Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Yea been a crasy week. I had 10 degree temps. in my pool house with make shift tent and heater she is going to make it but wont be the best looking girl but will be able to dance.

happy growing

Hey mike! I’m glad she pulled through for ya. I just looked at my hygrometer, & discovered that my tent dropped as low as 59deg f. Got to figure out how the hell that happened before those nights in the 30’s come round. I think someone tripped the circuit that day. Great day bud! :thumb:
Looking great Moonshine!
Don't go to light on the micro.
Grow is the ONE to go real light on or cut it off.
What brand of CalMag + you using?
What is the Nitrate used?
The nitrates that are used in some products. For Chelate (synthetic binding) purposes are not soluble.
Plants can not feed or use those nitrates. So using will not increase "N".
Looking great Moonshine!
Don't go to light on the micro.
Grow is the ONE to go real light on or cut it off.
What brand of CalMag + you using?
What is the Nitrate used?
The nitrates that are used in some products. For Chelate (synthetic binding) purposes are not soluble.
Plants can not feed or use those nitrates. So using will not increase "N".

Hey boss! How goes it this am? It’s botanicare plus.....2% N.
Furcifer.. can those forms of n cause buildup in the soil since the plants cannot use them? Would it be causing my bottom leaves to yellow and die off?? Happened last grow too and i still cant figure out the issue.. flushed my ladies but it seemed to make it worse. Not really worried cause the buds are still growing and frosting up nicely just wonder why they arent staying healthy through out flower. Hoping flowering with the organic soil im using will make that quit happening.. damn chemicals!
Furcifer.. can those forms of n cause buildup in the soil since the plants cannot use them? Would it be causing my bottom leaves to yellow and die off?? Happened last grow too and i still cant figure out the issue.. flushed my ladies but it seemed to make it worse. Not really worried cause the buds are still growing and frosting up nicely just wonder why they arent staying healthy through out flower. Hoping flowering with the organic soil im using will make that quit happening.. damn chemicals!
Well in theory and crop lands made incapable of continued healthy growth. Without excessive soil amending.
The overuse of Chelation is more the culprit.
Think about it.....chelation holds a mineral (heavy metal) in suspension. Traveling with a host mineral. The chelated binding and/or host is eventually released for metabolism. The chelated binding that has been synthesize returns to the grow media. To attach to any other mineral available.
Cycle continues. As long as these minerals are bound. They can not be metabolized.
Concept and this type of use is highly unacceptable in the agricultural field.

Chelation in agriculture is used sparingly to deliver needed nutrients at the right time and amount.
Not so in the CANNABIS NUTRIENT field of profit over health concerns in an unregulated product.


I don't flush per say with natural/organic ferts.

The systematic reduction of nutes at the end of flower.
Will send remaining reserves of nutrients to flower finalization. (This is the plants goal, reproduction before death).
24 to 48 hours I will run clean pH'ed water.
This is to promote osmosis of chlorophyll during the drying period.

There is a lot more to This!
Just trying to put info in a nutshell.

Pinched this off dos this am. Top of mag def???
Ok, you checked pH!
Where was it on the plant?
Is it the only one, or more leaves have This? touching anything?
Was it exposed to light? Or covered?
What was the coldest temps that it was exposed to?
Agree with toast - 6.8 is considered optimal
thanks everyone. havent had a chance to do jack really except adjust heater, and give luna another two gallons of water. im so used to the an ph per adjusting ph for me, that i forgot AGAIN, to ph it before watering. she looked very dry actually both her and dos, pots are light as plain soil with half perlite....i mean light, i could carry around in palm of my hand light. any way, will handle things when i have chance at 8am. Big boy now i have...young man actually, now a teen. time flies. Im so proud of my kids. they could have wanted to see things their friends want to see like justice league, thor, daddys home or whatever that movie is with will ferrel and walberg, id like to see that too, but, mine wanted to see WONDER........amazing movie.....must see......bring a box of tissues if youre a softie like me. Amazing movie. Really....amazing. Great day all.
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