Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Luna’s got issues for my tissues.....
Hey what up shed. Yeah mixed nutes, on stem. Yeah I've no time for worry, only curiosity!:thumb: you see, while looking to determine the problem/s with the leaves, I was watering, & got tired of moving clips, and not being able to see in the pot while watering. So I trimmed some under brush, both dead leaves from nute burn, & small branches & leaves from bottom. First time seeing the trunk & couldn't remember if the base of my previous plants had that beige rotting look to it. That's all. And you can't tell me you don't go out to the shed at least 2-3 x's a day bro! Not truthfully! Haha:thumb:
Good afternoon Moonshine! hope all is well :circle-of-love:
Yeah can you up the pk booster any Mr moon? If your using cal mag that's likely enough n for flower in itself. But there's some great buddage going on duder!!
buds are stacking very nice Moon!
Buds are stacking really well. A bit concerned about those hanging leaves on Luna tho. Water issue or still too much N?

I have no idea really. I know I’ve been feeding so much it’s not a def of sort. I’ve looked up & found pics of leaves like this, grow weed easy, suggested either boron def, or classic signs of broad mites or russet mites? Who knows. Hope she makes it to the dance!!
Yeah can you up the pk booster any Mr moon? If your using cal mag that's likely enough n for flower in itself. But there's some great buddage going on duder!!

Thanks dab. Haven’t seen you around for a bit man. Thanks for dropping by. I’ve given her 6 gallons of plain water from the 17th to today.....and before that...half rec dose of cal mag plus. What’s weird is the other plant dos.....gets same treatment, & look at the two of them. Weird!

Ok so here is something I’m wondering that seems like common sense to me, but we will see I reckon. If I water with 6 ish ph.......runoff is same (color) cause I got the ph up down kit where you’re given a color chart to match up your ph to. So wouldn’t that mean that the current ph of the soil is 6 ish. I’ve read that you can mix water withe some of your soil from around roots, sit for a day mixing into a slurry stir throughout the day then squeeze through coffee filter & then test liquid. Wtf. Does anyone even do that? Is that really a thing? Lol

Digging around my plants roots? I think they must be talking bout outside reg plants! Lol. Maybe I’m just simple minded ole fool!:thumb:
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