My First Outdoor/In Ground Grow

All of my live shows were Bruce. I was fortunate to be around the right people at a very young age and was able to see Jerry live 10 times. I was 13 - 16 years old for those shows. One of the few times I wish I was older so o could have had more shows and event more so that I could have had live shows from my current perspective about the music and not the scene of that makes any sense.
I hear you man!

If this makes any sense, the scene Jerry used to talk about in SF is the same scene as there ever was and is today regardless of age (like young and old Jerry) or our perspective as old guys like me. It's like it doesn't matter how old you are . . . It's like just be here now man ☮️
You are lucky to have been surrounded by those dead freaks. I had to find out about the dead on my own. Didn't see my first show until I was 20 in 1985.
That I was!!!

I’ve been thinking about trying to make it to a D & Co at the sphere. I saw them in their first tour and I think this is the best iteration, though Bobby is slowing down a tad, but still great to see them going.

I am interested though as to why Billy isn’t playing with them yet ia doing other shows. I hope it is for all of the right reasons ♥️
I hear you man!

If this makes any sense, the scene Jerry used to talk about in SF is the same scene as there ever was and is today regardless of age (like young and old Jerry) or our perspective as old guys like me. It's like it doesn't matter how old you are . . . It's like just be here now man ☮️
Ram Daas :) or is it Ram Dass. I have the book somewhere around here :)

Fully get it. And my thought was not about being around for the scene but the appreciation I have for the music now I wish I had then, but then again, remember, be here now :)
That I was!!!

I’ve been thinking about trying to make it to a D & Co at the sphere. I saw them in their first tour and I think this is the best iteration, though Bobby is slowing down a tad, but still great to see them going.

I am interested though as to why Billy isn’t playing with them yet ia doing other shows. I hope it is for all of the right reasons ♥️
I have seen dead&co 5 or 6 times lots of fun. Looking forward to seeing DSO this month. They are recreating the famous English town nj show from 1977. Should be a hoot.
Ram Daas :) or is it Ram Dass. I have the book somewhere around here :)

Fully get it. And my thought was not about being around for the scene but the appreciation I have for the music now I wish I had then, but then again, remember, be here now :)
Saw Timothy Leary in mid 80's at a small bar in Pennsylvania doing a lecture. What a night.
Ram Daas :) or is it Ram Dass. I have the book somewhere around here :)

Fully get it. And my thought was not about being around for the scene but the appreciation I have for the music now I wish I had then, but then again, remember, be here now :)

You are pretty cool man. 😎

I'm passing out now. Goodnight to you and weed daddy (aka @Ramblinrose1965 ).

Man, we just had a severe thunderstorm come through with sustained straight line high winds. Luckily my screen held, but the point of this is from my newbie status (and at the risk of sounding like an arrogant prick), it's like even though these tomato cages are laughable to some. I'm pretty sure they are genius. 😂

It's like they are totally playin in the band!

One other thing, it's comical to me how freakish I am about controlling environmentals and watering in the closet and how our of control I am with these things outside. 😂☮️
I don't want to monopolize my own thread here but as I'm sitting here watching the sun come back out on my plants . . . Growing weed outside is just as magical and fun as growing weed inside. It's a whole other thing just as fun if not more so. Growing weed is so cool!
I might as well put these three up for a final update today. The autos don't have much foliage compared to the photo trees so they did pretty well in the storm with just a single bamboo cane

Sometimes I need a bamboo cane. Sometimes more ........
Those are some tall autos. ;) My dogs remind me to get inside in the evening right now. It's so pleasant to sit out under the stars during summer. I just go into a trance and listen to the sounds of nature or shooting stars. My dogs start to whine at me so i follow them indoors. Oh how i love sitting just watching the grass grow :yummy:
Those are some tall autos. ;) My dogs remind me to get inside in the evening right now. It's so pleasant to sit out under the stars during summer. I just go into a trance and listen to the sounds of nature or shooting stars. My dogs start to whine at me so i follow them indoors. Oh how i love sitting just watching the grass grow :yummy:
These really are good plants. The effects of the buds are perfect for me. I'm going to order more of these seeds this fall.

I hear what you are saying about being outside in the zone staring at plants and experiencing the creation and listening to nature sounds. I'm the same way. 👍☮️
These really are good plants. The effects of the buds are perfect for me. I'm going to order more of these seeds this fall.

I hear what you are saying about being outside in the zone staring at plants and experiencing the creation and listening to nature sounds. I'm the same way. 👍☮️
When I was running a small warehouse grow for a friend that got hired as a master grower and couldn't take care of his grow, my ex at the time use to come in with me and we would do all the maintenance needed to keep the grow going. She liked defoliating and transplanting while I was the waterer and mother room boss.

One of the things I loved about his space was the big mother room he had built. He was big on having a large selection of material to be able to choose from along with having material for him to play around with in terms of cross breeding.

I use to go into the mother room and just stare at all the different cultivars. He must have had at least 30 different cultivars, 6 plants each. My ex would complain that I was sitting in there to escape working but once she spent a little time she told me how peaceful it was and she understood why I liked to look after the mothers.
When I was running a small warehouse grow for a friend that got hired as a master grower and couldn't take care of his grow, my ex at the time use to come in with me and we would do all the maintenance needed to keep the grow going. She liked defoliating and transplanting while I was the waterer and mother room boss.

One of the things I loved about his space was the big mother room he had built. He was big on having a large selection of material to be able to choose from along with having material for him to play around with in terms of cross breeding.

I use to go into the mother room and just stare at all the different cultivars. He must have had at least 30 different cultivars, 6 plants each. My ex would complain that I was sitting in there to escape working but once she spent a little time she told me how peaceful it was and she understood why I liked to look after the mothers.
That's awesome it is truly for me a peaceful, mello time. I sat outside about 0330 this morning with a cup of coffee and surrounded by my plants. Could'nt see them but could smell them the flowering autos an slurricanes. And my blooming lilies and jasmine just giving me peace of mind.
That's awesome it is truly for me a peaceful, mello time. I sat outside about 0330 this morning with a cup of coffee and surrounded by my plants. Could'nt see them but could smell them the flowering autos an slurricanes. And my blooming lilies and jasmine just giving me peace of mind.
I use to be involved in a city program that taught seniors at an assisted living facility how to grow. The city would provide each attendee of the class with a 2 x 2, a sack of soil, cloth pot and a 100w light. One of the attendees told me about a friend of hers that was interested in cultivation but was still in her own house. When I spoke to the woman she told me how she was barely making ends meet with her SS.

I set up her garage with a bunch of gear that I had collected over the years from other grows that either shut down or were upgrading their gear. When I'd shut down a grow it was usually because they had been raided so the owners weren't all that interested in getting their gear back and just wanted it gone. I gave her a price for the gear and labor to install and we agreed that she would give me a percentage of whatever she was able to harvest and sell until she was able to fulfill the build costs. She was worried because she had never grown weed before and wasn't sure if she would be able to make it work. She loved to garden so she had a good basic knowledge of plants in general. I told her not to worry. If she couldn't make it happen I would remove the gear at no cost to her and she'd owe me nothing.
She was worried about the electric bill and how to pay for it but I took care of that so that she wouldn't have to worry about paying for electricity. She had the old style meter that was easy to "adjust". After a few runs she told me she felt bad not paying the electric bill so she slowly increased the amount of her monthly bills so they wouldn't get suspicious.

I held her hand through the first run and lightly assisted on the next couple runs. After that she was a pro!!

I still get calls from her every once in a while when she has an issue.

6 plant LST pre flower.jpg
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