Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

Well thanks for that kailpot. Really, I'm just bringing you along my journey of learning. So far, I have had positive results but no major challenges like diseases or pests to contend with. That is really what separates the best from the rest. But thank you for your kind words.

Munki this is so true pests are annoying as crap and are really detrimental to plant growth and diseases are yet worse thankfully I havent had problems with that yet:smokin: my dog has unfortunately graced me with spidermites(yet another challenge of growing in an apartment closet) and somehow fungus gnats keep showing up i have been using some homemade organic recipes but they both keep coming back :rollingeyes:anyway great grow man i hope neither of these problems appear for you +rep those ladies are inspiring :peace:

I shouldn't have too much issue with the gnats as I don't have any soil for them. I did have thrips before but is a preferential problem to most other invaders as I still got a good crop without treating.
I was looking back at pics in post #369 and I noticed Big Bertha's stump. It is quite fat in comparison to lil bitty's svelte trunk don't ya think?
Took some time off of 420 for the holidays and I come back and you plants have filled in at a amazing rate. Plants look so nice and healthy and can not wait to see some bud on those lovely lades. Great job. Hope you had a wonderful New Years...
I took some pictures last night but did not get the chance to post them. Took some more tonight so I will put them all up to show any changes over the one day. First pic of a pair is from last night with the following pic being 24 hours later.









The underskirt shots are from last night.


Very nice indeed. All of the tops look beautiful and plentiful. The underskirts are cool as well. The stems are nice and thick, very healthy.

Hey Munki did you make a DIY carbon filter? The one inside the tent? Do you have the plans for that? I am going into flower real soon and plan to go into a tent. I want the stink to be contained as much as possible for as little money as possible if you know what I mean. Thanks bro. Keep up the awesome Grow!

Hey Munki did you make a DIY carbon filter? The one inside the tent? Do you have the plans for that? I am going into flower real soon and plan to go into a tent. I want the stink to be contained as much as possible for as little money as possible if you know what I mean. Thanks bro. Keep up the awesome Grow!


Here is the post where I built the carbon scrubber. The plans I found on the internet but do not remember where anymore. Use Google and find the how to that looks like mine in the post linked below.
PhotoTron Grow with Ebb N Flow
Thanks Munki.

Is this the link. Looks like yers...

How To Build an Inexpensive Carbon Air Scrubber?

It is the same idea though I found it on another webpage. I sized my screen tubes based on what sizes I could get for the caps and reducer. I went with 6 inch and 8 inch so that gives me a 1 inch thick layer of activated carbon. Fortunately, where I live I can buy the carbon in bulk at a great price (about $1/lb) so I can refill the unit without breaking the bank. The expanded surface area helps reduce pressure drop and extends the time between refills.
It is the same idea though I found it on another webpage. I sized my screen tubes based on what sizes I could get for the caps and reducer. I went with 6 inch and 8 inch so that gives me a 1 inch thick layer of activated carbon. Fortunately, where I live I can buy the carbon in bulk at a great price (about $1/lb) so I can refill the unit without breaking the bank. The expanded surface area helps reduce pressure drop and extends the time between refills.
Right on man, thanks, I know what I am building now.
Flowering is becoming more evident. These pics were taken right when I opened the tent before training. There are floral stems popping underneath the screen as well. I'm trying to bend and tuck the fan leaves so the light can penetrate to all of them. Challenging to do as the leaves are quite big and tear on my netting pretty easily. I usually lose a few leaves on each training session.





Nice photo update. I love pic number 3 the can really see all the sites you have forming and the one left-most branch is already getting HUGE! Is that the closeup in pic #4?
Munki those nugz are going to be fat!!!! to say the least. Bubba pushes some hard solid flowers. I cant wait to see that screen flower. Is it me or does any1 else see another POM contest winner along w/ NOTM as well. Munki you are the man!!
Nice photo update. I love pic number 3 the can really see all the sites you have forming and the one left-most branch is already getting HUGE! Is that the closeup in pic #4?

Pics 3 and 4 are of lil bittie and Big Bertha respectively. The last pic was of a floral branch on Big Bertha that was easy to photograph. I wanted to show how the flowers were beginning to form.

Munki those nugz are going to be fat!!!! to say the least. Bubba pushes some hard solid flowers. I cant wait to see that screen flower. Is it me or does any1 else see another POM contest winner along w/ NOTM as well. Munki you are the man!!

We shall have to see. Difficult strain to tame that's "fo sho" ;).

A fair amount of the training involvestucking the leaves under the emerging budsites. The fan leaves often twist and contort their way to the top again blocking the light from the flowers. That is a plus for the narrow leaved sativas. I could describe some of the large leaves on these plants as Bubba Sized!
Very nice as usual. No wonder those things rip, those are some fat leaves. all will be OK, You have it all under control. Great job...
Nice 1st journal, reading this one now. Seems like the screen worked better for last strain. Indicas might be to bushy to train real PITA, but possible. I definately love the idea. I am going to build a screen like yours for my next room.
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