's recipe and i forgot to mention they are all auto's this year due to the short season so 90 days from start to finish,they will be a month old by the time they get put ouside, so I dont think i would need to topdress.the reason im undecided is #1 ive never grown auto's and I hear they are nute sensitive#2 Ive never mixed soil before(always sinthetics) so honestly im scared im gonna fuck my plants up, i ll have 100 of them out there so thats like a grand and probably another grand or more for 400 gallons of supersoil so im not sure what to do.If the mix is to hot im screwed.Maybe i ll just tuff it out and stick to what I know, at least with sinthetics I can control the mix, with supersoil I cant...decisions decisions
Hard call with autos. I'd stick to what u that case. As for messing up subs mix is pretty consistent. If u follow it to the t u shouldn't ever see an issue otherthan over portioning it (I never fill more than half the pot wih SS usually only 30%)
Looking good Canna :thumb:

That's some extreme training! And I thought I had my trunks low to the ground LOL
Haha. Thanks man. "Low and slow then let the plants grow low and slow that is the tempo" ;) lol

Dammit, now I gotta jam License to Ill. Or maybe that's a good thing. That album tends to get played at least a couple times a year. I have no idea how old you are, but that reference tells me we're probably close to the same age. :winkyface:
the ladies are jamming to license to ill as we speak lol.
That's probably a pretty safe bet ;)
Kinda with a heavy heart tho, first spin of bb since mca passed
the ladies are jamming to license to ill as we speak lol.
That's probably a pretty safe bet ;)
Kinda with a heavy heart tho, first spin of bb since mca passed

That was the last time I jammed them. As a tribute :)
Thanks man. I hope the tea does well for ya. I should mention, I run all my raw ingredients through a coffee grinder before sockin it up in a pantyhose, the granulated and.peopled ingredients blend better this way and it mixes it all up real nice before brewing. I've found the azomite and blood meal don't like to do their thing as effectively otherwise.

Thanks for the Rep and kind words brother, right back at ya! I got a small update coming tomorrow and in gonna attempt to get my training tutorial put together and posted.
Waiting on the upload as usual lol. Not a lot going on really. Got the p deficiency under control but now the jtrs are showing N def so I'm working on that nowblol. Otherwise all are doing well. I threw the switch a bit early this round and it appears only 1-2 will clear the canopy rings meaning they're not the most ideal example for the tutorial.

I am planning to finish and post the tutorial today however I have concerns toward the pic quality. As such I am considering trashing the tutorial all together and redoing it from beginning to end proper and detailed after I buy a real camera. Anyone have any input or preference? It will he a months or so before I get but the pic quality would be much better.

Decisions decisions.
Camera recommendations? I was/am a Nikon guy, but I lost my DSLR and the whole kit during the move. :(

I need a new camera too, and I'm leaning towards a G11. I find that odd since I bought a new P&S for the trail in 2011, but not a G11. I bought the latest, at the time, Sony. It had literally come out that week. I wanted the GPS feature, and some others, so I waited for that one. It was a great camera until I took it for a swim (long story, coulda died, happy to lose camera since I'm alive). It was just a little too automatic for my tastes. I like that the G11, or a G10, let you have all the same control as a DSRL in a smaller, less expensive, package.

If you are asking about whether or not you should restart the tutorial, well that's up to you my friend :)
I'm a Nikon man myself. I had a nice d90 for a while ended up needing to pay rent tho. I'm leaning toward the canon s5 IS. I can find them around 200 and they seem more than capable of macro. But yes my question was toward the tutorial. I'd hate to put it up with half assed pics but I hate to keep putting it off too.
Ok. Update time. Were on day 18 since the flip. 3 more before I defoliate and hit with their second dose of reverse.

Furthest left are jtr, middle 3 are heavy d top right is chem dom.bottom right is mendo dom
Veggers are doing well. About to swap a 600 for the 400 (I really just need to buy another 600 just can't afford it) to get some extra coverage.

In the an vs Aurora Aurora is winning. I am.following their schedules to the "t" and little girl in the an bucket hates me for it lol. There are many clear advantages to soul synthetics but ill save it for the end. Otherwise they've both got roots in Res.

Awesome pics, love the bowl shots!!
Thanks man. I'm doing what I can with what I got but this phone just isn't doing them justice. I love the first bowl pic :) I copied it with the 420 mag logo on it and made it the phone background
Thanks for the reps Buck :thanks: I bookmarked my cp so it never tells me in the notification if I got Rep I just have to happen to notice
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