Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

lol... don't blame you,
the home grown is quite delicious... I recommend you throw another one or two into flower as soon as you chop one.

I am taking a 1 week break and then going to get right into 12/12 with some new hoes and bigger harvest goals.

trains are all booked up from where i live going to Barcelona. wish i would of known it was gonna snow where i have to work I would of booked sooner.......... Might drive not sure yet.
trains are all booked up from where i live going to Barcelona. wish i would of known it was gonna snow where i have to work I would of booked sooner.......... Might drive not sure yet.

Good luck Spart get yer snow shoes on brother:thumb:
Get here Spart. I'm rocking my 420mag t-shirt.

Don't think I can this time.... Already got plans to go to the next expogrow in Irún coming this September. This freak snow/ suppose to be working up in the mountains this year kinda f**ked me. Normally people are planning their outdoor stuff, except this year everyone up there is freaking over the snow. Plus I've never swam in the ocean ^_^ Stop by the achimia/ philosopher seeds booth grab some cheesy autoflower seeds real tasty smoke (booth 86) :p

It's been just over a week since you all last saw my girls, so I'll just crack on shall I?

I'll start with the youngest today, Pineapple Express Auto at day 14 is my tri leafed superstar in the making.




Kalashnikova Auto at day 26 has put out her pistels while I was away. I'm going to try not to train this one.




The Superior Diesel Fem at day 38 has shown the biggest difference in the last week. I tied her down a bit before I left and again when I got home. I'm gonna leave her be now and let her run for the finish line




My big girl Berry Bomb Auto Is at day 59 is doing OK. It would appear that her bug problem and subsequent foliar treatments slowed her down a little. The spray made her pistels die off and her buds don't appear to be getting anywhere. She sure is frosty tho




I hope your gardens are green healthy and bug free
Much love my friends

That little tri-leafed one is such a beauty. :laughtwo: Wow! That Berry Bomb is coated with resin! Good work Mr Am4zin. :bravo:

Good to be back home?
It's definately a seed. You can see the pit on the end.
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