Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

So did I just feed at 695 & 676 for a total 1371 ppm? Does it work that way?
No it would be the average of those numbers. So that's okay. Sorry to thought that was some soil name or something
In flower for those autos you should be in the 800-900 PPM nute range that does not include the water you are using. My nute water today was 986 PPM total including the water. Runoff should be in the same range as feeding water or a bit higher (maybe by 100PPM or so), but if it's way higher then back off on the nutes the next couple of waterings and watch it drop. I agree with Toasted that you're runoff is a little high with the runoff so back it off.

You can't add the two nute water PPMs together, you take an average like MadDab said. Runoff pH of 6.97 is fine, nutes in should be in the 6.5 area.

Hope you get your internet back!
So did I just feed at 695 & 676 for a total 1371 ppm? Does it work that way?

no it will be the average between the two ... and since runoff comes out higher the water picked up some salts on the way ... meaning the soil is hi in nutrients ... but we already know that dont we... ;)

oh and i am sure you will get 4 oz between the two ladies 2oz is about the average most autos yield unless they stayed SPOG or stunted ... which yours clearly are not ... ;)

oh and damn you americans are infecting europe with the black friday fever ... where i am black friday broke all sales records for the first time ever it even surpassed the top days of sales periods .. this is only oil to the fire for next year ... soon we see riots break out over some goods like in states ... is it to much to hope for the legal us states to export legalisation laws to the old world ?

edit: damn i should read all before answer a q ... some one already gave the answer ;)
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Americans (that includes Florida, strange place as it may be ;))! Hope Luna and Dos are enjoying the smell of roasted poultry along with the rest of the scents that fill the day.


Shed!!! What Can I say brother. Thanks for putting up with all my questions and for all the knowledge, advice & encouragement as well as the effort you've put into helping me understand things. You're dedication here is much appreciated sir! :thumb:
Morning Moon and Family!
Hope you, yours and girls are doing fine.
Maybe the testers will be there today!
Do yourself a favor. And go to there web site. See if they have any good info on them.
Calibrate them correctly.
Do a slurry test. Compensate the feed/water to the right pH.
You owe me nothing. Except learn to use them.
You have been given a fish. Almost daily in the form of information and guidance. All you do is eat for that day.
Now you have a tool that will allow you to go fishing! Now you can eat for a life time.
Learn this skill!
You are lucky to be in a state that is moving very quickly in Medical Marijuana.
Learn to grow successfully!
Hunt down the knowledge, protocols and process. That it would take to be a part of this growing industry.
Put yourself in a position to capitalize.
Put your dreams, ideas, and vision to work for you.
A bar napkin idea to the right person. Can net you the backing required to make dreams reality.

FIRST....Lets get your skills honed into a craft!
And the $7.10 I spent went to a good use. Lol

Got a busy to you later.

Dude, I hope you know you're the big brother I always wanted. Wish u were my Nextdoor neighbor!! I'd be pestering you all the time. Great day to ya brother. :high-five:
Bro no that soil down a tad brother

Thanks Joe. I hope you had a great weekend brother. I’ll be getting caught up on journals today I think. Man I went a few days w/o smoking, & my awesome wife went to her best friends house and brought back a g and a roach. I’ve got the best wife in the world. Best children, pets, family including you guys!!! I’m feeling very blessed, too blessed to be stressed. Sooo cheesy, but it’s true. I’m thankful for everything and everyone in my life, I learn something everyday from everyone in my life both the real & virtual one. Happy Steelers football Day!

Oh, & I forgot what it felt like to be good giggly medicated. The stuff I’d been smoking had me stumbling & mumbling, eating & sleeping. Uhhhhhgggg
I wouldn't be too mindful of ppm out in soil. The amendments will change ppm. I would just be mindful of how much you put in. In soil I would be hesitant to add more than 500- 600 ppm total supplements and nutrients. Totally depends on your soil and what is or isn't in it now ..

I did a ppm on the soil prior to feeding, but I'm not sure if it's accurate or even relevant, but I did it just to have the numbers in case. Yesterday was the first day I. Even thought about ppm. So it's brand new to me. Maybe I should ask my newly teenaged son who's mashing his advanced algebra class & maybe he could help me! Lol

Ooh....Luna's ppm was 0026 before feeding and the 1142 afterward. Ph was 7.13 prior to last nights feeding, & 6.97 after! Better yes?:thumb:
In flower for those autos you should be in the 800-900 PPM nute range that does not include the water you are using. My nute water today was 986 PPM total including the water. Runoff should be in the same range as feeding water or a bit higher (maybe by 100PPM or so), but if it's way higher then back off on the nutes the next couple of waterings and watch it drop. I agree with Toasted that you're runoff is a little high with the runoff so back it off.

You can't add the two nute water PPMs together, you take an average like MadDab said. Runoff pH of 6.97 is fine, nutes in should be in the 6.5 area.

Hope you get your internet back!

So...ppm my water....add nutes to a reach solution with a ppm Between 800-900. So how do I calculate how much of ea diff nute to hit that ppm #. Trial & error? Like I've been feeding pretty much 1/2 to 75% of full dose of everything but grow & micro & bloom. to nothing, .....micro 1/4 dose......bloom yeah....1/2-3-4 dose. This is going to be fun when I get the hang of it. I love numbers!!!! But man do I want 4-5 ounces total. Not too much to ask is it.
In flower for those autos you should be in the 800-900 PPM nute range that does not include the water you are using. My nute water today was 986 PPM total including the water. Runoff should be in the same range as feeding water or a bit higher (maybe by 100PPM or so), but if it's way higher then back off on the nutes the next couple of waterings and watch it drop. I agree with Toasted that you're runoff is a little high with the runoff so back it off.

You can't add the two nute water PPMs together, you take an average like MadDab said. Runoff pH of 6.97 is fine, nutes in should be in the 6.5 area.

Hope you get your internet back!

My first thought was that you'd take the average, but then I thought, it's two gallons with say it was a different "weight" in them, so if I wanted to know the total weight I'm putting into the pot, I'd "add"not "average." Thanks for answering that for me guys! You guys rock!
I'm running 700 ppm in flower right now, I'd consider 1000 ppm to be on the high side.

I'm in soil penny? I'm trying to find a soil feeding ppm chart on 420, but not finding anything useful. If anyone has a link to one & don't mind posting link I'd be greatful:thumb::high-five: I'm not lazy, I love reading about this great American pastime. Just waiting to get paid! Oh.....and I know guys.....a chart is just a attention to what she's telling me. I just don't hear her that well. Lol. Peace y'all.
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