Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Thanks Jaga, I was looking forward to the Critical Jack but I only had one seed. I've added it back onto my wish list tho for another round. :passitleft:


I took some small nugs off the Amnesia Haze for my wake and bake today, I'm liking it, can't seem to sit still. Such a good buzz

I might be able to help you out with the shortage on the CJ my friend, plus I think I might have (waiting on postman pat) another batch of new strains of auto's heading my way and i'm sure I can give a few of them a detour!!! Hopefully I will be starting my garden again very soon!!! Take care mate :passitleft:
I might be able to help you out with the shortage on the CJ my friend, plus I think I might have (waiting on postman pat) another batch of new strains of auto's heading my way and i'm sure I can give a few of them a detour!!! Hopefully I will be starting my garden again very soon!!! Take care mate :passitleft:

Pm on its way
I might be able to help you out with the shortage on the CJ my friend, plus I think I might have (waiting on postman pat) another batch of new strains of auto's heading my way and i'm sure I can give a few of them a detour!!! Hopefully I will be starting my garden again very soon!!! Take care mate :passitleft:

Start it up!!!

Let's get it crackin in this place!
All looks in good shape Mr A :thumb:

Don't look like classic spider mite damage on the first couple of pic's with holes in & may suggest another critter ?

But last one might be but only minor damage if it is...

Spider mites suck the sap out of the leaf from the under side, causing pin prick type discolouring as do some other larger insects.

As ya got control in place i don't think any further harm will come to the girls but give her a good check over & under the leafs to be sure to be sure :high-five:
Thanks for popping by fuzzy.

My guardian did get a look at one through a scope and described a classic spider mite, white in colour with two spots on its back, one on each side. I'm not ruling out more than one critter as I think I see two distinct types of damage.

They do get daily checks and a foliar of sns-203 every 3 days. I will be employing the sns products more often from now on, I've not had a girl look as healthy as the Berry Bomb for a while. :high-five:
Always good to have a buddy in the know to check stuff over for ya :thumb:

If you find any think else see if you can a pic posted off the critter.
Always good to have a buddy in the know to check stuff over for ya :thumb:

If you find any think else see if you can a pic posted off the critter.

Just having another look. Got these little critters having a munch. Teeny tiny small. Pic was taken through a 60x loupe and then zoomed. Best pic I can get


Love the SNS!! Great product even better results!

I'll be putting the sns-217 to good use in about an hour. Cheeky little buggers think they can get a free meal. Not on my watch kids....

I found out I caught spider mites from leaving my plant on the windowsill . I'd rather get stronger lights than deal with outdoor menaces.

I think the HPS killed them though, RH goes to 27.


I found out I caught spider mites from leaving my plant on the windowsill . I'd rather get stronger lights than deal with outdoor menaces.


I'm not sure it is a spider mite issue bit I figured if it kills a spider mite, it kills anything. I think It's come from the soil as it's stored outside. :passitleft:
I'm not sure it is a spider mite issue bit I figured if it kills a spider mite, it kills anything. I think It's come from the soil as it's stored outside. :passitleft:


Some random sativa I bought a couple weeks ago while doing my food shopping came with soil and of course probably infected Explodey with them rather than my windowsill theory ...


Some random sativa I bought a couple weeks ago while doing my food shopping came with soil and of course probably infected Explodey with them rather than my windowsill theory ...


What a wonderful thing to be able to say.

Some random sativa I bought a couple weeks ago while doing my food shopping came with soil and of course probably infected Explodey with them rather than my windowsill theory ...


What a wonderful thing to be able to say.

Buying clones with my food shop sounds awesome. Some way off that in the uk tho. Thanks for popping in guys.
Good evening folks, thought I'd share some pics of how my ladies are doing.
The berry bomb auto at day 44 is still being eaten by a little critter. She has a daily foliar of sns-217 and a drench of sns-209 after every feed. Here she is after tonight's foliar




Superior diesel day 23 is going strong.



Kalashnikova day 11 is still setting down good roots ready for the growth spurt.



Pineapple Express Still hasn't come up yet.


Looking back before I close up for the night


Thanks for stopping by :passitleft:
your Borg are adapting rapidly if the SNS hasn't killed them off yet. i like the SNS products, but i had the same issue of returns. probably due in part to missing some portion of the plant during treatment.. but they did adapt to it, and a half a dozen other things. i've been really liking Green Cleaner. works better than anything i have ever seen. i still get returns, because my veg room is a freaking jungle most of the time lol, but they are easily wiped out. even when it's kind of bad. it can even be used in flower. they advertise up to the day of harvest treatments. i haven't had to go that close yet, but i did treat one about a week before. can't even tell it was ever treated.

i still use SNS, Azamax and a few other things, but on a rotation of sorts in an attempt to keep them off guard. i think the Green Cleaner by itself would get the job done though. oh.. also treats powdery mildew. not something i have issues with but still nice to know.

good battle vibes your way! :)
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