Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

The grow should be more visually appealing over the next 3 weeks as all the buds form. The fattening phase should be easy breezy unless pests or mold come into play.

I would like to note that this strain is very nutrient tolerant. I do not have any burned tips at all. It may have to do with me not allowing the reservoir's fluid level to drop too low, concentrating the nutrients too high.
Tomorrow will complete week 11 of the grow and week 4 of flower.






Yummy and Fluffy! Nice growth on the budlets. Definitely shooting mad hairs. Horny bitches looking for some man-plant junk. Not gonna happen ladies, so just relax and get fat! LOL Keep up the awesome work Munki.

Yummy and Fluffy! Nice growth on the budlets. Definitely shooting mad hairs. Horny bitches looking for some man-plant junk. Not gonna happen ladies, so just relax and get fat! LOL Keep up the awesome work Munki.


LMAO! Were advocating celibacy on this website....
Just say NO! to man plants....

Grooster your just all over the place tonight!!!
LMAO! Were advocating celibacy on this website....
Just say NO! to man plants....

Grooster your just all over the place tonight!!!
YepYep, thats how I do Brother.
Yummy and Fluffy! Nice growth on the budlets. Definitely shooting mad hairs. Horny bitches looking for some man-plant junk. Not gonna happen ladies, so just relax and get fat! LOL Keep up the awesome work Munki.


:rofl: :rofl: Slutty Slut Sluts :rofl: :rofl:

(no offense ladies)
Man I can't wait to see your next pics. Cause I have 1 plant that's a smaller version of yours but both are at about the same age. Each time I look at my plants in the room, then yours here - its like yours are mine on steroids. Now its a virtual reality game - I water my plants - and they grow in your scrog. Then when you harvest - I will be smoking your plants. Now do me a favor and water mine so they look as good as yours.

Sorry I haven't replied lately. Will get to the recent posts later. For now, an update for the grow.

I changed out the reservoir last night. Had a bit of a :smokin: moment and accidentally added 50 % more of my first nutrient, GH Micro. Thought about it and decided to see what would happen so I also added 50 % higher levels of Bloom and Kool Bloom. The regular amount of Floralicious plus was finally added. I decided to add another gallon of water to bring the level from 12 to 13 gallons as a hedge against the elevated and fresh nutrients. pH came out to 5.4 so went with that and didn't change the pH. Next day (today), the plants look good. TDS levels went down along with some water; about 5/8 of a gallon which I topped off again today.

I heard that this strain can handle a large nutrient load and what I gave it would be considered a strong bloom formula by GH anyways. So far, so good.

I also have properly installed the UV lamp. It is set to run for 3 hours, once during the middle of the photoperiod.

Now to the pics ...









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