Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Many years ago I was returning from a visit to Amsterdam with some friends.
We all religiously went thru our clothing and luggage... just in case.... nobody wants to dance with customs after all.
We stroll to the counters and conduct our business as we pass thru customs. I peek over at my buddy... his face has lost all color... his eyes are wild with what appears to be fear.
We all meet on the other side and hear the tale....
He had a small chunk of hash compressed on the picture page of his passport!!!
The agent scraped the nugget into the trashcan, handed the passport back to him, and gave him the standard 'Have a nice day'.


This here makes me laugh, because I've gotten a ticket for crossing the road when the light was red. Any of you who have been to Amsterdam know of the stop lights that are for crosswalks. Polite...that may have cracked me up the most, just because of the English translation of polite(someone whose nice) haha
A beat cop, yeah but customs at the airport?... That was definitely a classic Tead.
Been awhile since last visit with the grow looking very well :thumb:

Mmm Am/Haze auto looks like a touch of P def in those in those lower leafs...

Not sure about the yellowing but some strains do this more so than others & may just adjust the nutrients up a little for this one to see if it helps out ?
Interesting insights on the shallow pot. I'd been thinking that the DDA doesn't really need 7 gallons of soil and might do well with something less. This opens up new avenues to explore.

I hope the shoulder heals quickly. :circle-of-love:

Oh yeah ..... :love: :hug: :love:
Here's been a while in my life for a couple days now and I couldn't figure out what it was. It's you! You're missing!

I hope all is well. I know life gets busy but don't forget I'm thinking about you!

Here's been a while in my life for a couple days now and I couldn't figure out what it was. It's you! You're missing!

I hope all is well. I know life gets busy but don't forget I'm thinking about you!


As I re read this I feel horrible that people may have spent 2-3 minutes trying to figure out what the hell I said. :rofl: let's try that again.

"There's been a hole in my life over the last couple days, and it's been you!"
Thanks guys, it's good to be back. I've been filled in on many things happening with my ladies while I was away. I'll start with the good bits....

This is how I found the box on my return


The Amnesia Haze Auto was harvested on day 65 for her own protection and the Ed Rosenthal was harvested 4 days later on day 70. The Amnesia Haze looks light and fluffy and not much to it but the Ed Ros looks like she has yielded me well.
Amnesia Haze on the front. Ed Rosenthal at the back


Now the not so good bit that has a good ending.

The Berry Bomb Auto day 39 has had a case of what may be spider mites, they were described as tiny small, light colored with dark patches on the back. I'm assuming they, whatever they are, have come from my soil as I store it outside in the greenhouse.
She was initially treated daily with sns-217 for 3-days. She has been getting a soil drench every watering with sns-209 and a foliar with sns-209 every 3 days. I've had a good look over her and other than the damage, which, in all honesty is quite light, I see no sign of a mite or any critter anywhere.




Some of the damage




Superior Diesel day 18 is growing well, she has crinkled leaves but she looks healthy.



The Critical Jack didn't come up so another seed was put into its place. Kalashnikova Auto is now at day 6.



I honestly can't be happier with how my guardian has looked after my girls. I say a big thanks to you.

Well that me for now. I'll be about for a while yet, this is the first time I've been high for 2 weeks. :lot-o-toke:
Love you all:love:
Thanks Jaga, I was looking forward to the Critical Jack but I only had one seed. I've added it back onto my wish list tho for another round. :passitleft:


I took some small nugs off the Amnesia Haze for my wake and bake today, I'm liking it, can't seem to sit still. Such a good buzz
Hows it going Mr. A? Your ladies look nice(minus the cosmetic dmg) but all in all they look healthy
Hows it going Mr. A? Your ladies look nice(minus the cosmetic dmg) but all in all they look healthy

Today is going well, thanks to the Amnesia Haze I've accomplished much. I even prepped ready for a new seed to go in. I was sat looking at the amount of room I had free, I know I supposed to be freeing space up ready for a big girl after spannabis but hey, why not. I'll be starting the big one in a small pot anyway.
Thanks for popping by :passitleft:
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