My First Grow: Bubblegum, AK47 & White Widow

I did some under canopy cleaning right when I flipped. I'm thinking about doing one last round to just open things up and expose all the bud sites. Does that make sense?
Yes it does! You want air to be able to circulate throughout the foliage, especially with the big buds you're about to produce!
Day 22 of flower. Gave the girls a little trim yesterday. Too much, too little, good? Thoughts?






Buddy convinced me to do a little bit more trimming under the trellis. Hopefully I didn't over do it 😬


It still looks great bro just means the plants will send more love to what's left.. only reason I didn't say trim more is I lt can vary depending on your set up & genetics.. some lights can penetrate lower then others so if you left some lower down and it became softer buds you would then know for the next grow how low to go but either way it's looking amazing in there and your definitely going to be happy 👍🏽
Many in here are anti defol, and I really don’t understand why. If your plant has an abundance of leaves, like yours do, I can’t see anything wrong with it. It’s all about the type of shape you want to grow. For me I hate messy looking plants. I like to see a bit of leg, so I defol. I also want a CarCanopy so I also nip leaves that are light blocking leaves.

Different strokes for different folks. My pet hate when it comes to forum growing is this small demographic of posters who think their way is the only way to grow, because it’s not. As long as your plants are singing, you’re doing good.
Thanks. Some people in these forums make you think cannabis plants are like china dolls. The further along I get the more I realize they are SUPER resilient. Oddly enough, it seems like the more I beat them up, the stronger they get :p
That’s so true. I broke an arm on my Wedding Cake auto and the bud growing from that limb is the fattest.

My main grow focus is plant health. I see such super complicated grow methods which result in really unhappy looking plants. For me less is more when it comes to growing. I have never pH’ed or gone nute mad. I keep it simple. It works for me.
I tried some of that super cropping stuff. The branches that I did it on or twice as thick as the ones that I did not. I basically snapped them in half and they grew back twice as strong. All the big colas and stems on my plants are all the super cropped ones.
AHA! I knew you'd slip up sooner or later!

This is not your first grow! It may be your first grow "journal" on 420 but not your first grow. :Rasta:

You have provided plenty of evidence for one to doubt that claim: :)
😂 It's 100% my first grow. I swear. I just have other buddies who do it. You Tube is a wonderful thing as well!
Okay. Okay. But I'm watching. I haven't seen a "first grower" mistake yet! :green_heart:
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