My First Grow: Bubblegum, AK47 & White Widow

I assume the likes mean it's normal šŸ˜‚
Yes Tallboy, the "like" means it's normal. The yellowing tips indicate a mild nitrogen burn and that means she's been eating well. It's nothing to be concerned about! She's a beauty. Can you get any close-up pics of her trichomes?

All of my plants have yellow or brown tips near the end, if they ate properly!
Crescendo bud 4-12-23 F55.JPG
I think may have jumped the gun on the flush šŸ˜¬ Should I go back to nutes until I see more amber?






Are all thes shots of the bud and of a couple different buds? I think I can see a few clears on there so could be another week..
It's a funny question because before coming on here it would be flush 10 to 14 days which i would still do in soil but on here some don't flush at all so it's your call..
The age old question. Take what I say with many grains of salt as I'm still trying to figure this out as well. I like 10% amber. The only thing I would recommend is to make sure you look at a bud that is not the closest to the light and one you havent handled much as (from what i read) that can prematurely cause the trichs to amber up and look like they are more done than they are. If that pic is from a middle bud i havent handled, I'd go ahead and chop.
She looks really close. What do you think?
I do know a guy tho lol
Thanks, T!-
I'd say you can chop that one any time, tallboy- looks like apx. 10% amber now- or, you could wait a week for a little more amber, if you like the buzz more on the relaxed side..šŸ˜”
Chop day. Buds didn't get as big as I had hoped, but there are a lot of frosty nugs for sure šŸ‘šŸ¼ I think next time I'll get rid of more suckers down low on the branches and see what happens. Lights are off. Fans are circulating but not blowing directly on the plants. Temp is set at 68 with RH at 48. Let me know if there's anything else I need to do. Thanks for all the help on this first grow everybody šŸ™šŸ¼

Congratulations on your haven't bro! Hopefully the softer buds toughen up once dried šŸ¤žšŸ½ looks like a sweet yeild for two plants šŸ‘ŒšŸ½
I usually run 58rh lowest and 60f to get the slow dry bro but looking good. Just keep and eye they don't over dry if your looking to try a nice cure after šŸ‘šŸ½
Congrats on the harvest!!!

Now that you got the easy part of growing out of the way, time to dry and cure! :pHah!

I agree with @greenvein , will hopefully chop mine in a week and will usually dry at 65 deg and 60% RH. Might try 60 deg this time though. Just keep an eye on em. If the temp/humid stay within range, around 10 to 14 days they should be ready. I usually start trimming right before they are finished drying and when I think they're ready I'll throw some in a jar with a hygrometer and see what the humidity rises too. If i time it right, they usually are right at 62%. If so, they stay in the jar. If it goes above 65% i'll take em out and let em dry out some more and test again. Theoretically, as long as the drying room conditions stay constant, you could just openly cure, but too paranoid for that. The main thing is not to let the room, or the buds, drop below 55% RH ( correct me if im wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the RH where a lot of the volatile terpenes poof).
Great job Tallboy! :Rasta:
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