Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

your Borg are adapting rapidly if the SNS hasn't killed them off yet. i like the SNS products, but i had the same issue of returns. probably due in part to missing some portion of the plant during treatment.. but they did adapt to it, and a half a dozen other things. i've been really liking Green Cleaner. works better than anything i have ever seen. i still get returns, because my veg room is a freaking jungle most of the time lol, but they are easily wiped out. even when it's kind of bad. it can even be used in flower. they advertise up to the day of harvest treatments. i haven't had to go that close yet, but i did treat one about a week before. can't even tell it was ever treated.

i still use SNS, Azamax and a few other things, but on a rotation of sorts in an attempt to keep them off guard. i think the Green Cleaner by itself would get the job done though. oh.. also treats powdery mildew. not something i have issues with but still nice to know.

good battle vibes your way! :)

Thanks for the info gypsy, I think I've got them now. 3 days of daily sns-217 foliar after a big defoil. Nothing missed this time. I do need to get some more bug killing stuff just in case.

sorry to hear about the critters have you tried lady bugs..

Mrs A won't let me bring any critters into the house. I tried to get them past her the last time when I had a breakout of thrips. I'd love to bring them in. I need some diatomaceous earth powder....
Morning big guy! You must be thankful you caught those little things!

I noticed I had a similar problem with a seedling that looked similar to Your 'Kova and I didn't know what it was. Do you know why she's looking like that? Ph issue? Genetics? Overdose?

Just wondering. Lots of love my man!
Morning big guy! You must be thankful you caught those little things!

I noticed I had a similar problem with a seedling that looked similar to Your 'Kova and I didn't know what it was. Do you know why she's looking like that? Ph issue? Genetics? Overdose?

Just wondering. Lots of love my man!

Afternoon fella :passitleft:

I'm not sure what causes the leaf issues with my seedlings, I always put it down to me using a rich soil as most of my girls do it. It's never caused any problems in the long term, just a crinkled first set of leaves.

Had a snow day today, I woke to beautiful white scenery this morning and was unable to get to work (we in the uk come to a big stop when it snows) ill share some pics in my off topic thread.

Have a happy Friday my friend :love:
We have New Life.

Pineapple Express showed me some green today. Yesterday she looked like this


Today she has straightened up and showed me some green. She does have 3 cotyledons tho.


Enjoy the rest of your Friday my friends
Thanks buddy! Enjoy your snow! It sure can be beautiful.

Us Canadian have a more likely hood of shutting down because of heat rather than snow. :rofl:

Take er easy today friend. POETS day!
So this afternoon I cooked up a batch of magic E-liquid. I loosly followed the first set of instructions that can be found here

I did evaporate it back too much and ended up with a very thick concentrate of cannabis oil before I added a mix of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. This meant I struggled to mix them completey and leaving a few small lumps floating about and was left with a lot of thick oil stuck to almost everything in my kitchen, took me ages to clean it to Mrs A's high standards.

It kicks butt tho, I can only imagine how potent it would have been if I had got it right. I'll be making a batch of CCO with my next harvest so I'll be having another go then. Until then I have have about 15ml of rather potent E-liquid to puff on.



Nice Mr am4zin! I am guessing the ethanol is what is carrying the THC suspended. There are nicotine eliquids that won't mix well without alcohol in there. Do you taste an alcohol taste?

I don't, I used the alcohol to remove the oil from the buds. I did evaporate it off a little bit too much tho. Definitely no alcohol left in the mix. It has separated slightly as it's been sat on the shelf. I'm gonna see what's about at spannabis for future experiments.
Pre Spannabis Update

Good evening my friends, thought I'd drop this update in before I leave for Spain.

Berry Bomb Auto

At day 49 she is looking very healthy for one of my girls. We appear to have beaten her bug problem (for now at least). No sign of a critter for a couple of days now. Let's charge to harvest shall we



Superior Diesel Fem

Day 28. Light stress training has begun with this little one, I bent her over good and strapped her down. When I get back next week I'll train her lower arms out



Kalashnikova Auto

This little one is at day 16 and she looks delightful.



Pineapple Express Auto

Day 4. This is my special one with a 3 leaf set. Let's hope she continues to be special.


Well that's me for now, keep your eyes on my off topic thread (in sig below) for some of my adventures at spannabis. I will post some on topic bits here too if I get chance.
Enjoy your week my friends
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