Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Jumping in late as usual. I just wanted to say that pH of runoff does NOT indicate pH of soil. Soil test is a tablespoon of soil in 8 ounces of distilled water, stirred hourly for about 4 hours. Then test the water (no need to strain).

Runoff pH should always be pretty close to what you put it bc it's just runoff. I'm going with the add cal/mag crowd here and raise the pH closer to 6.7.
Thanks you guys. So I have cal mag plus by botanicare it’s 2-0-0 pk ratio. Label Suggests 3-5 ml per gallon. What say y’all? I’m thinking 3ml’s. Also, these smell like strong pine clean fresh scent. Stroooongg pine. I read that ruderalis is that way. Point is, they smell just like my early miss did. But stronger. Just thinking out loud.

But seriously, thanks a lot y’all. I’m trying that soil test. Peace
Agree. I use 5 to 6 but coco holds a ton so I have to. What I find is easiest is to just use cal mag and bloom nutes. The cal mag will offer the needed supplements as well as 2 nitrogen to what is typically a 1-2-4 or 1-3-4. Your plant has lots of nitrogen in the soil and now stored inside it's cells so any grow formula can be omitted in place of the cal mag. If your bloom fertilizer is 2 part only use the second part containing high p and k. In know as you mentioned there is no sign of a deficiency but you will thank yourself later when youbhave bigger denser nugs.

Just my thoughts and 2 cents. Wishing you and your plants all the best Mr moon. (Sorry we watch sing everyday so your stuck with the nick name for a lol longer )

There are more accurate charts but here's an idea of what I'm getting at bud.

Yeah there’s a similar one I saw on grow weed easy. I didn’t think about the optimum ph range being diff for diff nutes. Thanks bro. And I even just looked at the chart at the same time as I posted the one earlier. Talk about 10 sec Tom!!! Lol
Tap water will be affected by whatever basic elements exist in it eg. cal/mag. Most tap water around us is highly alkaline - mine runs just shy of 8. Distilled has no impurities - so only after having steeped the soil will the water read accurate. I wouldn't rely on tap water to provide an accurate soil test, but if you have any dolomite lime lying around I'd look into using a teeny bit.

I'm certain you'll get things under control Moonshine! hope all is well in your world
Tap water will be affected by whatever basic elements exist in it eg. cal/mag. Most tap water around us is highly alkaline - mine runs just shy of 8. Distilled has no impurities - so only after having steeped the soil will the water read accurate. I wouldn't rely on tap water to provide an accurate soil test, but if you have any dolomite lime lying around I'd look into using a teeny bit.

I'm certain you'll get things under control Moonshine! hope all is well in your world

Thanks hs!! Yeppers....mine is 8.....but after I add nutes, because it’s an ph per ph’s it downt to 6 or is the color for 7 ph, so see what I mean, color chart isn’t very reliable, so I guess I’ll play with it a bit. Long as she makes it
Purified drinking water is okay. Not any artisan or spring waters. They fluctuate more in my experience
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