Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

So...ppm my water....add nutes to a reach solution with a ppm Between 800-900. So how do I calculate how much of ea diff nute to hit that ppm #. Trial & error? Like I've been feeding pretty much 1/2 to 75% of full dose of everything but grow & micro & bloom. to nothing, .....micro 1/4 dose......bloom yeah....1/2-3-4 dose. This is going to be fun when I get the hang of it. I love numbers!!!! But man do I want 4-5 ounces total. Not too much to ask is it.
Don't over complicate it . Check the pom of your water Mix nutes as per instructions then check ppm. If it is too high I just dilute with more water to reach desired ppm.
Thanks Joe. I hope you had a great weekend brother. I'll be getting caught up on journals today I think. Man I went a few days w/o smoking, & my awesome wife went to her best friends house and brought back a g and a roach. I've got the best wife in the world. Best children, pets, family including you guys!!! I'm feeling very blessed, too blessed to be stressed. Sooo cheesy, but it's true. I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life, I learn something everyday from everyone in my life both the real & virtual one. Happy Steelers football Day!

You've been there for me so I help others who say hi .
So slurry test on dos this am after sitting all night
Can’t wait to water today. Oh. And I noticed that my pots are drying out in evenly. They are too close to the heater. Too cramped in ther. Heater is great , but too oldschool bulky. The six by heater is warm & feels bone dry, the other side is damp. I need to rotate them more I guess. Or actually, I haven’t been rotating or anything as much lately, as my wife kindly pointed out that I have a human family. Lol. Sometimes I get caught up in things, but besides the awesome times I’ve had since I’ve met my wife, & had my beautiful amazing kids and furry ones, this is the next best most exciting thing I’ve done. My wife understands that and is happy for me, but quick to point out when I’m obsessing. But I really do love this. Maybe it will wear off one day but I don’t see that happening. I hope I can do this for a living one day. I believe it & I will receive it! Man my thumb is tired from typing on this phone this am! God bless and great day. Oh..... I’ll be Bok! I love my life!:thumb:
no it will be the average between the two ... and since runoff comes out higher the water picked up some salts on the way ... meaning the soil is hi in nutrients ... but we already know that dont we... ;)

oh and i am sure you will get 4 oz between the two ladies 2oz is about the average most autos yield unless they stayed SPOG or stunted ... which yours clearly are not ... ;)

oh and damn you americans are infecting europe with the black friday fever ... where i am black friday broke all sales records for the first time ever it even surpassed the top days of sales periods .. this is only oil to the fire for next year ... soon we see riots break out over some goods like in states ... is it to much to hope for the legal us states to export legalisation laws to the old world ?

edit: damn i should read all before answer a q ... some one already gave the answer ;)

Dude! You say what u want here. I love opinions, facts, and everything you guys post on my thread. Y'all are awesome. And sorry our good ole "american greed" has infected your country. Greed equals poverty!!! You know, if I'd have listened to my wife's advice when I was effing up & didn't realize it due to my bi polar disorder, I'd definitley be in a better place, & so would my family. I've got so much to make up for, I fear I'll never be able to do it. But ima die trying that's for sure. I'm really excited for you bro! You're fast approaching the finish line. Is it me, or is sept the best time to start a grow. Aug to sept I guess. Cause the time just flies by during the football season & holidays. And the tent is sooooo killer. I don't even think I'm going to mess with outside this year. Except for regular gardening. Yeah!!!! That's not going to change by then is it??? Who am I kidding. Lol. Great day pt!!
Don't over complicate it . Check the pom of your water Mix nutes as per instructions then check ppm. If it is too high I just dilute with more water to reach desired ppm.

Thanks island brother. That’s simply genius, & yes bro, overthinking things keeps me running in circles & back to square one at times. Thanks for pointing that out bro. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m glad you came over to my journal bud. Peace my friend!:high-five:
Hey Moon, I'm up early-ish! Island is absolutely right about mixing your nutes and seeing where you end up in PPM. Don't forget to PPM-check your plain water first so you know what's nutes and what's water. I think you'll be fine in the 900 range in soil if you are watering to runoff. I found a list somewhere on an autoflower canna website but can't remember where I posted it.

HOWEVER, if your runoff is currently over 1000, you should NOT be running 900 on the nutes as your soil already has a lot to offer. Shoot for lower (dilute further) and use that until your runoff is closer to your solution, then you can bump it back up.
Hey anyone. I have lil g food ready. Spring water ppm of 165, after nutes , ppm=616. So that’s a total of ppm 781. Is this too high for her 26 day above ground? Also ph is 7.1.......too high also?

7.1 pH is a little high but not too bad. Try a little lemon or lime juice (start really small) to get it down to 6.5-6.7 or so especially since your soil is already over 7.0.

I'm confused by your math. Water = 165, after nutes = 616. Total nutes = 451. Seems ok for a photo in veg to me, but I'll leave that to the photo-folks. Just wanted to make sure your numbers were right.
7.1 pH is a little high but not too bad. Try a little lemon or lime juice (start really small) to get it down to 6.5-6.7 or so especially since your soil is already over 7.0.

I'm confused by your math. Water = 165, after nutes = 616. Total nutes = 451. Seems ok for a photo in veg to me, but I'll leave that to the photo-folks. Just wanted to make sure your numbers were right.

Cool. That’s the the way I thought it should work. I must have gotten someone’s advice confused somewhere this morning. The ppm of water before nutes is included in the 616 ppm. Right brother man?? And thanks bro!!
Cool. That’s the the way I thought it should work. I must have gotten someone’s advice confused somewhere this morning. The ppm of water before nutes is included in the 616 ppm. Right brother man?? And thanks bro!!

Right! The PPM of the final mixture represents the PPM of the water + the PPM of the nutes. Back out the water from that total and it leaves you with the PPM of just the nutes.
Right! The PPM of the final mixture represents the PPM of the water + the PPM of the nutes. Back out the water from that total and it leaves you with the PPM of just the nutes.

See bro! That’s what I thought. I’m might go back somewhere on this thread to see where I mis understood something. But second thought...who cares. Lol. Thanks bro. You’re the bees knees! I ph’d down to 6.3 for lil G. :thumb:
Moonshine bro have you grown a slurricane before ?

No bother......that sounds too fancy for me. Lol. Lil g has issues. Pics to come. Help please
thanks joe and or everyone!!
My personal opinion on nute levels are along the same lines as penny. Can you run 700 to 1000 ppm of nutes in flower? Sure. But I prefer a 650 to 750 range as a max. (Of course different levels for differnt plants, always listen to the signs they show you). Higher ppm causes a lot of problems: Ph problems, high levels of one nute or supplement cab lock out another. I am sticking with the less is more notion here.

Also your new smaller plant is experiencing nitrogen toxicity.
My personal opinion on nute levels are along the same lines as penny. Can you run 700 to 1000 ppm of nutes in flower? Sure. But I prefer a 650 to 750 range as a max. (Of course different levels for differnt plants, always listen to the signs they show you). Higher ppm causes a lot of problems: Ph problems, high levels of one nute or supplement cab lock out another. I am sticking with the less is more notion here.

Also your new smaller plant is experiencing nitrogen toxicity.

That was my thought! That's why I was asking about the soil which was a N problem for Luna and Dos.

In terms of PPM, a light touch is always safer, but sometimes it's fun to push as far as you can to make sure you've left nothing on the table. I found the PPM chart for autos in my first journal:
med-man method - feeding chart ppm/ec | The AutoFlower Network - AFN
From Med-man on the autoflower site:
clones / seeds -
week 1 - 140ppm / 0.2 ec
week 2 - 210ppm / 0.3 ec

At this point go feed feed flush. Feed feed flush etc

week 1 - 350ppm / 0.5 ec
week 2 - 420ppm / 0.7 ec
week 3 - 550-650 ppm / 0.8-0.9ec

bloom - transition
week 1 - 700ppm / 1.0 ec
week 2 - 800ppm / 1.1 ec

full bloom
weeks 3 - 5 (or more) - 800-900ppm / 1.2-1.3 ec

ripening (shock flushing)
15 days before flushing - 400-500ppm / 0.6-0.7 ec

15 days before harvest - 0-200ppm / 0.0-0.3 ec

shock ripening
at least 72 hours of pitch black and ice water. dehus on constant

less is more guys. pounding plants with ppms will stunt growth, stunt yield, lower quality, resin production, and send signals out to pests like pythium, powdery mildew and bud rot plus all the bugs you can name to come and finish them off. its how nature works. thos parasites are just waiting for the plants to call them in. and toxic salt build up is the #1 cause of all grow room related issues

And he says less is more but he's still recommending 800-900 in full bloom, so go figure!
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