Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Sorry about the many duplicate posts Itchy trigger finger. Only gave Luna 1 g of water with 3 ml cal mag plus, 11 ml of an ph per bloom, 1 ml of micro, 2 ml mammoth, 3ml pk 13-14, half strength of big bud, bud candy, bud factor x, & a partridge in a pear tree! Later all.

Oh, & Luna looks happy now. Top leaves are straightening & not as pouty. Honestly, I don’t know how long the effects from raising lights would show, but if it’s 3 days , it would make sense. I raised them Sunday! Pics to come when I can. To day is dos 56 day of life I think. Luna is in her 60’s now. Getting closer. I def won’t chop these early like I have my two other grows!
Thanks all...really no big deal!
Just want to see moon grow without all this stress.
He's trying hard to get there.
A little motivational push in the right direction. Will make a world of difference.
It's all about "paying it forward".
A ripple effect of positivity.
One day moon will be in a position. To do the same thing for someone.
Without hesitation.....

And you know I would/will one day. I believe that to fullest. :thumb:
Paying forward is what it’s all about. .

I brother...I do know this. I won’t go into detail, but I’ve def done some paying forward every chance I get, to a fault at times. I taught my young ones this as soon as they were old enough to understand. We did lots of cool things for peeps in need in my city. Not with a big outfit or anything.....just me & the kids. On our own, our own kind of way. I used to want to open a homeless shelter here for those homeless / drug addicted vets, that could just use some compassion & ahelping hand for all they have been exposed to so we can sleep at night. Get em in, clean em up, assign a rescued pet, teach them a vocation or help them get disability income if they’re disabled, & then have job placement so they can support themselves and feel better about themselves. Just a Dream. One day maybe a reality. Save a human & animal at the same time! Win! Peace & Love everyone.
No thanks needed.
Your pleasure is my pleasure.
I do what I do..because I can!
Gotta go! Cooking a turkey for "old and alone Heroes" whom we shall never forget their service!

Sent you a tracking #
Have a happy holiday weekend!
Looks good Moon .

You guys think she'll make it then?? Thanks!!

Joe, I had to go to your journal and see those nugs again. Saving my last piece of smoke to share with the wife, swing on porch, mid 60's weather, breeze, oh dang.....our "nug" is the size of a mechanical pencil eraser. Lol. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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