Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Looking good over here Mr moon! Just keep doing what you're doing and should harvest some tastey smoke. Ps L2S was around not sure if he got back to ya....

Yeah , L2s pm’d me , but I told him not to worry about it. The issue has already been made right. :thumb: Just to concentrate on himself. Hoping things are better for him soon!
Good morning!! Pics of lil g at 36 days....Small you say? Kept as small as possible by colder temps. Lights are way about 6”s higher than I had them over the blueberries, but hey, what you have to do when you got limited space in tent. Lol. Here goes...

Also, this boveda pack knock off is all they had here locally. It’s a big on big enough for a gallon container. Will this work. He said that the pack will take 62 grams of water weight out of buds after the proper drying period. He said just leave in with packet, roll jar around every now & again during the cure.

I thought these things kept buds at 62% humidity, and you had to burp them? Will these work for me you guys think? I’ve never used them, & want these done as good as possible. Need to research that washing bud technique & try n copy sheds drying box creation. I’m not sure if I want this smell in house during this time of year, although it DOES smell like pine Christmas trees with a distinct weed smell. We will see! Later y’all. Time to start thinking bout if I’m going to use MOAB or not. It says during last 3 weeks of flower. It’s similar to shooting powder. 0-52-32 npk! What y’all think. Maybe I’ll take & post some trip home pics later....
You shouldn't have to burp with the bovedas if the bud is around 62% going into the jars

I didn't know that I've been burping lol oops
i see purple in those closeups ... looking great ... also dos is carrying a shitload of fat nugs ... she looks like 3 oz ... ;) ofcourse this is only a guestimate ... it may be more but not a lot less ... lol i almost sound like an expert hehe ... i am not for the record ;)

looking really promising moon i am glad for you ...

you have some beautiful plants .;; strong fuckers to ... the are doing well ... dos looks really dense and luna is taking her time ... but more time = more light = more flowers

keep it up ... i had a vision of you smoking some decent weed on Christmas ;)

Thanks pt. Right on brother!:high-five:
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