Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

Again, thank you for all the supportive comments. Let me answer some of the questions posed.

Munki, a local dispensary carries BubbaKush clones. Do you recommend that strain for Deep Water Culture under a 1000wt?

I haven't done any grows except with my ebb n flow system I built. I'm sure it would do fine if your rez is well maintained as with any grow in DWC or variant. There are many on this forum who have used those systems so they would be able to give a much more authoritative answers.

Awesome looking grow. One question it looks like you flood your plants from the top of the bucket how do u drain the water out. Most ebb and flow systems i see have connections on the bottom to let gravity do the work. Just curious to see how your system works because the results speak for themselves.

DroJo got it right. I did not invent this but adapted another's system to my needs. The link he provides goes to CannaStats. I highly recommend everyone go there and read the whole site. It isn't a forum but a collection of reference info useful to us growers.

BTW, I appreciate you taking the time to register with 420 magazine to post in my thread. I want to welcome you to 420 magazine forums. We are a very friendly bunch and are glad to help. No haters here!

Lol Torl, munki is our resident magician, that's how he does it!
Nah, actually he siphons it out, we were all really amazed at that part of it too if you read the first few pages of this journal lol. But here is the link he's shared with out on how the siphon works..
CannaStats - Tron2Hydro - Going Hydro With A Phototron

Thanks DroJo for helping out our new community member, Torl!
Some more pics to add. I tried messing with some of my camera settings. Used a high ISO setting of 400 instead of 100 or 50 on the side bud shots. It creates some digital noise in the shadow regions but does help deal with strong contrast issues.







Got a bug problem of sorts. My guess is that it is thrips. I know I have thrips as I find them on some leaves of Big Bertha but am unsure about these little buggers appearing in my reservoir. I figure they are in the root zone and get washed out during a flood and get into the rez via the overflow tubes.

DAMN, DIRTY, er Thrips!

those leaves are sooo thick. omg.

I know! Each budsite takes up a big space from all the light gathering leaf material in them. Kind of crowds out some underneath but it isn't worth it for me to trim back their leaves to let light down. I'd rather do a staggered harvest where I harvest the top ones first then get the lower ones somewhat at a later date. Worth considering.
Yea, i've got some 3 foot ladies at the moment, and although my leaves arent anywhere as thick as yours, im considering harvesting the top then the bottom later, after my last harvest i can say there is a difference between top and bottom buds, although as my buds cured more(now approaching 5 weeks curing) i couldnt distinguish as well.
Idk just my experience tho. I just thought i'd share :)
DroJo got it right. I did not invent this but adapted another's system to my needs. The link he provides goes to CannaStats. I highly recommend everyone go there and read the whole site. It isn't a forum but a collection of reference info useful to us growers.

BTW, I appreciate you taking the time to register with 420 magazine to post in my thread. I want to welcome you to 420 magazine forums. We are a very friendly bunch and are glad to help. No haters here!

Thanks DroJo for helping out our new community member, Torl!

Thanks for the welcome munki been reader of both your journals. Just couldn't figure out how your sytem worked even after you said drains by gravity. Once i saw the pictures on cannastats site i see tubing continues inside the bucket, i though it just connected to bucket and shot water in from the side. Guess i been doing a a bit to much :grinjoint:

I hope you treat that thrip problem because those buggers can get out of hand fast.
Suck you got those little buggers crawling around your plants but they do look amazing as usual. Good luck with the bugs and the buds
Yeah the thrips suck but if I had to choose which pest to get, I would choose them as they seem to go for the regular leaves for which my grow produces many. Don't seem to find them in the buds though they would be hard to spot. Can't taste them in the smoke so its all good! :ganjamon:

Starting grow week 15 and flower week 8. Trich production is pretty high right now though most of my pics don't show them well. Oh yeah, false seed pods are really swelling up on the buds now.









Oh I have noooooo problem seeing those ladies tric production....those iced up under leaves all along the edges, should be amazing bro.

:goodjob: It is very beautiful thing to stop by and see your ladies.

:peace: from the mountains.
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