Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

I think finishing time is mostly genetic

Thanks penny. Did slurry test on Luna & dos last night. Luna....7.5 & dos was 7.25, so clearly, I didn’t ph down my nutrient solution enough to bring ph down to 6.8. Does it work like this?

Say Luna has ph of 7.5, & I want her at 6.5 (just for easy math as I went to public school) Florida...even funnier. :thumb: Anyway, coffee got best of me there. Focus !!!

Say she has ph 7.5. I want her at 6.5. Would I ph feeding solution down to 5.5 to get the desired end ph of 6.5?
Thanks penny. Did slurry test on Luna & dos last night. Luna....7.5 & dos was 7.25, so clearly, I didn't ph down my nutrient solution enough to bring ph down to 6.8. Does it work like this?

Say Luna has ph of 7.5, & I want her at 6.5 (just for easy math as I went to public school) Florida...even funnier. :thumb: Anyway, coffee got best of me there. Focus !!!

Say she has ph 7.5. I want her at 6.5. Would I ph feeding solution down to 5.5 to get the desired end ph of 6.5?
I would just flush her out with correct ph water until runoff is about 6.5
If you try your way it may bring the ph too low. What medium are you growing in again?
I would just flush her out with correct ph water until runoff is about 6.5
If you try your way it may bring the ph too low. What medium are you growing in again?

Thanks bro! I hate flushing her at day 70, I imagine at most, she has 30 days left. But if needed I’d def do it. Sounds like a solid idea. :thumb: I’m in ffof soil. Thanks again ig!
I would guess it would work just like any bloom booster. Wouldn't hurt to try . I guess it has a super high P and slightly lower K and almost no N.

Yes very high. Can’t remember how high off hand. Ive read it’s used at beginning & towards the end of flower. Not sure how close to the end though.
I would guess it would work just like any bloom booster. Wouldn't hurt to try . I guess it has a super high P and slightly lower K and almost no N.

Yes very high. Can't remember how high off hand. Ive read it's used at beginning & towards the end of flower. Not sure how close to the end though.
Thanks penny. Did slurry test on Luna & dos last night. Luna....7.5 & dos was 7.25, so clearly, I didn’t ph down my nutrient solution enough to bring ph down to 6.8. Does it work like this?

Say Luna has ph of 7.5, & I want her at 6.5 (just for easy math as I went to public school) Florida...even funnier. :thumb: Anyway, coffee got best of me there. Focus !!!

Say she has ph 7.5. I want her at 6.5. Would I ph feeding solution down to 5.5 to get the desired end ph of 6.5?

me personally id water with 6.0-6.2 ... it takes tons more to get PH up as just a few drops to lower it so if ye give 6.0 it will only raise it a bit and you are guaranteed that the lowest she can get is 6.0 ... bare in mind that this is my educated guess ... its not solid science
Hey shed, I gave her 5 ml cal mag plus last feed, & 3ml the 2 or 3 before that! I thought I fried them with bloom nutes. Luna is 70 days this Thursday! I have MOAB sample, and I heard Week 5 for it. Not sure if I’m going to risk it this grow. I need meds for awhile! Lol

My personal opinion is that you are throwing too much at these plants. As you learn more about how they deal with one nute type at a time, you can change it up next grow. With all the stuff you're using you don't know what is helping and what might be hurting. Less can be more.

Would my using a 24 hour schedule for about 10-15 days or more, & then 20/4 for the other days cause it to finish ahead of schedule. Or would that just cause it to get bigger and yield more possibly? Thanks.

You can't finish early with an auto. More light should give you more bud tho up to a point. Giving the plant a rest is also a good idea, so 20/4 would be the way to go from start to finish.

Thanks penny. Did slurry test on Luna & dos last night. Luna....7.5 & dos was 7.25, so clearly, I didn’t ph down my nutrient solution enough to bring ph down to 6.8. Does it work like this? Say Luna has ph of 7.5, & I want her at 6.5 (just for easy math as I went to public school) Florida...even funnier. :thumb: Anyway, coffee got best of me there. Focus !!! Say she has ph 7.5. I want her at 6.5. Would I ph feeding solution down to 5.5 to get the desired end ph of 6.5?

As I mentioned before, stop slurry testing your soil. You are not going to lower the pH of the soil with nutes. Only soil amendments are going to do that and you're way too late for that. Stop slurry testing your soil. Keep your nutes around 6.2-6.5 and don't think about your soil.

Any recent pics?
Thanks penny. Did slurry test on Luna & dos last night. Luna....7.5 & dos was 7.25, so clearly, I didn't ph down my nutrient solution enough to bring ph down to 6.8. Does it work like this?

Say Luna has ph of 7.5, & I want her at 6.5 (just for easy math as I went to public school) Florida...even funnier. :thumb: Anyway, coffee got best of me there. Focus !!!

Say she has ph 7.5. I want her at 6.5. Would I ph feeding solution down to 5.5 to get the desired end ph of 6.5?

5.5 or 6.0 you can shock them if you change things up to fast. One reason I'm getting away from flushing.
I would guess it would work just like any bloom booster. Wouldn't hurt to try . I guess it has a super high P and slightly lower K and almost no N.

Yup! You nailed iggy! Just a nickname for island grow I made up. O-52-32 Lol. Great night bro!
sounds like the classic PK booster (0-14-13)

0-52-32..... it said use beginning of flower to get them going, & then at the end to plump them up. I'm tending to agree with shed ! I'm crying these guys. Now I know for the future. I went conservative my first grow, & thought I'd up it a bit this time. No bueno. Luna has been through hell at my expense. She used to be so nice looking after that first flush! Oh well. I think dos might tide me over for awhile I'm hoping. We only go through 1/4 Every 2 weeks, and could, if it's good smoke, make it last 3 weeks. :thumb: It's been suggested if she doesn't pull through, she could be used for oil, or butter ! Great idea!
0-52-32..... it said use beginning of flower to get them going, & then at the end to plump them up. I’m tending to agree with shed ! I’m crying these guys. Now I know for the future. I went conservative my first grow, & thought I’d up it a bit this time. No bueno. Luna has been through hell at my expense. She used to be so nice looking after that first flush! Oh well. I think dos might tide me over for awhile I’m hoping. We only go through 1/4 Every 2 weeks, and could, if it’s good smoke, make it last 3 weeks. :thumb: It’s been suggested if she doesn’t pull through, she could be used for oil, or butter ! Great idea!

I think Luna will pull through just fine if you leave her alone! 3 ml/gal cal-mag, Big Bloom if you have it, and one balanced bloom/flower nute (very low N). pH to 6.2, PPM around 500-600 not including water. Feed to runoff when light. You may want to flush first though to clear out what's in there now and start fresh. Plenty of time left.

That's my prescription for Luna!
Hello all, I hope you are all snuggled into your beds by now. Me? I’m taking pics, scratching Luna & shine so they don’t fight over who’s getting daddy’s attn more! :love:

Everyone let’s make Luna feel pretty on her Birthday .....she’s 70 years old today!! Here are som pics after her slurry test. Just joshin shed!:thumb:thanks for your advice bud & prescription for Luna. Hope I have a uninterrupted moment for that tomm.
Luna....happy birthday honey!

Lil “g” , 30 days today, trying to tell me to take it easy! And she’s tired of being neglected.

And dos....65 days today
have a great evening everyone! Sorry for the daddy’s wallet photo shoot. Kindness matters!
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