Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Oops. Pics....

Calcium magnesium deficiency ?

Looks very nice Moon. Buds on both look like they're getting thick and u have at least 20 days left. Go easy on Luna like I said and you will do well on both. :thumb:

No worries bro! But I don’t get it. Went right over my head. Lol. Have a great one dude! Why busker? Just curious. You a football fan? Nebraska?
Calcium magnesium deficiency ?


Thanks Joe. That’s a great descriptive diagram & pics. Def sounds about right, as I’ve seen the humidity drop into the 30’s according to the meter. Don’t know for how long though. Thanks again bud! Hope all is well in your part of this crazy world bro! Later!
Thanks shed & pt. I’d say at least 20 as well. Yes Luna is getting some swelling to her. It’s bout time. She’s lost soooo much time, but oh well, I should have acted on your advice sooner bro!

Pt, dude I’d like to think I’d get a lot, but there’s so many dang leaves on these things it’s hard to say! Lol. Peace y’all!
I'm always shocked at how little flowers weigh when I chop and lift the plant away from the soil. :laughtwo: They look so dense and heavy when they're growing. :laughtwo:

What are you doing to counter the Cal/Mg deficiency Moonshine? Identifying and treating deficiencies isn't one of my points of expertise. That's why I use the nutrients I use and grow my soil plants with Doc Bud's kit. When faced with problems this close to the end I usually throw my hands up in frustration and just get them to harvest. Lol! It's so fascinating that cannabis will keep bulking up when they battle these things, and as a survival mode make more potent essential oils.

Mind if I check in now and then to watch you bring home the bacon Moonshine? I can't promise to be here all the time, but I'll be sure to swing through to share the excitement. :battingeyelashes:
I'm always shocked at how little flowers weigh when I chop and lift the plant away from the soil. :laughtwo: They look so dense and heavy when they're growing. :laughtwo:

What are you doing to counter the Cal/Mg deficiency Moonshine? Identifying and treating deficiencies isn't one of my points of expertise. That's why I use the nutrients I use and grow my soil plants with Doc Bud's kit. When faced with problems this close to the end I usually throw my hands up in frustration and just get them to harvest. Lol! It's so fascinating that cannabis will keep bulking up when they battle these things, and as a survival mode make more potent essential oils.

Mind if I check in now and then to watch you bring home the bacon Moonshine? I can't promise to be here all the time, but I'll be sure to swing through to share the excitement. :battingeyelashes:

Are you KIDDING ME???? :thanks: I’m very honored that you stopped by, and would absolutely welcome your kindness, wisdom, positivity, creativity, advice, knowledge and friendship! It’s almost time for us to have some cake! :high-five: I’m subbed to the link “the path” thread, but the other one I’ll check out on Friday!

I think I’m going to take shed’s and others advice, & flush with ph’d water to 6.2 I think he said, I’ll have to check again to be sure. Then just cal mag, & bloom boosters rest of the way. It’s great to here someone else say that about throwing hands up & letting her do what she does at this stage when there’s deficiencies, instead of chasing my tail in circles! Hehe

And for everyone who hasent met or seen Sweet Sue yet, which I’m pretty sure you all have seen her threads by now, please say Hi!, to quite possibly a saint! In the short time I’ve known her , she’s helped me see troubles differently, & given me a different perspective on how to handle certain situations in my life. I’ve been to dr.s & therapists for years for issues I won’t go into, and she’s the one that should be making all the money those clowns I ve been shelling out bills to! Thanks Sue! You got my vote for member of the decade!!
Thanks Moonshine. :hug: That sent me into humble mode. :bigblush:

I can't be nominated for MOTM anymore. Took my name out of the running. No one should have to compete with all this energy. Lol!

Life gets much simpler when you figure out this simple approach:

Care more about how you feel than anything else, and deliberately choose to feel emotions that thrill you, like love, appreciation, gratitude, wonder, and joy. The more deliberately you do this the faster the energy flows in your life.

It's more fun out here in the fast-moving stream than anywhere else, IMHO. I keep trying to drag more and more of you into the waters. Lol!
Sue is the glue of this site. She is always quick to introduce herself to others and makes herself available to all. Her continuous education is always available to all and her journals are nothing more than a copy of all her knowledge.
A pillar of this great site for sure.
Thanks Moonshine. :hug: That sent me into humble mode. :bigblush:

I can't be nominated for MOTM anymore. Took my name out of the running. No one should have to compete with all this energy. Lol!

Life gets much simpler when you figure out this simple approach:

Care more about how you feel than anything else, and deliberately choose to feel emotions that thrill you, like love, appreciation, gratitude, wonder, and joy. The more deliberately you do this the faster the energy flows in your life.

It's more fun out here in the fast-moving stream than anywhere else, IMHO. I keep trying to drag more and more of you into the waters. Lol!

Hey sister.....I was on the swim team! Lol. It’s soooo quiet and peaceful in the water. Unless you push yourself to getting sick. Lol. True story. Winning isn’t that important to me anymore. I know who I am, and I like him! He’s a pretty good fella, that guy in the mirror. Everyone has forgotten the mistakes I’ve made in the past, ( well almost everyone), so I had to as well. Onward & upward folks! Brighter days!!

Y’all do yourself & ears a favor, and search “ jj grey & mofro”, the song.....any of them are winners. I like the longer ones, because he’ll sit at the piano, & start telling funny interesting random stories in the middle of a song. I would start with brighter days, fireflies, lochloosa, to name a couple. The Blackwater album is great. It’s the beige album with orange letters spelling “ mofro” and a tree underneath it I think it’s a tree, can’t remember. Lol.

For those who haven’t seen my posts on these artists, check out Ben Harper live at bonaroo “ burn one down”. After properly medicating of course!:thumb:
Thanks shed & pt. I’d say at least 20 as well. Yes Luna is getting some swelling to her. It’s bout time. She’s lost soooo much time, but oh well, I should have acted on your advice sooner bro!

Pt, dude I’d like to think I’d get a lot, but there’s so many dang leaves on these things it’s hard to say! Lol. Peace y’all!

I still guess 2 oz each ...
Flushed Luna with 6 gallons of water. Was under about 10-12 minute time limit. Long story. Anyway. Had to ph a gallon or 2 the rest were 1.75 or 1.89 liter bottles, on, ocean spray juice bottles and the lime, plus ph the same type bottles for dos. So point is....hate rushing anything, especially dealing with these plants, especially when my nerves are shot. No meds for 5 days now!! That’s a lot for me, a perennial 4-5x a day user.

Back to matter at hand. Some ph’d just right....6.1-6.2........other bottles were smaller and I forgot what I was doing cause rushing as I am now typing this. So some....well about 1.5 gallons were anywhere from 4.9 to 5.6. My ??? Is, will that just be a wash like I thought it would? Lastly, I watered dos with 3 gal ph’d down to 6.2. I’ll be back!! Later y’all!!
Doesn't matter what the early water was. Last water should be in the correct range. Hard to tell from what you typed!

Shoot. Well I guess worse case, I could run 4 more liters at 6-6.2 now that I have a few minutes. Cause I’m just not sure if the last water was correct. What you think bro? Damn, I’m gonna have to send you half or more of this grow bud! Hey, Luna does look like she’s about to go off. !!! :high-five::thanks:
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