Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Shoot. Well I guess worse case, I could run 4 more liters at 6-6.2 now that I have a few minutes. Cause I’m just not sure if the last water was correct. What you think bro? Damn, I’m gonna have to send you half or more of this grow bud! Hey, Luna does look like she’s about to go off. !!! :high-five::thanks:

Another gallon at the right pH would probably be a safe bet given that you're trying to clear the soil for the rest of the grow. Send nothing but thanks and pay it forward!
I'm always shocked at how little flowers weigh when I chop and lift the plant away from the soil. :laughtwo: They look so dense and heavy when they're growing. :laughtwo:

What are you doing to counter the Cal/Mg deficiency Moonshine? Identifying and treating deficiencies isn't one of my points of expertise. That's why I use the nutrients I use and grow my soil plants with Doc Bud's kit. When faced with problems this close to the end I usually throw my hands up in frustration and just get them to harvest. Lol! It's so fascinating that cannabis will keep bulking up when they battle these things, and as a survival mode make more potent essential oils.

Mind if I check in now and then to watch you bring home the bacon Moonshine? I can't promise to be here all the time, but I'll be sure to swing through to share the excitement. :battingeyelashes:
Hahaha! Well shoot sue I hear ya there! Kinda goes back to what you mentioned over hempy HQ. Sometimes the what doesn't kill them makes them stronger (tasting smelling and tasting).

Moon bud hope your week is going well my dude. We're getting close to chop chop chop-a-rooooo time!
Hahaha! Well shoot sue I hear ya there! Kinda goes back to what you mentioned over hempy HQ. Sometimes the what doesn't kill them makes them stronger (tasting smelling and tasting).

Moon bud hope your week is going well my dude. We're getting close to chop chop chop-a-rooooo time!

Thanks dab! Yes we are brother. I’m excited for these next few weeks, & some new strains for the next grow. :thumb:
Thanks Moonshine. :hug: That sent me into humble mode. :bigblush:

I can't be nominated for MOTM anymore. Took my name out of the running. No one should have to compete with all this energy. Lol!

Life gets much simpler when you figure out this simple approach:

Care more about how you feel than anything else, and deliberately choose to feel emotions that thrill you, like love, appreciation, gratitude, wonder, and joy. The more deliberately you do this the faster the energy flows in your life.

It's more fun out here in the fast-moving stream than anywhere else, IMHO. I keep trying to drag more and more of you into the waters. Lol!
I was telling my wife how your thread "the path" has "paved the way" for me and my mission to realign myself and resonate with the good and happy things in life!

Thanks for being so awesome and genuinely sweet when you get asked the same question 100 times a week....

You are my motm every month sue!!!
Thanks dab! Yes we are brother. I'm excited for these next few weeks, & some new strains for the next grow. :thumb:
What's next in the line up? Maybe some dabber crosses to come next year
They are looking nice!
Patience my friend....your doing GOOD.

thanks top!! i am trying to be patient.....actually done pretty good. Ive not looked at them since i put them back in the tent after taking that last pic i thats a lonnnnnng time for me. we go out back porch to smoke and to let dogs out in yard, so im always sneaking peaks. purple light hard to tell shit.. they just like like theyre dying in that pink light. hope your weekend is great bro
Hang in there bro how is the cal mag issue ? Ha e you got that fixed ?
thnks joe. not sure bro.....flushed luna with 6 gallons of phd to 6.2 water.. shes making progress now. just i lchecck her so much in the past it seemed like she was standing still, smells like pine. straight pungent clean piney sent. when i pulled her out to water her last. thursday it was. my arms had sticky all over them... lol....smelled just like christmas. I dumped my perfect iphone6s in the waterbucket post flush solution. ive watering my hibiscus with it, and its ballin!!! cranberry hibiscus, purslane, mexican petunias, zennias.....they all like it...

anyway im on pc now....thats why i having bombarded yall with later brojoe
no this was my phone bro. i cant believe it. i really really cant. im so freakin care ful with that type of thing. i kept my cell immaculate for a year and half two years almost. not a damn scratch. i was rushing .....and well....i bent over to grab a pipe cleaner for lil g next lst round, and i was wearing a hoody with the pockets for hands in front. i had phone in there, but they were all stretched, and i guess to much so that the phone plopped into a half full 5 gallon bucket. for about three seconds or so until i reallized it wasnt the hand trimmers. i bought that phone when i had some money, and now my damn phone is in a chamber at the fix broken phones place. the guy said it would half to be in there a couple days so ill check back monday. it might just need the chamber, but it might be fried. damn i feel like an idiot. i was in shock. i know it may not seem like a big deal to most, but it was nice having that nice phone dammit. now im still paying for two phones that we dont have. lol my wife busted her screen on the vacation that we bought the phones for so wed have some good pics to remember. So I know how she feels now. I was gonna get a cheaper one anyway, so i could give her it had the 64gig mem ad hers was just 16. and believe it or not, she takes more pics than me. lol Her mom had an old iphone 4 and gave it to her, and funny enough, my mom has two of them. so ill get one as well, if they still work. ehhhhhhh enough of that .....screw it...water under the bridge. Hope you have a great day Shed!!! Luna still has so many dead and fried dying leaves, its crazy. Im loosing lots of sugar leaves, wont that make her buds come to a standstill as far as getting fatter if she doest have those sugar leaves to absorb light. ??? I get this pc about 30 minutes out of the day, so Ill check back when time allows....later bro
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