Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Here went the transplant, a tad earlier than I’d like to have done it, but I get tired of being scared I’m gonna crush that little guy hiding in there, lol!!!! I mean girl dammit! No males!
have a great one all you damn pothead heathens!! :thumb: lol
Good job bro

Thanks joe! I got a peek at your journal a bit ago bro and it is bammin! Girls are looking sweet, and you got your rooms in tip top shape. So many pages I can’t remember where I left off. Lol. Got a very unhappy daughter with a double ear infection, and she’s got me on my toes!✌✌
Thanks joe! I got a peek at your journal a bit ago bro and it is bammin! Girls are looking sweet, and you got your rooms in tip top shape. So many pages I can't remember where I left off. Lol. Got a very unhappy daughter with a double ear infection, and she's got me on my toes!..

Yikes , hope the little one gets better man . I know what I'm like when I'm sick screw you world I hate everyone I want my mommy lol


Yeah thought I have deficiency check it out if you got a sec I think derby thinks just spilled nutes but I'm freaking lol

At this point of the grow I always get overwhelmed and feel like my lights arnt close or far enough away it's driving me bonkers .
Yikes , hope the little one gets better man . I know what I’m like when I’m sick screw you world I hate everyone I want my mommy lol


Yeah thought I have deficiency check it out if you got a sec I think derby thinks just spilled nutes but I’m freaking lol

At this point of the grow I always get overwhelmed and feel like my lights arnt close or far enough away it’s driving me bonkers .

Dude you got it goin on like donkey Kong over there! My wife said for every ten minutes of massage, I get 10 minutes of 420 &/or my plants! Lol. She’s a keeper!:thumb: I’ll swing by asa i Can bud.
Dude you got it goin on like donkey Kong over there! My wife said for every ten minutes of massage, I get 10 minutes of 420 &/or my plants! Lol. She's a keeper!:thumb: I'll swing by asa i Can bud.

Your welcome to your wife .

I wish I could train my wife to massage me we try to do 50/50 but she does about 80/20 lol

For the massaging that is .
Why does she have so many pistils & no bud? I hope she makes it, & doesn’t give me the airy , see through Reggie weed I got from my first grow!

she still has to swell in the next like 2 weeks ... with that amount of pistils she will get nice and fat imo ... be patient ... feed her ample P and K but avoid N like the plague hehe bloomboosters are very helpfull also ...
Did everyone decide that was a cal/mag deficiency? Are you giving them cal/mag? How many days is Luna now? Keep in mind that my first Blueberry went 84 days and my second went to 99!

Hey shed, I gave her 5 ml cal mag plus last feed, & 3ml the 2 or 3 before that! I thought I fried them with bloom nutes. Luna is 70 days this Thursday! I have MOAB sample, and I heard Week 5 for it. Not sure if I’m going to risk it this grow. I need meds for awhile! Lol
it has all the signs of calmag ... brown spots is calcium and the purple streaks on the stem is also Magnesium as is the dying of of lower leaves as they get deprived of Mg in favor of top growth

Thanks pt! ive heard that the purple streaks on stems, were from the led lights. And I know I am BAD at clean watering. I mean I always get splash on them. She so bushy. Lol.
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