Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

Applaud :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

They are amazing man, bravo. Can't wait to watch those buds grow long and fatten.


:peace: +rep

Thanks man. I see you have now posted 420 times! Hope you were able to post over on BayAreaStoner's thread regarding the 420th post!

They look great. Have you got any sense of the weight of those tops? And do you have any guess how long til harvest? Mine look almost identical, if indeed a little smaller. I'll not be surprised if we cut on the same day.

Also, how are you liking this strain for a scrog?

New strain for me so I have no idea. We will have to discover these facts together. Harvest maybe in 3 to 4 weeks?
Yep, Great pics as usual, love the frost look the leaves are getting. Can't wait to see some of that action on my girls. Still way early though. Keep it up.

Yeah, I'm pretty impressed at the overall evenness of the canopy overall. I've done almost no adjusting to the leaves for a good while now. It's all in the training.

Big Bertha Underside


lil bittie underside


Munki, that is pure SCROG perfection.. I think it would be safe to say you have mastered this technique... +REPs bro
Hey thanks C5Rftw. I would classify myself as skilled but not an expert at the ScrOG yet. A fair amount of luck and not messing with my grow too much have also played to my benefit.

You appear to be doing well in the contests. Congrats man.
OK, time for some updates. I changed out the reservoir last night. Using a regular nute reg for me but with a full dose of Kool Bloom added in. So, I added to a 12 gallon rez, 100ml Micro, 200ml Bloom, 120ml Kool Bloom, and 12ml of Floralicious Plus. EC for that came in a bit above 2.2 with a pH of 5.6 so no adjustments were needed. The Kool Bloom seems to raise the initial pH as I would have seen probably a pH of 4.8 without it.

After these nutes are run through, I will probably go to a water only tank for 10 - 14 days then shut down everything and finish the crop in total darkness like I did last grow. This is subject to change if I do not think the trichs look done.

On to the pics.







This shot shows the crystals better as they are not getting flooded with the HPS light. The shadowed areas show better what the buds look like to the naked eye.




This is a lower branch I thought would get to the screen but did not. I'm bending it outward to catch some light but it should have been removed during the trim.

Lookin good Munki! I haven't checked in for a while, so they are much bigger than when I last checked... They have really started to put on some trichs... Your right when you look in the shadows they are really getting frosty! Nice work man!
Awesome looking grow. One question it looks like you flood your plants from the top of the bucket how do u drain the water out. Most ebb and flow systems i see have connections on the bottom to let gravity do the work. Just curious to see how your system works because the results speak for themselves.
Awesome looking grow. One question it looks like you flood your plants from the top of the bucket how do u drain the water out. Most ebb and flow systems i see have connections on the bottom to let gravity do the work. Just curious to see how your system works because the results speak for themselves.

Lol Torl, munki is our resident magician, that's how he does it!
Nah, actually he siphons it out, we were all really amazed at that part of it too if you read the first few pages of this journal lol. But here is the link he's shared with out on how the siphon works..
CannaStats - Tron2Hydro - Going Hydro With A Phototron

OK, time for some updates. I changed out the reservoir last night. Using a regular nute reg for me but with a full dose of Kool Bloom added in. So, I added to a 12 gallon rez, 100ml Micro, 200ml Bloom, 120ml Kool Bloom, and 12ml of Floralicious Plus. EC for that came in a bit above 2.2 with a pH of 5.6 so no adjustments were needed. The Kool Bloom seems to raise the initial pH as I would have seen probably a pH of 4.8 without it.

After these nutes are run through, I will probably go to a water only tank for 10 - 14 days then shut down everything and finish the crop in total darkness like I did last grow. This is subject to change if I do not think the trichs look done.

On to the pics.







This shot shows the crystals better as they are not getting flooded with the HPS light. The shadowed areas show better what the buds look like to the naked eye.




Munks, I've gotta admit as I was saying to myself lemme check on munks grow, i was like I knew his plants look beautiful. Blah, I was wrong, your ladies look down right sexy, and thick, trich-ridden and lush :yummy:. I didn't know if you were going to be able to raise the bar from your last grow. Im betting im the only dumb arse in these forums that momentarily doubted you. Im sorry Master Grower Munki, i will never doubt you again. :cheer:;)

ur consistantly awesome munks.. keep up the :goodjob:, you're almost there, im anxious to see how they're gonna look in a couple weeks.


just amazing as ussual bro. Those girls are frosting up nicely. there isnt even a spec of over fert'n. Push them ladies!! Last rez change. Pump pump pump is what i say. But then again I like to push thing to far sometimes..LOL..Great work brother!! Always Impessed to say the least.
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