My First Outdoor/In Ground Grow

The leaves on the top 25% of the tree in a bag are getting light green. As well I'm noticing some leaves in this area with yellow edges. I'm thinking nitrogen deficiency.

Any thoughts or opinions please?


@Trump the leaves on bottom 75% are dark green.
Nitrogen deficiency probably, Magnesium possibly.
What I have is a 100% match for the nitrogen deficiency on the chart. Although, I noticed the magnesium deficiency symptoms look very similar.

calmag is often recommended as it carries some n with it. in some cases it's a mask for a general nutrition issue. normally you won't encounter a calmag problem in an outdoor grow. the plant uses far less than under artificial light.

I just hit it with the fish emulsion just now. I'll see how that does and if there's no improvement, I'll try using cal/mag and epsom salt to address the magnesium question for plan B.

probably a good idea. thinking it's more a nutritional issue. can always ramp up some calmag into the feed if it doesn't correct with the emulsion. the epsom probably won't touch it.
Nitrogen deficiency probably, Magnesium possibly.

The top part of the plant greened up overnight but not all the way. I'll give it a few days and then maybe hit it again with the MG fertilizer (water soluble). I think I'm learning when you have a large tree in a bag as opposed to some flowers in a pot you can disregard the directions somewhat and let the plant determine frequency of application.
calmag is often recommended as it carries some n with it. in some cases it's a mask for a general nutrition issue. normally you won't encounter a calmag problem in an outdoor grow. the plant uses far less than under artificial light.

probably a good idea. thinking it's more a nutritional issue. can always ramp up some calmag into the feed if it doesn't correct with the emulsion. the epsom probably won't touch it.

Thanks very much for this info. It is very helpful and gives me confidence in what I'm doing. Thanks man! 🙏
I think I'm learning when you have a large tree in a bag as opposed to some flowers in a pot you can disregard the directions somewhat and let the plant determine frequency of application.

this will apply whether indoor or outdoor.

have a read through that. make sure to go through the thread as there is good information on changing the approach in flower.
this will apply whether indoor or outdoor.

This is good to know also. 🙏

That's an outstanding article! Everything she said is right on point with my experience. For example indoors last winter I was all organic and didn't need to worry about Ph and the root balls on both of my plants looked just like she described as a result of improper watering.

Thanks again very much!!
Congratulations on starting your in-ground growth! It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into your setup.
to address your question, Here are a few quick tips that I would like to share
  1. Soil Quality: Your garden soil is likely good, but adding a bit of compost can help. The super soil will boost nutrients.
  2. Nutrient Management: Monitor your plants closely. Use balanced nutrients as needed and avoid over-fertilizing.
  3. pH Levels: Aim for a pH of 6.0-6.5. Test and adjust as needed.
  4. Challenges: Watch for nutrient imbalances and adjust your feed accordingly Overall, growing in garden soil can be successful with proper care. Good luck!

    Happy growing,

Very nice thank you!
The top part of the plant greened up overnight but not all the way. I'll give it a few days and then maybe hit it again with the MG fertilizer (water soluble). I think I'm learning when you have a large tree in a bag as opposed to some flowers in a pot you can disregard the directions somewhat and let the plant determine frequency of application.
Keep in mind, plants in a bag are exposing their entire root structure and media to the elements. Outdoors wind will evaporate whatever is in the pot and the roots have a finite amount of media to find it vs in the ground where roots can explore as far as they can grow.

Your plants are sprouted from seed so they have tap roots vs cloned plants. Plants in the ground sprouted from seed will send their tap root as deep as it can. Pots will limit that. Indoors, tent space limits the time the plants are in their pots so pot size is not as important but outdoors the sky is literally the limit.

If you're going to grow a tree you need to provide ample media space for the roots to be able to have enough media surface area to take up what it needs. If you're going to grow another tree in a pot you're going to need to anticipate how large a pot you'll need to get it to the size you want or think the plant will grow to before it begins to flower.

Judging by the plants you have in the ground now I would say 25 gal at minimum.
Keep in mind, plants in a bag are exposing their entire root structure and media to the elements. Outdoors wind will evaporate whatever is in the pot and the roots have a finite amount of media to find it vs in the ground where roots can explore as far as they can grow.

Your plants are sprouted from seed so they have tap roots vs cloned plants. Plants in the ground sprouted from seed will send their tap root as deep as it can. Pots will limit that. Indoors, tent space limits the time the plants are in their pots so pot size is not as important but outdoors the sky is literally the limit.

If you're going to grow a tree you need to provide ample media space for the roots to be able to have enough media surface area to take up what it needs. If you're going to grow another tree in a pot you're going to need to anticipate how large a pot you'll need to get it to the size you want or think the plant will grow to before it begins to flower.

Judging by the plants you have in the ground now I would say 25 gal at minimum.

Thanks very much for this perspective!

I'm thinking of all the good stuff I put in the 4' wide and 3' deep holes I dug in the garden vs. the 10 gal. bag of MG and this makes me think I really need to step up my nutrient game with this plant that is starting to struggle now.

The MG wasn't even sufficient enough to keep my first little auto last winter out of trouble for five weeks and here I am wondering why this large photo is not keeping up.

It's going light green again now. I'm too tired to mess with it now but I'm going to start giving it a strong brew starting tomorrow and every day until I feel like it is back to being a healthy functional plant.

Thanks again 🙏

This is so crazy, I feel like I'm embarrassing myself writing about my experience with this plant here. I went to bed thinking I'll get up today and hammer this plant with nutes this morning . . . But except for the top 10" of the plant it turned dark green overnight and looks like a million bucks. I think I'll just be patient now and let it ride to see if the very top circumference of the plant will follow suit. I hit this with a strong cocktail about two days ago. What a great learning experience!
Here's something else that is wild to me . . . This auto is 8 weeks old and I just noticed the trychs are milky already. I waited until I saw some amber on the first two and that worked out very well . . . But I think this could actually be an example of an auto that actually is ready to harvest in 8 - 10 weeks as advertised. We will see how it looks at 10 weeks.


Looking good there :)

How are those other monster plants that your growing doing? Get them all sorted out?

Ohh I happened to drive by the local record store today and stopped in to see what was doing.

I could t resist this one :)
Looking good there :)

How are those other monster plants that your growing doing? Get them all sorted out?

Ohh I happened to drive by the local record store today and stopped in to see what was doing.

I could t resist this one :)
Great tunes. 🍋
Looking good there :)

How are those other monster plants that your growing doing? Get them all sorted out?

Ohh I happened to drive by the local record store today and stopped in to see what was doing.

I could t resist this one :)
That looks great man!! I'll bet your eyes lit up when you saw this! Every winter I look at stereos on marketplace and want to get back into albums and CDs but I never do. Id like to get the same Realistic set up I had years ago.

The monsters are still growing like weeds. I can't believe I'm saying this but it would be okay with me if they would quit growing taller now. Lol 👍☮️
That looks great man!! I'll bet your eyes lit up when you saw this! Every winter I look at stereos on marketplace and want to get back into albums and CDs but I never do. Id like to get the same Realistic set up I had years ago.

The monsters are still growing like weeds. I can't believe I'm saying this but it would be okay with me if they would quit growing taller now. Lol 👍☮️
I built my current stereo set up a few years back.

It’s nothing spectacular but it certainly does the trick :)

I steam 99% of my music but I do like to pop the headphones on and listen to a good record ever once in a while!
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