My First Grow: Bubblegum, AK47 & White Widow

Day 42 of flower. Did some very selective defoliation to thin them out for more air flow and light penetration. 3 weeks to go. Home stretch 🙏🏼

Day 46 of flower. Shot of the trichomes. Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks! First pic is Bubblegum. 2nd is White Widow.


👀👀👀 I think it's time 👌🏽 did you take the pictures of the buds and not the leaves? For me the top one is where I would chop at.

The bottom Is hard for me to tell but I think I can still see some clears.. check a few buds aswell.

Mostly milky is more of a head high and more amber's gives the body high so depending what you want.. clears needs more time.
Day 51 of 🌸. Plants seem to have stalled out. Trichomes turning color fairly quickly. Started flushing and plan on chopping down either Friday or Sunday. It will be right around 8 weeks of flower 🌸.



Beautiful mate you done a grand job 👌🏽
Whats your humidity like in your house?
I plan on drying them in an actual tent. I can set temp and RH at whatever it needs to be.
Of course bro but the rh of your house will dictate how to chop.. if your house is very humid then you would cut it dow branch by branch if it's not to humid the cut it and hang it whole..
best to set Rh to 60 and temp to 60f that should get you 10 days to two weeks drying.. long and slow is key.. extractor on low and one or two small fans on low directing air around the tent not pointing at plants..
Thanks man. My buds are pretty skinny so I think slowing down the process as much as possible is a good idea. As far as knowing when it's dry enough, is the branch snap test good enough? What size branch do I try snapping?
Definitely bro, the thinner stalks will crack sooner so go for a thicker stalk or one with the biggest buds on it. If I hit two weeks I start trimming and jaring anyways, the worst part about growing 😩 I'll only do a couple of hours a day trimming lol
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