Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

Sorry I haven't replied lately. Will get to the recent posts later. For now, an update for the grow.

I changed out the reservoir last night. Had a bit of a :smokin: moment and accidentally added 50 % more of my first nutrient, GH Micro. Thought about it and decided to see what would happen so I also added 50 % higher levels of Bloom and Kool Bloom. The regular amount of Floralicious plus was finally added. I decided to add another gallon of water to bring the level from 12 to 13 gallons as a hedge against the elevated and fresh nutrients. pH came out to 5.4 so went with that and didn't change the pH. Next day (today), the plants look good. TDS levels went down along with some water; about 5/8 of a gallon which I topped off again today.

I heard that this strain can handle a large nutrient load and what I gave it would be considered a strong bloom formula by GH anyways. So far, so good.

I also have properly installed the UV lamp. It is set to run for 3 hours, once during the middle of the photoperiod.

Now to the pics ...










Whoa munks! You've got some dense lookin leaves n buds there. You're rockin along dude!

Lookin good :goodjob: i love me some big thick ladies :ganjamon:
Looking amazing as usual. Looks like those ladies did not mind the extra food one bit. Great job...
Here are the latest pics. First one is a test of the UV lamp before the HPS came on. Not a bright pic but does show how the lamp casts its rays. Trichs are showing up as well. :Rasta:









A bit off topic, but a friend just shared this video on youtube and it made me laugh so I wanted to share with you all.

YouTube - The devil went down to jamaica real music video

Munki was reading thru your journal and came upon this I had to bring it back online it is one of the funniest clips featuring the Charlie Daniels song I have heard in 20yrs at least!

Great SCROG Grow, very good journal, beautifull plants and setup!
Wow! Thanks for all the supportive comments. there has been a lot of stress in my life lately and the kind words are uplifting for my spirit. :thanks:

Now, let's see if I can answer the questions asked over the past few days.

Hi Buddy Just an odd question, Has the wire you used been a detriment or a help? I know you mentioned it before, so how is that part working out for you now? :popcorn:

Wire...hmm, are you speaking of the screen of the ScrOG? What I am using on this grow isn't the wire mesh that I painstakingly cut but a plastic mesh for gardening. The individual filaments are pretty thin so they cut into the leaves pretty easily. It isn't an ideal solution. The mesh is bowing in the middle of the screen by about 5 inches up from the plants pushing on it.

I recommend a thicker material with even larger holes like that fencing material at Home Depot. The holes are rectangles with the long sides being about 4 inches and the short sides about 2 inches. I couldn't find the material in a small roll so didn't buy it last time. May be worth to go that route or to make a grid with steel cable strung in between the ScrOG frame. I don't think the PVC frame could handle that so I would need to make a wooden frame if I did that.

Hey Munki, just a couple of question if you don't mind?

1. Whats your thoughts on when to flip to flowering?
2. When do you stop tucking under and let them grow above the screen? On your grows the buds seem to start on the part of the branch above the this just good timing?

cheers in advance! :cool:

1. No science for me on the flip time. It can be strain specific due to their individual stretch characteristics and I haven't grown the same strain multiple times to dial that in. I wait until the ScrOG is about half filled with plant before flipping to flower. It is better to err on the side of a under filled screen rather than overfilled from what I've read.

2. I let the screen grow out when the stretch nears its completion. Strain specific again so I play it by feel. This technique is really about practice. You learn your strain then just feel when it is right.
The buds are easiest to see above the screen but trust me, there is some below as well. Depends on how well the underside gets trimmed. Still working on finding out how much to remove down there. Heck, I read a post somewhere where the grower did not trim underneath at all and came to that conclusion to do so after growing many ScrOGs using different methods like under screen leaf removal. For me though, having the air underneath helps prevent nasties from developing.

What is your estimation on the effectiveness of the UV light?

I feel it was very effective for my last grow and hope for benefits in this grow as well. Remember, the UV won't help the plants grow or increase your yield. It may actually reduce the overall yield. UV is bad for living things. I use it as a specific stressor for cannibinoid production in the trichomes.

It is my belief that the lack of UV in grows could negatively impact Cannabis' genome with respect to THC production if the theory of THC's UV protectant role is true.
Cool update Munki, love the shots that show the trichs forming. Good layer of em going strong now. I love the sugar crystal look the leaves get and yours are sure pretty. The ladies are really into bud production now and it shows. Great job as usual. Thats interesting about the U.V. info. I remember from your last journal you said you felt the u.v. exposed buds were stonier. Do you still feel that way? Without a control this time around there will be no comparison, but I'm pretty sure you went with it again cuz the buds were indeed stonier.

Hey Munki, I've been lurking here for weeks and just wanted to pop in and say what a great job you're doing. To all you newbies out there - like myself - Munki makes it look easy but don't be fooled... pulling off a great looking issue-free grow - especially with hydroponics - takes a lot of skill and smarts.

You've got a great thing going here Munk - here's hoping the rest of your life settles in to an equally pleasant and productive pattern.
I have been impressed from day 1, and I have an idea for a material, get some 10-12 gauge solid core wire with the extra thick insulation and just drill holes for it in your pvc or wrap around, that makes it (more)removable to pull your plant should worse case happen.

Just a thought. :smokin:

I have been impressed from day 1, and I have an idea for a material, get some 10-12 gauge solid core wire with the extra thick insulation and just drill holes for it in your pvc or wrap around, that makes it (more)removable to pull your plant should worse case happen.

Just a thought. :smokin:


My feelings on the solid core wiring is that it will kink during installation and use. I would prefer a coated, braided cable that can be purchased at Home Depot. Would cost about 30 - 35 dollars for the amount of cable necessary to grid out the 2 x 4 screen size. Also, if I use the PVC frame, it will just not hold up to all the stress the taut cabling would put on it. Something more rigid like a wooden frame would be more advised. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Hey Munki, I've been lurking here for weeks and just wanted to pop in and say what a great job you're doing. To all you newbies out there - like myself - Munki makes it look easy but don't be fooled... pulling off a great looking issue-free grow - especially with hydroponics - takes a lot of skill and smarts.

You've got a great thing going here Munk - here's hoping the rest of your life settles in to an equally pleasant and productive pattern.

I find a well constructed grow space coupled with a good grow plan makes success much easier. Most problems people have can be attributed to jumping into a grow without a plan and little equipment or space allotted for the entire plant's grow period. This leads to having to correct problems when the situation is critical; a situation ripe for mistakes.
I find a well constructed grow space coupled with a good grow plan makes success much easier. Most problems people have can be attributed to jumping into a grow without a plan and little equipment or space allotted for the entire plant's grow period. This leads to having to correct problems when the situation is critical; a situation ripe for mistakes.

This is soo true. Palnning is so essential in a succesful grow. Munki's hit the nail on the head w/ this statement. + reps when i can again.:Rasta:
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